Official State of the Union 2004 Thread


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Why do I feel like George W. is the greatest president since Abraham Lincoln???

Very much had a feel-good feeling while listening to this speech, which I'm sure is what Bush was going for, being that this is an election year.

I thought it was outstanding.


Not dead yet.
Re: a great speach

Originally posted by BuddyLee
a great speach riddled with lies and deception...

C'mon BL, you know we like more details than that. What alleged "lies and deceptions" are you referring to, hmmmm? Or are you just regurgitating what your handlers have told you to say? :confused:


Sorry about that chief.
Marriage is sacred between a man & a woman, yet we have to spend $135 Billion to entice couples to get married and change the constitution to prove it.

Cut taxes, raise spending and balance the budget. No school left standing, oops no child left behind will work even though it failed miserably in Texas.

Make illegal aliens legal so they can do the work "americans won't".

Expand police powers against citizens.

Still no WMD!?!!! Oh, yeah that wasn't the reason anymore. Osama who?

The 2 year old who wrote a letter...oops 10 year old.

My favorite, steroids are bad kids:biggrin:

Yeah, about what I expected.


Originally posted by jlabsher
Marriage is sacred between a man & a woman, yet we have to spend $135 Billion to entice couples to get married and change the constitution to prove it.

Cut taxes, raise spending and balance the budget. No school left standing, oops no child left behind will work even though it failed miserably in Texas.

Make illegal aliens legal so they can do the work "americans won't".

Expand police powers against citizens.

Still no WMD!?!!! Oh, yeah that wasn't the reason anymore. Osama who?

The 2 year old who wrote a letter...oops 10 year old.

My favorite, steroids are bad kids:biggrin:

Yeah, about what I expected.
Aww comon, there had to be a high point for you. How about the 2 cameo's of that Meat Puppet Kennedy?


Sorry about that chief.
I only watched it during commercials from the other channel. But at least Kennedy is a good drunk. W couldn't even succeed at that and had to become reformed.


Football season!
Originally posted by jlabsher
I only watched it during commercials from the other channel. But at least Kennedy is a good drunk. W couldn't even succeed at that and had to become reformed.

For the first time, I am at a loss for words.


Originally posted by jlabsher
I only watched it during commercials from the other channel. But at least Kennedy is a good drunk. W couldn't even succeed at that and had to become reformed.
Very true, Bush was a lousy drunk and I am so glad they stopped him before he did something really bad like drive off a bridge and kill someone.


Sorry about that chief.
Yeah, if he would have been driving a volkswagon he'd have been president by now. Bush only married Laura who did the same thing when she was 17.


Football season!
Originally posted by kwillia
:shutup: She was an inexperienced driver who ran a stop sign and killed someone. She did not knowingly leave that someone in the river to drown overnight.:shutup:

wow, the second time today I am at a loss for words.


Sorry about that chief.
First off, most of you aren't even old enough to remember it. Kind of like VIETNAM or THE SIXTIES, so go back to school.

Next, the whole silver spoon defense comes to mind. But, that defense only works for some people.(?) I'm sure nobody here has ever driven drunk, cheated on their spouse or reacted badly in an emergency. I don't like the Kennedys either, but I don't like the Bushs more.


Originally posted by jlabsher
Yeah, if he would have been driving a volkswagon he'd have been president by now. Bush only married Laura who did the same thing when she was 17.
Yea, it's a wonder she ever got elected "First Lady" with that on her record. :duh:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
First off, most of you aren't even old enough to remember it. Kind of like VIETNAM or THE SIXTIES, so go back to school.

Next, the whole silver spoon defense comes to mind.

I don't think you have a really good idea how old most of us ARE, here. Even so, *remembering* it has little to do with the details.

But Chappaquiddick and Mary Jo Kopechne looks a lot more like cold-blooded murder than an accident. No matter how many times I read the accounts, it still looks deliberate.


Originally posted by jlabsher
First off, most of you aren't even old enough to remember it. Kind of like VIETNAM or THE SIXTIES, so go back to school.

And furthermore, nobody is qualified to discuss the Moon Landing, World War I or II, The Civil War, The Revolutionary War, Egyptology, Mesopotamia, Ghenghis Khan, Jesus, or The Ice Age.

So there


Well-Known Member
"Cut taxes, raise spending and balance the budget."

As opposed to the Democrat solution of RAISING taxes, raise spending, screw the budget.

"Make illegal aliens legal so they can do the work "americans won't". "

How about, make them legal so they can continue to do the work they're *already* doing, because Americans won't for those wages? Get the info on them, make them pay taxes, so we know which one is Juan and which one is Mohammed. The rest who aren't working are a buncha freeloaders, so send those guys back. OR, pretend they aren't there and complain about them.

"Expand police powers against citizens. "

Yeah. The Patriot Act. Tell the cops it's really ok to be tough with crooks. Really. Yes, *really*.


Originally posted by SamSpade
"Cut taxes, raise spending and balance the budget."

This phrase is grammatically incorrect.

When "Cut" and "Taxes" are used together, the modifier "fortherich" must be used.

The above phrase should read: "Cut taxes fortherich, raise spending and balance the budget"

You're welcome.