Obama wants Marines to wear ‘girly’ hats


Well-Known Member
At some point an argument without any proof become an emotional reach to justify an inappropriate reaction.

Constant observation of liberals over the years leads me to this: they're petty, vindictive, tyrannical little biatches.


De omnibus dubitandum est
Sergeant Major Daniel Joseph "Dan" Daly (November 11, 1873 – April 27, 1937) was a United States Marine and one of only nineteen men (including seven marines) to have received the Medal of Honor twice. Of the Marines who are double recipients, only Daly and Major General Smedley Butler received their Medals of Honor for two, separate actions.

Daly is said to have yelled, "Come on, you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?" to the men in his company prior to charging the Germans during the Battle of Belleau Wood in World War I, imitating the words of the Prussian King Frederick the Great at the Battle of Kolin.

Major General Butler described Daly as, "The fightin'est Marine I ever knew!" Daly reportedly was offered an officer's commission twice to which he responded that he would rather be, "...an outstanding sergeant than just another officer."

The Medals of Honor are on display at the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Triangle, Virginia


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What's even odder is that several articles said that a survey was being sent out to the Marines requesting their feedback on several uniform changes including this new cover.

The survey was definitely answered with a negative to the Dan Daley covers, according to every Marine I spoke to. There were several other questions also.
This story was shot down this morning around 700 by the Commandant's office, funny thing is that it was on national news for hours later.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Sergeant Major Daniel Joseph "Dan" Daly (November 11, 1873 – April 27, 1937) was a United States Marine and one of only nineteen men (including seven marines) to have received the Medal of Honor twice. Of the Marines who are double recipients, only Daly and Major General Smedley Butler received their Medals of Honor for two, separate actions.

Daly is said to have yelled, "Come on, you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?" to the men in his company prior to charging the Germans during the Battle of Belleau Wood in World War I, imitating the words of the Prussian King Frederick the Great at the Battle of Kolin.

Major General Butler described Daly as, "The fightin'est Marine I ever knew!" Daly reportedly was offered an officer's commission twice to which he responded that he would rather be, "...an outstanding sergeant than just another officer."

The Medals of Honor are on display at the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Triangle, Virginia

Can you imagine the outrage today if a modern marine sergeant yelled out to his fighting company of men and women about to attack "Come on, you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?"

I believe the fallout from that insensitive comment today would be much worse than the death and carnage imposed upon the Marines during the assault. Probably get the leader court-martial'd and doomed to a life of sensitivity training sessions.:killingme

The horror! The horror!


It's a Jeep thang!
Marine calls new unisex hats 'appalling' | Fox News Video

Retired Gunnery Sergeant says it feminizes the men, masculinizes the women in the Marine Corps.

PS: somebody want to tell Megan that the reason the women's covers cost more is because they're buying less of them.

She also said she was very disturbed by the fact that this is even being considered given today's budget climate. I did not listen to her entire segment but she opened with that and I found it right on the spot.

I am not upset as to whether the President, The Simpsons, the PC Society. the gays, the friggan Oneida (or however you spell those friggan redskin wussies) nation is even bringing this up.

I am upset because DOD is even considering this after the bullsheet furlough stuff we went through and how "painful" the sequestration is to all of us. Come on folks, DOD has ships in the yards being delayed, DOD has troops being extended in a war fighting capacity, DOD has veterans returning home in a box and the Pentagon says they cannot afford to pay for the death benefits, but they can afford to "force" a cover change for the Marine Corps? I dont care about "color" of the money in the budget, this is just the wrong friggan message when you whine in public that the warfighter is being damaged by the budget climate.

Oh yea, I kinda thought she was hot hot hot...but I guess that would be politically and sexually insensitive.:drool:


Ubi bene ibi patria
Game Over!

Link to original article.

" The Marine Corps Uniform Board has pulled its survey of options for a gender-neutral dress and service cover after widespread negative reaction to one of the options, which has been slammed as “girly” and “appalling.”

On Thursday, several news outlets published stories asserting that President Obama was trying to emasculate male Marines by forcing a change to their dress and service covers, and incorrectly wrote that men and women in the Marine Corps currently wear the same style of cover.

It all stemmed from a survey to active and Reserve Marines about the best option for a universal cover — a cap that would be worn by men and women. The manufacturer of the women’s “bucket cover” — which has a distinctly different shape than the men’s cover — is going out of business and will not continue to make the cap, according to the Marine Corps."