Ol' Willie Don is just a dirty old man


This Space for Rent
Mikeinsmd said:

Actually, that is not true. If someone groped a woman's breast at work only one time, it would be sexual harrasement. The same is true if it is explicitly sexually based harassement. It only takes one time. It would have to be over time for something more minor like continually making sexually duragotory jokes, approaching someone about a date over and over again after they said no, or otherwise.


Iron City
Larry Gude said:
...got away with that stuff for YEARS, right up until the time when a solid Demcoratic challenger came along then, all of a sudden, NOW orchestrates this jihad of charges and lining up women who worked for him who'd be 'harrassed' for over 10 years.

Why all of a sudden, ladies?


You should have seen former Senator Strom Thurmond (R, SC) when he was in the Senate. He not only oogled, he would sometimes stop women in the hall and give them a hug, whether he knew them or not!


FromTexas said:
Actually, that is not true. If someone groped a woman's breast at work only one time, it would be sexual harrasement. The same is true if it is explicitly sexually based harassement. It only takes one time. It would have to be over time for something more minor like continually making sexually duragotory jokes, approaching someone about a date over and over again after they said no, or otherwise.
Wouldn't grabbing a boob leap right over sexual harassment to sexual assault?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I didn't hear the "little lady" object to what Schaefer did, as a matter of fact I saw her with a huge grin on her face when he did it, like she enjoyed it. I don't believe that he made any sexually explicit request for favor attached to her maintaining employment. There was no touching involved, no request for dates or sex, or anything else, he just simply asked her to walk away again.

While it shows his character as being nothing more then a callous ass and what he did was really stupid, I’m not sure it was sexual harassment.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Pete said:
Wouldn't grabbing a boob leap right over sexual harassment to sexual assault?
I would think any unwanted sexual contact would be assault and not harassment.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
While it shows his character as being nothing more then a callous ass and what he did was really stupid, I’m not sure it was sexual harassment.
It's not sexual harassment unless he threatened her job - it's just rude behavior. She should have ignored him and kept walking out the door. If she wanted to be light with it, she could have turned around and given him an "Oh really??" look or made some comment about how he was old and she didn't want to give him a heart attack.

It's the double-standard that gets me. Where's NOW? Where's Hillary? Nowhere, that's where.


This Space for Rent
Pete said:
Wouldn't grabbing a boob leap right over sexual harassment to sexual assault?

It would be that, too. That is one thing I found funny about our sexual harrassment training. Did you know rape is sexual harassment according to our training? Well no chit, right?

But my example was just meant as an extreme to show single occurances would happen. It could be something much less so for a single occurance. Chit, lets face it, most sexual harrassment falls under civil litigation so really it is whatever the jury decides it is. If you can get them to buy you have been harassment, you win.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
I didn't hear the "little lady" object to what Schaefer did, as a matter of fact I saw her with a huge grin on her face when he did it, like she enjoyed it. I don't believe that he made any sexually explicit request for favor attached to her maintaining employment. There was no touching involved, no request for dates or sex, or anything else, he just simply asked her to walk away again.

While it shows his character as being nothing more then a callous ass and what he did was really stupid, I’m not sure it was sexual harassment.

One, she didn't know why he called her back over there. Two, most people are not going to make a fuss in front of the most powerful men in the state, especially as an intern.

My take was that she was greatly embarrassed and confused, then used the smile to exit gracefully. One of the definitions of sexual harassment is "creating a work environment that is intimidating, hostile, or offensive to an employee due to unwelcome sexually-oriented conversations, suggestions, requests, demands, or physical contact." Asking her to walk away again so he can watch her backside while leering at her is most definitely sexual harassment.


wandering aimlessly
jazz lady said:
One, she didn't know why he called her back over there. Two, most people are not going to make a fuss in front of the most powerful men in the state, especially as an intern.

My take was that she was greatly embarrassed and confused, then used the smile to exit gracefully. One of the definitions of sexual harassment is "creating a work environment that is intimidating, hostile, or offensive to an employee due to unwelcome sexually-oriented conversations, suggestions, requests, demands, or physical contact." Asking her to walk away again so he can watch her backside while leering at her is most definitely sexual harassment.
Generally people are too shocked by an action to say anything right away even if it is only themselves and the speaker. Imagine how shocking it would be to hear that sort of request in front of those particular people.


For The Sake Of Debate

jazz lady said:
One, she didn't know why he called her back over there. Two, most people are not going to make a fuss in front of the most powerful men in the state, especially as an intern.

