of topic but need a bird friendly glue solvent


New Member
Cowgirl said:
You know what, Ink? THIS is the reason you get nasty karma all the time. It's great you love animals and try to save them, but the NASTY attitude you give to people is what makes people mad. I don't know if you do it on purpose, but you come across sounding like you are the only person out there who ever helps any of the animals and nobody can be as perfect as you. :drama:

Devinej was trying to *help* the swallows, that's why she posted here in the first place. I think it would stress out the swallows to have to sit (probaby in a box or some strange place) while she drove all the way to the store, and bought some GD canola oil. She used the only thing she could find to help them right away.

Get the eff over yourself. She never said she thought it was funny to use toxins on birds...and it isn't stupid to put up fly tapes. Would it be better for everyone to spray toxic chemicals to keep the flies away?

Maybe if you changed your pissy attitude and tried to be helpful instead of talking down to everyone, people would be more friendly to you. You're like Martha Stewart.....you both have some really good ideas, but your delivery is so haughty and "above everyone" that nobody cares to listen.

I read the directions and it says nothing about that other suff being tested.
Site said that canola oil the best..
Ink tried to help and gave directions...
Can you cook using tack oil on your foods?
Is it safe to eat?
Just trying to figure why she got pissed off so much..

But I do agree with you..she is pissy and mean....bad enough to be banned ya think?


Well-Known Member
Celts said:
I read the directions and it says nothing about that other suff being tested.
Site said that canola oil the best..
Ink tried to help and gave directions...
Can you cook using tack oil on your foods?
Is it safe to eat?
Just trying to figure why she got pissed off so much..

But I do agree with you..she is pissy and mean....bad enough to be banned ya think?

:shrug: I didn't read the article....I don't know what kind of tack oil she used. My post really didn't approve or disapprove of her using tack oil. My post was directed only to Inkpen's attitude.

And I never said anything about anyone being banned. :coffee:


New Member
i didn't read all the way through but how about dawn dish soap they use it to get oil off birds in the wild, so maybe it will get the tack soap off.


New Member
I am sure she ( i am saying she not knowing so sorry if you are a he, your aviator is a butterfly so just thought she,) was trying to help not harm them, i mean we harm nature EVERYDAY when we drive our cars or the smokers smoke their ciggis, or God knows what else we do to our world. I think her intentions were pure misjudged but pure. Animals are saved all the time from oil rigs dumping tons and tons and tons of oil in our oceans and yes some die but some live, so i am sure this small amount of tack oil will not kill them, it is not healthy but it isn't like she left it there. I would fell worse if she didnt' come to ask for help and just left them to die by being stuck to the tape. Not everyone knows everything so all we can do is ask and be helped. She was not trying to kill the birds she was trying to help them and since they are still alive i think she has. Now if she can find the dawn dish soap to get the small amount that was on them off they will hopefully live to fly into someone elses barn and get into trouble. Goodness we must have some major PMS today. Thanks for trying to help the birds, i am sure you are not the only one that has made a mistake when trying to help an animal.


New Member
thanks thanks. i'm not a bird killer after all.
all the sticky came off the wings. and i washed them several times to get the oil off. then one bird escaped...i can't find it...it went under a giant wooden cabinet. and the other one i set in the barn and hopefully its ok. but if not, then it won't pass on its lack of aim in flight I guess. running into fly tape. no other birds have gotten into it since.