Toxick said:
I didn't say they were price gouging - I merely expressed my views on what should happen to price-gougers.
Now as much as I love the oil comanies, and as much as I love giving them as much money as I possibly can just to get to work, it seems the expenses you mentoined were passed on to the consumer, whereas these record-shattering profits were not.
If expenses AND profits skyrocketed, why don't they cancel each other out, and I still pay $1.45 a gallon?
We've been down this road! Why is this so hard to understand and accept?
If oil was $30 a barrel in quarter X and they had $50 billion in sales and made 10% profit on it, that's $5 billion. Is 10% OK? Or should we mandate what they can make?
Now, if in quarter Y they do double the gross sales dollars BECAUSE their cost of goods DOUBLED to $60 a barrel, that means they did $100 billion in gross sales and IF they made the SAME 10% profit, then, they made $10 billion.
The $100 bill and hence the $10 bil profit made news because they were new records. The percentage of net profit, 10%, is NOT a new record nor close nor even remotely noteworthy.
In the mean time, in reality, they did NOT make a 10% net profit in quarter X when oil was $30. They were making more like 5%. So, along comes quarter Y with multiple hurricanes which disrupted the normal flow of refined gas from oil already at record highs, at record highs because global output was reaching maximums due to China, a good US economy and other factors.
So, speculators guess that restriced supply will mean increases price pressure as demand did not slow a bit. In that very fact when there is suddenly less refined gas to go around, it's value goes up.
Given all that happened, a surge, a SHORT TERM surge to 10% net profits is a rather small and normal thing. They made record sales and record net profit in total dollars, NOT in percentage.
So now, refining is getting back to normal, the barrel is settling at right around $60 and even a buck or two under, supply and demand are finding each otehr again, with wholesale gas sinking under $1.50 a gallon. I saw $1.97 yesterday.
You people are regressives at heart; You think that a man making $10,000 a year should pay 10% in taxes but a man making $100,000 should NOT pay $10,000, he should pay MORE because he can afford it.
Thus Exxon can make 10% up to one gross dollar amount but they should make less % at a higher income level...because they can 'afford' it.
You people are RUINING the image of this site as hard core right wing nuts.