ok I am worried


New Member
I am working on 12 days late and all my test are coming back negative.. I think I am going to the doctors soon!! How late is late? I am going to have to pay for a blood test to see if I am pregnant.. Should I give it another week? It has been so long since I went through this.. I think I jinx myself when I said I didn't want anymore after I turn 30. Now I have had 3 different friends come to me saying they had a dream I was Pregnant. :jameo: :jameo:


cdsulhoff said:
My mom seems to think I am stressing over it and that is why I haven't started yet..

Possible, I've went 2 months w/ out one over stress. Just wait and then retest.


PREMO Member
cdsulhoff said:
You just made me giggle and well. I wish I had a fat ass. I have no butt.
Oh, my bad.
I just figured that all the women who post here have a big butt.

But don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with a big butt.

Have you ever heard the saying?


New Member
on a serious note. I am scared but If I am I want a GIRL!!! I am overrun with male testerone in this house as it is..


New Member
DoWhat said:
Oh, my bad.
I just figured that all the women who post here have a big butt.

But don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with a big butt.

Have you ever heard the saying?

I know the saying, but I do wish I had a little bit more meat to my butt. Flat as a pancake.. I want JLO booty.. :lmao: