OK Men.....



Just a question.

While urinating, have you ever gotten nauseous in the stomach ?

It has happened to me lately, during very long emptying of the bladder.

I'm a little worried, should I be ?



New Member
Googled your symptoms, came up with pregnancy :shrug: Are you drinking enough water?


Just a question.

While urinating, have you ever gotten nauseous in the stomach ?

It has happened to me lately, during very long emptying of the bladder.

I'm a little worried, should I be ?


Depends.... Did you not piss the entire time you were drinking that 12 pack?

The beer and pretzels probably made you nauseous, not the pee.


Seriously folks, I heard that if your prostate was a little enlarged, it might be a culprit when the bladder drains too fast, it might make one queasy.....

But I had a complete physical about 3 weeks ago, and everything was fine. Normal prostate, No STD's, clean as a whistle..:whistle:.....It might be the new vitamin regimen I'm on..:shrug:

Everything was OK this morning....
Seriously folks, I heard that if your prostate was a little enlarged, it might be a culprit when the bladder drains too fast, it might make one queasy.....

But I had a complete physical about 3 weeks ago, and everything was fine. Normal prostate, No STD's, clean as a whistle..:whistle:.....It might be the new vitamin regimen I'm on..:shrug:

Everything was OK this morning....
Sounds like your problems started AFTER you started wearing Crocs... nuff said.