Lets see...
1. Guppie
2. 6'4"
3. Titanium Nolan 102
4. If its on a trailer, somebody stole it.
5. BMW uses ceramic liners. K1200 motors taken apart at 100K miles with no wear marks are not uncommon.
6. There is no Harley dealer in Sturgis
7. Sport bike, 10K rpm, there will be a buzzzz
8. Non-Harley riders, install a viberider in your seat if you need the buzz.
9. You want a seat like a cloud. Rick Mayer Saddles or Bill Mayer saddles. Custom built to fit the contours of your butt.
10. Most miles in a day, 1250. Boise to Vegas and back to Salt Lake City. Would have made the 1500 but the 7 hours in 100+ degree temps wore me out.
11. Sturgis thong. That is the sturgis gift for that special someone.
12. There are car manufacturers that ship their brand new cars with synthetics in the crankcase.