My take was that she was greatly embarrassed and confused, then used the smile to exit gracefully. One of the definitions of sexual harassment is "creating a work environment that is intimidating, hostile, or offensive to an employee due to unwelcome sexually-oriented conversations, suggestions, requests, demands, or physical contact." Asking her to walk away again so he can watch her backside while leering at her is most definitely sexual harassment.

But it could be argued that his request was not sexually oriented. He is 84 so it's not like he has a condom in his wallet for "just in case" instances. He probably hasn't chopped wood since Reagan was president. Perhaps he views a shapely buttocks as a work of art?


wandering aimlessly
Pete said:
But it could be argued that his request was not sexually oriented. He is 84 so it's not like he has a condom in his wallet for "just in case" instances. He probably hasn't chopped wood since Reagan was president. Perhaps he views a shapely buttocks as a work of art?
Stop trying so hard. We all know and accept you as a butt grabber. :huggy: No need to defend the old guy.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
jazz lady said:
One, she didn't know why he called her back over there. Two, most people are not going to make a fuss in front of the most powerful men in the state, especially as an intern.

My take was that she was greatly embarrassed and confused, then used the smile to exit gracefully. One of the definitions of sexual harassment is "creating a work environment that is intimidating, hostile, or offensive to an employee due to unwelcome sexually-oriented conversations, suggestions, requests, demands, or physical contact." Asking her to walk away again so he can watch her backside while leering at her is most definitely sexual harassment.
Why didn't she advise him that she didn't like it, why was she smiling and what most definitely looked like laughing when she walked away for the second time? It seems that it wasn't until an after thought and others had talked to her that her embarrassment came to light. Hmmmm, $$$$$$$. Besides she wasn't one of Schaeffer's employees and all he did was ask her to walk away - again. If this act was an unwelcome advance doesn't that imply that the one offended has the responsibility to make the offender aware of that fact, which wasn't done.

And it is only your opinion as to why he asked her to walk away again, who knows, maybe she was casting a shadow that stirred an emotional sensation within his being (which it probably did :biggrin: ). Isn't it equally sexually insulting and harassing for you to believe it is as you opine? :tap:

Trust me I am not defending Schaffer, because he is a crude and obnoxious bastage that I don't like, but not everything is sexual harassment as there was no assault, no direct employment connection with a superior and it wasn't a continued pattern of behavior (as is normal with hostile environment). It's easy to lump things together but in this case I don't think you can.
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New Member
FromTexas said:
Actually, that is not true. If someone groped a woman's breast at work only one time, it would be sexual harrasement. The same is true if it is explicitly sexually based harassement. It only takes one time. It would have to be over time for something more minor like continually making sexually duragotory jokes, approaching someone about a date over and over again after they said no, or otherwise.
Excellent point.... :yay:

...and thanks for the warning. Bre, I swear my hand slipped!!! :huggy: :flowers:


I think that some are missing the most important point. This woman was probably shocked and embarassed by Schaefer's actions, but she's in no position to do anything about it. An aid isn't likely to go jump on the comptroller's s$it on impulse. That's where the governor should have taken action. Granted he can't fire or reprimand Schaefer, but he sure could have embarassed and humiliated him. I would have gone out there and loudly chewed Schaefer's ass, then park an ugly male aid right next to his arm to make sure that Schaefer would feel uncomfortable all day. That would have sent a nice message that you don't fluck with my aids and get away with it, no matter how important you think you are.


bah he's a dirty old man. leave him alone.

does anyone think women who work at hooters dont get these comments? it happens all the time.

thicker skin people, thicker skin


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Having been a "victim" of "sexually harassment" throughout most of my adulthood, I would guess that the aide took it in the vein it was intended - a clumsy compliment from an old man.

The appropriate thing for her to do would have been to :rolleyes: and give him a "tsk tsk, ya old goat" look, maybe tease him about it, and that's the end of it. To get all tweaked out because some codger likes your butt is just silly and sounds like one of those broads who get offended when a guy opens a door for them.

I have no idea how Ehrlich reacted, but anything more than saying, "Okay, Willie Don, if you're done ogling my aide, let's get back to business" would have been an overreaction. Just because the Left gets all freaked out by every little thing doesn't mean the Right has to.
vraiblonde said:
Having been a "victim" of "sexually harassment" throughout most of my adulthood, I would guess that the aide took it in the vein it was intended - a clumsy compliment from an old man.
Spoken like a true Bambino's waitress...:wink: