Oh Jwwb!!!


my war
It may be going to Circuit Court so it wouldn't be heard or sentenced on at the District Court level. But right now, there is another issue... the victim is in DOC.

To register for notification and view offender details click the offender's name.
Name Date of Birth Age Custody Status Agency/Reason Reporting Agency
CARPENTER, CLAUDE RICHARD 08/28/1981 32 In Custody MD Reception Diagnostic and Classification Center DOC Headquarters

Good Lord! Birds of a feather and such....


I bowl overhand
Perhaps the person who was allegedly shanked declined to press charges. It's very difficult to hold someone for a crime when the victim doesn't cooperate. Considering the alleged circumstances surrounding it, I'm guessing the victim doesn't want to deal with the fuzz.

Maybe you should have gone. Then you'd have been able to tell us what happened.

Wait until he's pissing razor blades after a conjugal visit for payment... he might change his mind.


Luvin Life !!!
It may be going to Circuit Court so it wouldn't be heard or sentenced on at the District Court level. But right now, there is another issue... the victim is in DOC.

To register for notification and view offender details click the offender's name.
Name Date of Birth Age Custody Status Agency/Reason Reporting Agency
CARPENTER, CLAUDE RICHARD 08/28/1981 32 In Custody MD Reception Diagnostic and Classification Center DOC Headquarters

I would lay money it was dismissed because he was locked up or more info came to light that made it a mutual combat thing. Obviously the State didn't feel it had enough to proceed. Even if she had been committed it she would have maybe done a few weekends, had some supervised probation etc. They got bigger fish to fry than her. She also may very well rolled some information there way that would bring them a bigger bust, hence the roll over by the prosecution.

I know you about this stuff already though.:love: