Official State of the Union 2004 Thread


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Toxick
And furthermore, nobody is qualified to discuss the Moon Landing, World War I or II, The Civil War, The Revolutionary War, Egyptology, Mesopotamia, Ghenghis Khan, Jesus, or The Ice Age.

So there

Reminds me of a piece written by Bill Maher. He commented that he overheard a high school student whine about "World War 2? Why should I have to know about THAT? I wasn't even BORN yet!". And his point - there's something wrong with a generation that thinks if it doesn't directly relate to me, it has no relevance or value.

I'm frequently astonished at the ignorance of some of the younger folks I meet when it comes to recent history. I kind of expect them not to remember Eugene McCarthy or Barry Goldwater, or Edmund Muskie or Thomas Eagleton or Ferraro - but not Dukakis? Hart? Bork? Clarence Thomas? Willie Horton? *ROSS PEROT*? Geez.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Toxick
This phrase is grammatically incorrect.

When "Cut" and "Taxes" are used together, the modifier "fortherich" must be used.

The above phrase should read: "Cut taxes fortherich, raise spending and balance the budget"

You're welcome.

How right you are. Although I usually mentally add "even-though- they're-the-only-ones-PAYING-them" after that.


New Member
Originally posted by SamSpade
Reminds me of a piece written by Bill Maher. He commented that he overheard a high school student whine about "World War 2? Why should I have to know about THAT? I wasn't even BORN yet!". And his point - there's something wrong with a generation that thinks if it doesn't directly relate to me, it has no relevance or value.
Funny you should mention that. I caught the end of a Maher rant the other night on Larry King, about how we were mistreating the Iraqi prisoners. He stated that never in history had such unreasonable conditions been put upon prisoners; that during WWII, when taken captive, you were treated with manners, even offered wine & cheese.
( :confused: Can you say BATAAN DEATH MARCH? :burning: )
Too many Hogan's Hero's reruns, not enough real history for Mr. Maher.


Football addict
i think

i think im pretty much split on who to vote for now...


ill probably have to wait for the debates to make a final judgement


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by BuddyLee
ill probably have to wait for the debates to make a final judgement
Good lord! They've already had 3,478 of them! How many do you need?


Football addict
the final ones...

Originally posted by vraiblonde
Good lord! They've already had 3,478 of them! How many do you need?

the final debates where bush gets up and makes a complete fool of himself:wink:


Re: the final ones...

Originally posted by BuddyLee
the final debates where bush gets up and makes a complete fool of himself:wink:
Sounds like someone has already made up their mind. So are you going to vote for the lesser of 2 fools?


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Do you want a debator or do you want a President?
:yeahthat: and besides he already did the linguistic olympics with ALGORE, pehaps one of the best groomed debators and he made it.

I have heard Kerry speak and he is not going to win any awards for charisma, and style.


Football addict

Originally posted by vraiblonde
Do you want a debator or do you want a President?

i want both!! i dont want an idiot that cant even stand up for himself and his administration. not saying that bush is an idiot. lol.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by BuddyLee
i dont want an idiot that cant even stand up for himself and his administration.
Clinton was a master debator :)lol:) and look what it got us - 8 years of one scandal after another with really nothing accomplished except his buddies got some goodies and pardons. Hell, he even got Vernon Jordan the Springarn Medal, which is awarded by the NAACP for outstanding achievement by a black American. What did Jordan do to deserve this medal? NOTHING except lie for Bill Clinton.

I'm not into verbal ju jitsu - I'd rather have a President that you can trust than some smooth talking snake oil salesman. I feel like I can trust Bush, so that's who I'm voting for.


Football addict
i dont know

Originally posted by vraiblonde
Clinton was a master debator :)lol:) and look what it got us - 8 years of one scandal after another with really nothing accomplished except his buddies got some goodies and pardons. Hell, he even got Vernon Jordan the Springarn Medal, which is awarded by the NAACP for outstanding achievement by a black American. What did Jordan do to deserve this medal? NOTHING except lie for Bill Clinton.

I'm not into verbal ju jitsu - I'd rather have a President that you can trust than some smooth talking snake oil salesman. I feel like I can trust Bush, so that's who I'm voting for.

i dont know i think i trusted Clinton more. Bush just seems corrupted somehow...


Well-Known Member
Re: i dont know

Originally posted by BuddyLee
i dont know i think i trusted Clinton more. Bush just seems corrupted somehow...

Seems? What are you basing that on? Sometimes I think people get their impressions straight along party lines.

Bush is no master of elocution. Neither were any number of very good Presidents or world leaders. We've had some who were excellent. Great public speaking could net you a Ronald Reagan, or a Vladimir Lenin. Lousy public speaking could deprive you of a St. Paul. It's great to have a charismatic leader, but it's better to listen to what he says. Clinton was on record before his election in 1992 asking people to lie for him (e.g. the tape of him telling Gennifer Flowers to lie about their relationship). At that point, I didn't care how eloquently he spoke - he had no integrity.

What Bush lacks in public speaking, I believe he makes up for in integrity. When he says something, even if I disagree with it, I believe that HE believes it.


Football addict
do you have proof?

Originally posted by vraiblonde
More corrupted than someone who pardons terrorists so his wife can pick up the hispanic vote?

do you have proof? id really like to read this story:smile:


Football addict
Re: Re: i dont know

Originally posted by SamSpade
Seems? What are you basing that on? Sometimes I think people get their impressions straight along party lines.

Bush is no master of elocution. Neither were any number of very good Presidents or world leaders. We've had some who were excellent. Great public speaking could net you a Ronald Reagan, or a Vladimir Lenin. Lousy public speaking could deprive you of a St. Paul. It's great to have a charismatic leader, but it's better to listen to what he says. Clinton was on record before his election in 1992 asking people to lie for him (e.g. the tape of him telling Gennifer Flowers to lie about their relationship). At that point, I didn't care how eloquently he spoke - he had no integrity.

What Bush lacks in public speaking, I believe he makes up for in integrity. When he says something, even if I disagree with it, I believe that HE believes it.

im sorry i didnt mean what i said. i dont think Bush himself is corrupted but i think parts of his administration are. i think they cator to big business too much and the Enron situation is a great example of this. the only thing that i know about that Clinton lied was all his affairs, and wouldnt you do the same to save your marriage/family/dignity?