Well, this was never going to be a fight to the death. It is just a thrust and parry in a much larger battle.
Would it change anybody's mind if I said that the first link provided by fromTexas was for military construction spending only? Is that supposed to be significant?
Would it matter if I pointed out that in the second link, the story seems to be about how Oklahoma's receipt of federal dollars is largely due to the military installations there, but that in paragraph 10 we discover this "While military spending accounted for a large chunk, it was the financing of retirement and disability benefits that added up to the most spending in Oklahoma. " ?
Would it matter if I mentioned that the third link is just 50 pages, one for each state, of fiscal statistics? While I thank you for the link- it's a lot of good information- unless there is a summary or analysis that I missed, we'll either have to do it ourselves or move on.
No, I don't think it would matter. We're just talking. Folks a lot smarter than me can't agree on these things, so I have little hope that we would come to a consensus by fishing for statistics that support one point or another. However, I would like to think that we could have a discussion based on philosophy and beliefs and opinions. We all have those! I was just using the map as a point of departure for an idea. The idea that conservatives are more selfish than liberals is just an opinion. I happen to think it is self evident. Virtually all conservative behavior exposes this. Tax cuts, privatize everything, affirmative action, my guns, my money, and my God. No concern for anybody else getting a decent education or having a retirement insurance policy or getting shot or having to pay a heftier burden or having to sneak around to worship their God or even get married. Oh, I know there are different rationalizations for each of these positions, but they are just rationalizations. if you don't believe that, I say you are being manipulated. If conservatives really believed that lower taxes were the goal, they would just set a limit. 11% of GDP or something. Tell the liberals where you want the ideal to be, and we'll see if we can help. But tell the truth! How about propery taxes? Sales taxes? What services will have to be cut?
But the true agenda is just to get rid of welfare and social security and public education, because conservatives believe that they will not be the one's to feel the cuts, it is somebody else who is draining the coffers. It's OK to keep spending more and more in Oklahoma on military installations even if retirees in New York (especially New York!) have to go without. We spend more on defense than the next 10 countries COMBINED. And you want to defend that as OK, but social security- meager living expenses- to your parents and grandparents is a waste?
And for conservatives, No Child Left Behind was never about improving schools or helping underserved kids. It was about creating defacto private schools for the kids of more affluent families, those who can arrange to send their kids across town to the school where all the other priveleged kids go. But the parents who have to take a bus to get to work, or be there at 7AM, can't take advantage of that other school. And just to add reinforcement to the point, NCLB wasn't fully funded, and what was left out? Transportation, and before and after child care.
So if you don't think conservatives are more greedy that liberals, tell us why. I agree that teaching a person to fish is better than just giving away fish, but if you really want to teach fishing, you're going to need a pole and some water, and probably some bait to. And maybe even a hat.