SmallTown said:
How cute! You first say there is no relation between this argument and welfare spending, then you go right into the welfare argument as another way federal spending is messed up. So which is it, Sherlock?
As far as welfare spending, it is quite obvious by my stance in this thread concerning federal spending that you are preaching to the choir.
No, I say you can not accuse the states of not cutting it on their own. In fact, I actually said, but if YOU want to talk welfare (you know, as in change in topic). I show you why. I show you that as far as welfare spending, of interest to the individuals receiving it in their state and not a product that everyone enjoys nationally (therefore, only to those in the states), that the BLUE states are the ones who eat that stuff up far more per capita than the red. If it was just welfare spending considered, the red states are SELF-SUFFICIENT. As far as maintaining programs that everyone in the nation uses, the red states are not self-sufficient... which they shouldn't be. Unless you think places like Alabama should be paying the blue states share of national defense.
Anything that is not an entitlement (something given to individuals in those states and not shared as a national benefit for all), would be a national benefit (military, space technology, agriculture, etc...).
So follow this closely. The extra money going to red states can not be attributed to welfare based on what I showed you. That would make them hipocrites if it was. That would be the argument that was being promoted... one of hipocracy. So, the agrument has been defeated since the extra money going to red states per tax dollar was not based in entitlements as shown above. It would have to fall into other categories!
Can you not see how it matters that red states get more spent on them for things like national defense? Maybe because there are way more military installations in red states? Are you saying that only the state that gets all that military money spent on them enjoys the benefit of national defense and it is not shared?
You can dance around it all you want. I have shown you how welfare is not an attribute you can pin on the red states as being supported. I have shown you that what the red states are being funded for by the blue states are benefits the blue states enjoy. Therefore, the blue states are only paying their fair share.
You want to keep breaking it down further? I gave you cost categories earlier and I showed you how the money going there wasn't entitlement based (i.e. just for the benefit of the individuals of the state).
I also have showed you that for basic programs population density is a major factor since you have to have federal roads and highways in the most sparsely population dense states as well as the very population dense states (that is a major factor in those top and bottom ten as originally argued).
So, please explain to me the hipocricy again. It is not there. Please explain how states, like Florida, that have many military, space technology, and other federal installations aren't sharing a national benefit for the money they receive from the blue states.
I am waiting. Unless, once again you are going to digress into another tangent because you only see a dollar and not what a dollar does.