OK...enough is enough...


New Member
This is getting WAY old....the red karma is fine, if you wanna send me red, then send me red, but Jesus, don't ask question in your unsigned red karma, how am I supposed to answer? :dork:

<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY id=collapseobj_usercp_reputation><TR><TD class=alt1Active id=p775333 width="50%">Roads????</TD><TD class=alt2 noWrap>01-25-2005 05:35 PM</TD><TD class=alt1 width="50%">What a POS you are? Did I guess right?</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


Tina2001aniT said:
This is getting WAY old....the red karma is fine, if you wanna send me red, then send me red, but Jesus, don't ask question in your unsigned red karma, how am I supposed to answer? :dork:

<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY id=collapseobj_usercp_reputation><TR><TD class=alt1Active id=p775333 width="50%">Roads????</TD><TD class=alt2 noWrap>01-25-2005 05:35 PM</TD><TD class=alt1 width="50%">What a POS you are? Did I guess right?</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Quit your b!tchin!! You probably said something to tick someone off like normal. Take it like a woman. :getdown:


curiouser and curiouser
ACESRT04 said:
Quit your b!tchin!! You probably said something to tick someone off like normal. Take it like a woman. :getdown:
Tina, now you know who to direct your answers to! Problem solved! :yay:


Tina2001aniT said:
Duh!! Isn't that what women do is B!tch and complain?? I just want to answer the question, trying to be nice here.....
Give us the answer...........we are waiting. :popcorn:


New Member

<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY id=collapseobj_usercp_reputation><TR><TD class=alt2>
</TD><TD class=alt1Active id=p780263 width="50%">OK...enough is enough...</TD><TD class=alt2 noWrap>01-25-2005 08:32 PM</TD><TD class=alt1 width="50%">Can you be any fcuking dumber?</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Guess not.....I still don't get it.....


The hamster litter reject
ACESRT04 said:
You can go first. :lmao: Oh and thanks all for the extra red karma. You people REALLY need to get a life. :lmao:

Wait, who was the one who wasted her time telling her to quit her b!tching? I'm just saying- quit your b!tching unless you're willing to make a difference. I make a simple suggestion to make the world a better place and you get all upset...

Now come over here and give me a kiss. :smoochy:


The hamster litter reject
And I'll put in my two cents since you asked nicely...

Men like it when you take it like a woman from on top. At least that is what I've been told by my male friends. :whistle:


FromTexas said:
I wonder if anyone is going to bring up the fact that ACES is KaZamm?

I would be surprised if someone didn't do it.

I guess we will have to wait and see.
I've met them both....they are not the same. :lmao: