Official State of the Union 2004 Thread


Originally posted by vraiblonde
It stuns me that you aren't aware of these things.

Stuns? It scares the zutard out of me that so may are equiped with voter registration card and don't know the basics. They get their info straight form the liberal media.

Last night ABC had a tour bus that stopped in a little town in Missouri. There was a factory that had recently shut down and 250 people lost jobs. Of course these people blamed Bush. Did ABC tell why the factory shut down? NO but it had to be Bushes fault. Now how many people were sitting there and now believe that Bush was personally responsible for this factory closing and 250 people out of work?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Pete
so may are equiped with voter registration card and don't know the basics.
Larry was on the DU and they were extolling the virtues of Al Sharpton. Someone else came on and was like, "Are you crazy? After Tawana Brawley and him inciting the riots that killed those people?" And the Sharpton's were like, "What? When did that happen? Cite your source!"



Well-Known Member
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Re: Re: Re: i dont know

Originally posted by BuddyLee
im sorry i didnt mean what i said. i dont think Bush himself is corrupted but i think parts of his administration are. i think they cator to big business too much and the Enron situation is a great example of this. the only thing that i know about that Clinton lied was all his affairs, and wouldnt you do the same to save your marriage/family/dignity?

*ENRON* is a perfect example of what happens to you if you try to screw around while W is in office. Try to remember, they got *caught* under *BUSH* - they got away with it, under Clinton.

On the other hand - the other day I heard some kid say "all those Republicans - they're nothing but a bunch of capitalists". He told me this as he was handing me my *change*. I laughed and said, "you mean, like *you*?". If the solution to most of our economy is to get *jobs* for everyone, you will never succeed by making an *enemy* of big business. Even the Democrats know this. They don't go around antagonizing big business as though they were the enemy. You'd think big business was some kind of evil in itself. They're just the guys who pay you at the end of the week.

Sometimes I think that people who always believe big business is always the bad guy - they must have watched too much bad TV or Disney movies growing up. You know, where the bad guy is always the one who wants to build a casino, or a new hotel, or shopping mall. It's never a corrupt environmentalist or journalist. It's never a non-profit twit trying to score points or get his name in the papers.

And it's never the guy who runs the small business. You know, the guy who won't hire minorities and never pays health insurance. And demands over-time.

Anyway - I *have* taken the stand, and had to testify regarding my family. I went there in hopes of defending a family member. When the opposing attorney asked me some things that put my family member in a bad light - I told the truth. See, I took an oath to tell the truth in court. Lying in front of your friends is common, but lying in COURT is a *crime*.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by BuddyLee
i guess i have much more to learn.
That's why we always rave about citing your source. It's not to be cantankerous - it's to get to the bottom of the spin, allegations and outright lies that people feed into.


Asperger's Poster Child
Re: Re: Re: Re: i dont know

Originally posted by SamSpade
Sometimes I think that people who always believe big business is always the bad guy - they must have watched too much bad TV or Disney movies growing up. You know, where the bad guy is always the one who wants to build a casino, or a new hotel, or shopping mall. It's never a corrupt environmentalist or journalist. It's never a non-profit twit trying to score points or get his name in the papers.

You have a point. Big businesses are targeted because of their high profile and because they appear to be answerable to no one. (Never mind the fact that they are ultimately answerable to consumers.) That's not anti-capitalism, even though it looks like it. It's much simpler than that. It's just a desire to sympathize with the little guy against the big guy.

How about an "Erin Brocovich" style movie where the bad guys are high-level bureaucrats who are completely soulless and out of touch with real people?


Well-Known Member
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: i dont know

Originally posted by Tonio
You have a point. Big businesses are targeted because of their high profile and because they appear to be answerable to no one. (Never mind the fact that they are ultimately answerable to consumers.) That's not anti-capitalism, even though it looks like it. It's much simpler than that. It's just a desire to sympathize with the little guy against the big guy.

Well that's why they make such easy villains in "Scooby Doo" type stories. It's not sexist or racist or homophobic, and it's totally politically correct. If I had to turn out a lousy TV script every week, and I was forbidden to make the bad guys Arabs, or Muslim, or poor, or feminist, or gay, or any minority, or liberal, I'd be left with crazy religious types, capitalists and drug dealers. And people tire of endless stories with drug dealers and crazy religious types as the bad guys. (Oh - I forgot aliens/monsters).

BTW - I was listening to a radio show. On it, a conservative caller was saying he was disenchanted with Bush lately because of several things he'd done - the prescription drug plan, the illegals/work/amnesty thing, and so on. Feeling a little betrayed, because he felt as though they could DO this, and still keep his vote. He said "I'm beginning to understand how a black man feels about the Democrats!". Which is exactly that. They RELY on your vote, but barely toss you a bone to keep you hooked.

Now to me, THAT is the bad guy. If someone keeps you poor or dependent on the government because he needs your endless supply of votes to keep him in power - *there's* a BAD guy. At least the capitalist gives you vacation and health insurance.