vraiblonde said:
But the fact is, you KNOW what will happen if a super tanker runs you over. With climate change, you have no idea - just various hypotheses and conjecture.
You say "fix it" but what if Mother Nature IS fixing it by regulating Her temperature?
Well you give her too much credit - since she's obviously just an ecosystem and not a living being. Plus, by saying that, you'd be admitting what even die-hard Republicans and government agencies have been saying - the earth is warming.
You're right - I don't know. The people from NOAA down the hall from me - do. The people from Woods Hole, that they talk to - do - at least, as far as climate is concerned. The folks at the EPA do. Our own government clearly acknowledges global warming. I've read a number of articles from our own government agencies; it's not something the jury is still out on. It honestly doesn't take long to try to find some basic material on global warming that isn't politically slanted one way or the other, if you're willing to sift through a lot of boring scientific stuff. It's happening, it's significant, and it's not based on some schmuck looking at his thermometer for the last 1000 years and logging it in his notebook.
And I'm saying there are things we can do to correct it, especially since if we are not the main cause, we are certainly making it worse. We've already corrected the ozone hole problem. It will take decades to completely reverse itself, but we're at least not making it worse.
I used the tanker analogy because it's a disaster that can be averted that's still a long way off.I could just as well use a food, diet and exercise analogy to avert obesity and a heart attack, and get the same kind of resistance, but it's exactly the same kind of argument.