Officer Day (Pax River base pig) is RACIST


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
He did nothing of the sort and was respectful.

I'm sure I could have come up with a more colorful term than pig for him.
How do you know..saw this like IHOP? You sir lie! Tell me, how do you know the officer did not give the other operator of the motor vehicle a ticket? You certainly wasn't in both vehicles, therefore, you couldn't attest to the fact that both your friend was polite, and that the other motor vehicle operator received a ticket. Just one more time when your charachter is brought to it's true light!


New Member
Maybe, "that" person with the out of state tags had an extensive traffic violation record? :shrug:

Maybe he was arguing or denying the violation. Richard, you were not there to know for sure. You are making up a little story as you go along along to fit into your "racist" story without all the facts.


Did this girl file a complaint of brutality against any officer at the scene at IHOP? :confused:


New Member
Pandora said:
Maybe, "that" person with the out of state tags had an extensive traffic violation record? :shrug:

Maybe he was arguing or denying the violation. Richard, you were not there to know for sure. You are making up a little story as you go along along to fit into your "racist" story without all the facts.


Did this girl file a complaint of brutality against any officer at the scene at IHOP? :confused:
No. I have never received anything in reference to this girl.


New Member
I think Richard Cranium probably failed the police exam, therefore harbors great resentment to those who continuously serve their community because we do what he could not!


American Beauty
PREMO Member
When I get pulled over it is usually for a good reason (it has been a long time :knockonwood:). I shrug and laugh it off and have my papers ready for the officer. If I get a warning, that is great, but if I get a ticket, it is because I was dumb. :lol:


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
That's only because Jessica knows what kind of cop you are, smcop, and you wouldn't stop until you got your revenge.
I have had complaints filed against me before, and never have I exacted any sort of revenge. I think this girl was just a little too drunk, and now you all are mad that she has been locked up! This just goes to show, you don't even know me and your making assumptions about me! Again, this is your charachter!


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
That's only because Jessica knows what kind of cop you are, smcop, and you wouldn't stop until you got your revenge.

Do you know Jessica? Do you know what she blew that night? :confused:

Would this have been Jessica's first DWI/DUI by chance? :popcorn:


Some people just need to grow up. Relize that there are penalties to ones actions and learn how to behave. The Police officers are there to keep people safe.

So My advise to Richard is to Grow up and stop worry about what happen to everyone else and mind your P's and Q's so it does not happen to you.

Have a wonderful Night!

Richard Cranium

New Member
I'd be interested in seeing this specific officer's record of tickets/arrests by race. I think the rest of you would be surprised as well.

As far as smcop....did you earn your bonus yet?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Richard Cranium said:
I'd be interested in seeing this specific officer's record of tickets/arrests by race. I think the rest of you would be surprised as well.
I do not think any of us care as deeply about this as you do. Really.

IF you and your pals didn't break the law, you wouldn't have to worry about ANY officer's record of tickets/arrests.


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
It would be impossible for all of you to live up to your names. Most of you would have the same one, between your MPD's.

Does this not make sense to anyone else? :confused:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Richard Cranium said:
It would be impossible for all of you to live up to your names. Most of you would have the same one, between your MPD's.
Hopefully you're safely at home, so as not to run the risk of DUI.