And now Barack Obama’s grand evil scheme is all coming together after what President Biden’s just proclaimed.
Many Americans look back at the Barack Obama administration with disdain for the way he orchestrated and invited national security threats, in the opinion of his critics. They point to his terrible Iran deal, his immigration policies that let unvetted radical Muslims into the nation, and much more.
In some circles, Barack Obama has a legacy of being what some would call a “Muslim sympathizer” instead of an America First patriot that should be a characteristic of every U.S. president. This is a legacy that’s carried on throughout the Democrat Party and it’s infected the Biden administration.
Recently, it was leaked that the Biden administration was possibly considering a targeted immigration plan to let Gazans take refuge in the United States due to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. But critics of this leaked plan are begging Joe Biden to reconsider.
Immigration specialists caution against a rumored initiative by the Biden administration to bring in Palestinians as refugees, emphasizing the potential risks to U.S. security.
Leaked internal government documents disclosed on Tuesday suggest that the Biden White House is mulling over options to offer permanent sanctuary to Palestinians from the strife-ridden Gaza Strip. While no official plan has been declared, many within government circles and immigration experts express concerns about the potential fallout from such a move.