Officer Day (Pax River base pig) is RACIST


New Member
How is this racist? Cops do it all the time...give one person a warning, another a ticket. It all depends. Could have been the driver's demeanor, their driving record, the location of the violation, etc. For example, if you are speeding in a residential area you are very unlikely to catch a break from ANY cop.

For the record, I am not a police officer nor do I know Officer Day.


Well-Known Member
Richard Cranium said:
Won't give a ticket to a "brutha", but sure did give one to my friend for the same violation minutes apart.

You'll try anything to get people to side with you against cops, huh? Sounds just like that IHOP "incident." Wasn't it you that got called out for making up details about that? Or am I thinking of somebody else?

Regardless, this post still reeks of desperation.


Richard Cranium said:
If you consider something like that discretion, I'm probably pretty glad I'll never be affected by your judgement.

Ohhh... the irony :killingme:


This is easy to fix.....don't speed, run red lights or talk on your cell phone.

The number of poeple talking on their cell phones while driving on base amazes me.....since it is a traffic violation and all.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Richard Cranium said:
Won't give a ticket to a "brutha", but sure did give one to my friend for the same violation minutes apart.
If your buddy is anything like you, when the cop pulled him over he probably started acting like an ass and calling the cop a pig. Stuff like that will get you ticketed instead of Officer Friendly just giving you a warning.


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
Won't give a ticket to a "brutha", but sure did give one to my friend for the same violation minutes apart.
The use of the term "Brutha"...who's the racist?


New Member
bohman said:
You'll try anything to get people to side with you against cops, huh? Sounds just like that IHOP "incident." Wasn't it you that got called out for making up details about that? Or am I thinking of somebody else?

Regardless, this post still reeks of desperation.
I was at the one of the police officers this person is speaking of, and can assure you that he is completely wrong about that incident. The highly intoxicated girl was never harmed or thrown to the ground in any fashion!


New Member
How do you know..saw this like IHOP? You sir lie! Tell me, how do you know the officer did not give the other operator of the motor vehicle a ticket? You certainly wasn't in both vehicles, therefore, you couldn't attest to the fact that both your friend was polite, and that the other motor vehicle operator received a ticket. Just one more time when your charachter is brought to it's true light!


smcop said:
I was at the one of the police officers this person is speaking of, and can assure you that he is completely wrong about that incident. The highly intoxicated girl was never harmed or thrown to the ground in any fashion!
For the record, I am Pete, I drive a raspberry red GMC and I am not Richard Cranium, don't know him, have never met him so if you pull me over I appreciate the warning and please dont beat me with your baton. :yay: