professional daydreamer
That actually makes sense as a part of the proceedings.
The Usual Suspects. It's always the guy who flies below the radar. "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
Nope....bigger than the "usual" suspects, unless you're including the Bilderberg Group, NWO Agenda, Bohemian Grove, Authoritarian Creep, Georgia Guide Stones, ...and what about that unelected and unregulated branch of government (Administrative)?
...three branches held together through a type of outward pressure – each holding the other in place through their countervailing forces. Add a fourth branch and the structure begins to collapse. That is precisely what is happening as federal agencies grow beyond the traditional controls and oversight of the legislative and executive branches
There is a lot of corruption going on, and the deeper you dig, the scarier it gets. It also reaches the point of ridiculousness, and ends up being discussed in the Conspiracy Theories thread, because who would actually buy into it all? Seriously? Why would anyone believe that our government would do anything to harm us?