Obama slips on TV: 'My Muslim faith'


Obama destroyed America
It absolutely isn't a laughing matter and besides all that, Andy isn't isolated in his opinion, here maybe, but among his age group, he isn't. The lack of knowledge is frightening for this country in today's day and age, and it seems the lower class of life, who has the ability to cast that vote, is going to vote based on the promise of national health care and what they are going to get out of his promises. Any idiot can look over what all he promises and knows that any government big enough to give people everything they want, is big enough to take it away. Obama is a choice this country cannot afford for MANY reasons besides the tax increase that would come under him as president.

Our household has paid enough money in taxes the past 4-years that if we had invested that money in a house in PA or SC, it would be paid off. Imagine paying a house off in about 4-years? I just cannot understand why many of these young people today expect the Federal government (well also the State Government) to support them. My GAWD... And Andy says, so what if he is a Muslin to boot. :doh:
Andy has the IQ of the glass on my coffee table. He posts he's republican, he posts he's independent then he posts he's voting democrat.

It is truly scary what these young kooks think today.
Hey Andrew, why don't you enlist and get a REAL education.

Oh btw, I apologize to the glass on my coffee table for comparing it to Andy.


WorldNetDaily! :lmao:

His name is even Muslim. :lmao:

Here it is in context...

I love how he and libs like him slam Fox news with such disgust as being "right" but say nothing about ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, AP, NYT, WaPo who all diddle themselves to Obama posters every night.

Obama also finds many things "deeply insulting". He better hope he doesn't win. With the brand of nasty vile politics the demos have perfected is visited upon him like it has Bush they will have to talk him off a ledge every night.


New Member
Oh btw, I apologize to the glass on my coffee table for comparing it to Andy.

That glass has a function, hold water, hold change, put a candle in it, decorate it with colored sand. This line of thinking has no function nor purpose. Andy doesn't know what he believes in, all he knows is that Obama is popular among those in his age group, so he has the desire to belong and votes the same.

Has to be it....


Dancing Up A Storm
Andy has the IQ of the glass on my coffee table. He posts he's republican, he posts he's independent then he posts he's voting democrat.

It is truly scary what these young kooks think today.
Hey Andrew, why don't you enlist and get a REAL education.

Oh btw, I apologize to the glass on my coffee table for comparing it to Andy.

You just made me choke on the beer I was sipping! :lmao:


I want to be retarded.

Life would be soooomuch easier

I want drumsticks (from KFC..because that's all I like) free offers from Rita's; a GPS; high speed internet, a wide screen TV, etc...

All paid by you mentally capable folk.

Thank you.


Want To Be Retard

P.S. Thanks for the imported beer. :buddies:


My middle name means "pale" and I'm not. My first name is Hebrew and Aramaic and I'm not Jewish. People have French names who aren't French. So sick of the "Hussein" :jameo:-ing.


Lovin' being Texican
Ummm, tiny....

My middle name means "pale" and I'm not. My first name is Hebrew and Aramaic and I'm not Jewish. People have French names who aren't French. So sick of the "Hussein" :jameo:-ing.

...this isn't about his name this time. It's about his revelation that he had a Muslim religion.


Harley Rider
My middle name means "pale" and I'm not. My first name is Hebrew and Aramaic and I'm not Jewish. People have French names who aren't French. So sick of the "Hussein" :jameo:-ing.
How many terrorists introduce themselves as terrorists to a country they want to destroy? He is slipping up WAAYYY too much lately to ignore but fools like you can't see it. If you can't see the signs that are out there, please stay home; you're dangerous! This man is evil on stilts! His name alone is a big red flag to ANY half intelligent person but many other signs are screaming out to us also. If you want to put a muslim in charge of this country go and vote for him. Your voting date is November 31st this year.


Dancing Up A Storm
Isn't it ironic, that Obama professes to be a Christian, and has been so(or so he says), under the mentoring of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright in Chicago, for 20 years.

And yet, during that interview, he mentions his "Muslim Faith", on NATIONAL television, before a, no doubt - huge audience!

I have to wonder how many times we are going to see footage of that tape -
on the Mainstream Media, tomorrow, and in the days after?

Don't hold your breath! :lmao:


New Member
I dont know what he is now, and I doubt he knows.

What I do know:
His daddy was a Muslim
His Stepdaddy was a Wahabbe Muslim
His mother married twice,both time's to Muslims.
He did study for a while at a Madressa
The man who got him the money to go to Harvard was an influential, radical black Muslim with close ties to the Saudi royal family and an outspoken opponent of Israel helped finance Obama's law school education. Obama's benefactor at the young age of 25 is Dr. Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour a/k/a Donald Warden.
His former preacher Jeremiah Wright has ties to Farrakhan.
One of his mentors in Hawaii was Frank Davis a Communist.

Now I dont know if he is a Communist or a Muslim, and like I say< I doubt he is sure himself.
I do know John McCain is neither.


In My Opinion
That glass has a function, hold water, hold change, put a candle in it, decorate it with colored sand. This line of thinking has no function nor purpose. Andy doesn't know what he believes in, all he knows is that Obama is popular among those in his age group, so he has the desire to belong and votes the same.

Has to be it....
but what if you had a trophy room in your house? a stuffed andy could be an interesting addition.
you could dress him for holidays, you could put a dart board in his hands, you could even put little light bulbs in his eye sockets and use him for a night light. Everything has a use, its just that sometimes you have to be creative to find that use.


Lovin' being Texican
but what if you had a trophy room in your house? a stuffed andy could be an interesting addition.
you could dress him for holidays, you could put a dart board in his hands, you could even put little light bulbs in his eye sockets and use him for a night light. Everything has a use, its just that sometimes you have to be creative to find that use.



In My Opinion
funny how McCain mentions the borders of Iran and Pakistan when speaking about Iraq, and the libs take it to mean he thinks Iran and Pakistan border each other instead of Iran and Pakistan bordering Iraq, and they spend weeks discussing this,

yet, obama admits that he is a muslim, and its just a slip of the tounge,,,

You would think that Jesus II would be less apt to make these errors.