Off Topic Thread

There is a llama show at the fairgrounds this weekend. In CO. I thought llamas just stood around and looked dumb.

Hold on to that thought until after the "show". :lol:

Today was rainy and chilly, so a perfect day to root thru the attic tracing wires. Nothing I like better than being covered in 40 year old insulation...



Well-Known Member
The Hokey pokey ain't hooey until you turn yourself around. That'll get 'er done.

The right shoulder feels good after 15 rounds through the .45/70 thumper. All my guns shoot better than I do, for sure.:drool:
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The Hokey pokey ain't hooey until you turn yourself around. That'll get 'er done.

The right shoulder feels good after 15 rounds through the .45/70 thumper. All my guns shoot better than I do, for sure.:drool:

Isn't that what it's all about though?

It's hotter than a hoochie coochie out there today.


Well-Known Member
I was sweating more bullets at the range in Manatee than I fired out of the gun, for sure. Nice T-storm just passed through. Every drop helps this time of the year.