Obama slips on TV: 'My Muslim faith'


New Member
Isn't it ironic, that Obama professes to be a Christian, and has been so(or so he says), under the mentoring of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright in Chicago, for 20 years.

And yet, during that interview, he mentions his "Muslim Faith", on NATIONAL television, before a, no doubt - huge audience!

I have to wonder how many times we are going to see footage of that tape -
on the Mainstream Media, tomorrow, and in the days after?

Don't hold your breath! :lmao:

you guys should all learn to read in context.....

was talking about what he described as "smears" that were claiming he was a Muslim when he maintains he is a practicing Christian.

"Let's not play games," Obama stated. "What I was suggesting – you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith. And you're absolutely right that that has not come."

Stephanopoulos immediately interrupted Obama, stating, "Christian faith."

"My Christian faith," Obama quickly said. "Well, what I'm saying is that he (McCain) hasn't suggested that I'm a Muslim. And I think that his campaign's upper echelons have not, either

its pretty easy to follow. you guys are reading way too much into a simple statment made in response to a smear made about him being muslim.

It would be like if Palin was answering a question about her baby and said "Obama hasn't asked about my daughter being the mother of tryg(or whatever her youngest is named)"

it wouldn't mean that the daughter is the mother


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Too bad. George Bush makes the slightest verbal faux pas and the press is on him like flies on ####. Guess what, Barack? Now it's your turn.

Not so amusing anymore, is it?


New Member
If one is Muslim and converts to Christianity, they can easily be a target of a fatwah. Ie., it is punishable by death. So, what is Obama, is he still Muslim and went to a Christian church to keep his wife happy but never converted, or is he a target. We must know.


...this isn't about his name this time. It's about his revelation that he had a Muslim religion.

Someone mentioned his Arabic middle name a little before I posted, that's what I was responding to.

Ya ever noticed how he pronounces pakistan, taliban, al qaeda, ect..
He changes his dialect on muslim words

Wow, yeah, he pronounces them correctly. Terrorism at its finest.

He did study for a while at a Madressa

Yeah, when he was five. LOLZ. And I have a Jewish godfather. Not Jewish.

Guess what, Barack? Now it's your turn.

Not so amusing anymore, is it?

I never thought it was amusing in the first place. I think all of Bush's "gaffes" were planned to keep people comfortable or way too much was read into them - I think he's extremely clever, on the contrary to what his blunders would have us believe. And there's a difference between using someone's blunders to call them dimwitted and using someone's blunders to call them a terrorist. And I agree, every candidate should expect to have their words dissected and every one should be careful about how they phrase and word things. Whoever wants to can dissect Obama's - even I have. I just happen to think this particular one is pretty ridiculous.
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Dancing Up A Storm
Someone mentioned his Arabic middle name a little before I posted, that's what I was responding to.

Wow, yeah, he pronounces them correctly. Terrorism at its finest.

Yeah, when he was five. LOLZ. And I have a Jewish godfather. Not Jewish.

I never thought it was amusing in the first place. I think all of Bush's "gaffes" were planned to keep people comfortable or way too much was read into them - I think he's extremely clever, on the contrary to what his blunders would have us believe. And there's a difference between using someone's blunders to call them dimwitted and using someone's blunders to call them a terrorist. And I agree, every candidate should expect to have their words dissected and every one should be careful about how they phrase and word things. Whoever wants to can dissect Obama's - even I have. I just happen to think this particular one is pretty ridiculous.

Life never turns out the way you want it to, does it?


you guys should all learn to read in context.....

its pretty easy to follow. you guys are reading way too much into a simple statment made in response to a smear made about him being muslim.

I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but: Tommy Jones has a point.

What I read IN NO WAY implies that Obama was referring to his actual Muslim faith. It was a totally abstract reference to a hypothetical proposition. Like if someone was goofing around and made a remark about me being pregnant, and then I later refer back to that reference about "my pregnancy". I hardly think that anyone here would really think I had a bun in the oven*.

There's a lot more legit crap to pick at Obama about, but this one is lame-city.

*To any noobs reading.... I'm a dude, and there is no oven. Thus the ironic comparison.


Harley Rider
If one is Muslim and converts to Christianity, they can easily be a target of a fatwah. Ie., it is punishable by death. So, what is Obama, is he still Muslim and went to a Christian church to keep his wife happy but never converted, or is he a target. We must know.
:yay: :yay:
If what you say is true, then he would be a target and in constant danger of being killed. Since no attacks have been made on him by HIS people, he must STILL be a Muslim.
Hey Dem's, can you hear me now??? Still wanna put a Muslim in charge of the USA? :loser:
Politics has and always will be a game of who can poke who the best and get away with it. They are all crooks and WE are paying them with our hard earned money. Be very afraid if this man gets in office. Mark my words people!!!


Dancing Up A Storm

:yay: :yay:
If what you say is true, then he would be a target and in constant danger of being killed. Since no attacks have been made on him by HIS people, he must STILL be a Muslim.
Hey Dem's, can you hear me now??? Still wanna put a Muslim in charge of the USA? :loser:


Politics has and always will be a game of who can poke who the best and get away with it. They are all crooks and WE are paying them with our hard earned money. Be very afraid if this man gets in office. Mark my words people!!!

I wonder how many other websites, throughout this country - are Americans voicing these same opinions?

Me? I don't want him as our President, any way, shape, or form. He's shady as hell, got something up his sleeve, etc., and etc. To me, his background, from his formative years, right on through his days at Harvard, have made me just a little leery of his agenda.


Bookseller Lady
My father is Catholic. I was not raised by him, but I've attended Catholic weddings and events at my friend's Catholic school. Following this thread's logic I must be Catholic (never mind the lack of baptism or the fact that I call myself a Unitarian).


Dancing Up A Storm
My father is Catholic. I was not raised by him, but I've attended Catholic weddings and events at my friend's Catholic school. Following this thread's logic I must be Catholic (never mind the lack of baptism or the fact that I call myself a Unitarian).

And, your point is? What?


Bookseller Lady
And, your point is? What?

...that the logic of "his dad who he was barely knew was Muslim, so he must be Muslim, even though he was not raised one and has claimed to be Christian his entire adult life" is completely idiotic. It disturbs me that this was even be used as a smear, let alone still circulated long after multiple sources have proven it to be false. If there were any truth to it don't you think McCain's campaign would be running with it?



Dancing Up A Storm
...that the logic of "his dad who he was barely knew was Muslim, so he must be Muslim, even though he was not raised one and has claimed to be Christian his entire adult life" is completely idiotic. It disturbs me that this was even be used as a smear, let alone still circulated long after multiple sources have proven it to be false. If there were any truth to it don't you think McCain's campaign would be running with it?

You don't follow along very well, do you?

Did you not read the (possible) formation of his Muslim faith, when he, Obama, was a young child, studying the Koran in Indonesia?

How the greater part of his tuition at Harvard University, was paid for by an Islamic extremist?

What part of that information - did you not understand?


Harley Rider
My father is Catholic. I was not raised by him, but I've attended Catholic weddings and events at my friend's Catholic school. Following this thread's logic I must be Catholic (never mind the lack of baptism or the fact that I call myself a Unitarian).
The point is you're NOT following this thread's logic.
We're talking about him today, now, his adult life. His childhood isn't the issue here. He claims to be Muslim and he claims to be Christian. He CAN'T be both. Ok? Come on Unitarian, catch up.
Notice I didn't say Catholic?.....Well, did you?..... Just checking.:howdy: