Officer Day (Pax River base pig) is RACIST



Seems to me that you are their leader.
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Happy Now???? Sorry for the typo. People do tend to make mistakes. Maybe if you admitted to one once in a while you would not be so full of rage.

Have a nice Day..... :flowers:


I'm Rick James #####!
StrwberryKisses said:
So My advise to Richard is to Grow up and stop worry about what happen to everyone else and mind your P's and Q's so it does not happen to you.

To me that's an incredibly frightening line of reasoning.

After all, who watches the watchers?

I would like to believe that ALL officers live a life of integrity and honor but they are people with the same proclivities as the rest of us. Subject to the same influences as the rest of us and vulnerable to the same lapses of character that everybody else is. I'm confident that the VAST MAJORITY of LEO's are honorable men. However, it only takes ONE to destroy the public trust.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Lugnut said:
To me that's an incredibly frightening line of reasoning.

After all, who watches the watchers?

I would like to believe that ALL officers live a life of integrity and honor but they are people with the same proclivities as the rest of us. Subject to the same influences as the rest of us and vulnerable to the same lapses of character that everybody else is. I'm confident that the VAST MAJORITY of LEO's are honorable men. However, it only takes ONE to destroy the public trust.
Tell BG I have her stash...


Come Play at BigWoodys
I would just like Dick to mention the police officers name on base or maybe even mention smcops name so they can sue his dumbass for slander.


FastCarsSpeed said:
And by relying on second hand information or being what easily 200 feet away and inside a restaurant you know exactly what happens?



New Member
I find it odd that this girl gets so called beat up by officers after being arrested for driving drunk, yet, there isn't a report of brutality on file. :confused:

If there is no report, it never happened. AND, if it did, doesn't a complaint like that loose credibility when the person making the claim was extremely intoxicated?

WHAT WAS HER BREATH TEST READING? Nobody wants to PROVE credibility by coming out and answering that question.