Obama slips on TV: 'My Muslim faith'


New Member
A "Freudian slip" perhaps.........:whistle:

Obama slips on TV: 'My Muslim faith'
Presidential candidate drops line in interview discussing his belief

Posted: September 07, 2008
3:42 pm Eastern
By Aaron Klein
© 2008 WorldNetDaily

Slip of the tongue or momentary confusion? In a television interview today discussing his religion, Sen. Barack Obama stated, "My Muslim faith."

Obama, speaking to ABC's George Stephanopoulos on "This Week," was talking about what he described as "smears" that were claiming he was a Muslim when he maintains he is a practicing Christian.

"Let's not play games," Obama stated. "What I was suggesting – you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith. And you're absolutely right that that has not come."

Stephanopoulos immediately interrupted Obama, stating, "Christian faith."

"My Christian faith," Obama quickly said. "Well, what I'm saying is that he (McCain) hasn't suggested that I'm a Muslim. And I think that his campaign's upper echelons have not, either. What I think is fair to say is that, coming out of the Republican camp, there have been efforts to suggest that perhaps I'm not who I say I am when it comes to my faith – something which I find deeply offensive, and that has been going on for a pretty long time."

Obama slips on TV: 'My Muslim faith'


New Member
This man is a trip....he is now saying that he thought about going into the service but it was after Vietnam and there weren't any conflicts, and let's see he is saying that now he will leave Bush's tax cuts in place instead of cutting them immediately and he is also backpeddling on the abortion issues......

He is trying to figure out which way to proceed since he is slipping in the polls.....so what do you Democrats think he is going to do in office if he can't make up his mind as a candidate..............:whistle:


So so suck your toe all the way to Mexico chew it in chew it out turn it into sauerkraut.


First it's, "HE'S NOT MUSLIM!!!" Then it becomes, "So what if he's Muslim??"


Andy seems to suck at the role of Obama spin doctor doesn't he? Perhaps he should apprentice under forestool.


Religion doesn't belong in politics at all. :shrug:

So, I can overlook it seeing as I don't GAF.


What about all the posts nono, stool and nhboi about Palin being "Evangelical" "Pentecostal" and "Christian" and all the hating against the "religious right"? And what about Wright preaching political sermons hating America?

They are just people who vote their conscience and are hated for it by the left. :shrug:


Religion doesn't belong in politics at all. :shrug:

So, I can overlook it seeing as I don't GAF.


thats gotta be the dumbest thing ive ever heard.

with out religion there is no moral standard that an individual
is expected to live by.

You do know in the Koran, it tells muslims to be the wolf in sheeps
clothing and do anything to get in power and kill all the infidels.



Dancing Up A Storm
thats gotta be the dumbest thing ive ever heard.

with out religion there is no moral standard that an individual
is expected to live by.

You do know in the Koran, it tells muslims to be the wolf in sheeps
clothing and do anything to get in power and kill all the infidels.



And, for what it's worth, I do not find this a laughing matter.


New Member
What about all the posts nono, stool and nhboi about Palin being "Evangelical" "Pentecostal" and "Christian" and all the hating against the "religious right"? And what about Wright preaching political sermons hating America?

They are just people who vote their conscience and are hated for it by the left. :shrug:

I read one the other day that said she was a" Holy Roller"

Obama is not ready for prime time.


New Member

And, for what it's worth, I do not find this a laughing matter.

It absolutely isn't a laughing matter and besides all that, Andy isn't isolated in his opinion, here maybe, but among his age group, he isn't. The lack of knowledge is frightening for this country in today's day and age, and it seems the lower class of life, who has the ability to cast that vote, is going to vote based on the promise of national health care and what they are going to get out of his promises. Any idiot can look over what all he promises and knows that any government big enough to give people everything they want, is big enough to take it away. Obama is a choice this country cannot afford for MANY reasons besides the tax increase that would come under him as president.

Our household has paid enough money in taxes the past 4-years that if we had invested that money in a house in PA or SC, it would be paid off. Imagine paying a house off in about 4-years? I just cannot understand why many of these young people today expect the Federal government (well also the State Government) to support them. My GAWD... And Andy says, so what if he is a Muslin to boot. :doh:
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