Ol' Willie Don is just a dirty old man


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Just because the Left gets all freaked out by every little thing doesn't mean the Right has to.
You're absolutely right. It just p!sses me off that *Ehrlich* would have been crucified on the spot had he done it - ALSO.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
It's my understanding that Ehlrich was right there when it happened. What I heard was that he immediately pounded his hand on the table and said to get back to work. It was said his facial expression was not one of condoning the behavior.

And to the unsigned giver of the red, I am that smart.


vraiblonde said:
I have no idea how Ehrlich reacted, but anything more than saying, "Okay, Willie Don, if you're done ogling my aide, let's get back to business" would have been an overreaction.

That's a super way to lead Vrai. Then you would have one guy thinking "pussy" when checking out your aid, and everyone else in the room thinking a different type of "pussy" when they look at you.


Ken King said:
It's my understanding that Ehlrich was right there when it happened. What I heard was that he immediately pounded his hand on the table and said to get back to work. It was said his facial expression was not one of condoning the behavior.

Wow! He pounded his hand on the table and said get back to work. That's not diddly, but I guess it's more than what he's done to rebuke the legislature.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
That's a super way to lead Vrai.
Oh pooh. An old man ogling a young girl - I can't believe it! :faint:

I'm more offended that that coot got elected in the first place.

I guess it's more than what he's done to rebuke the legislature.
NOW you're talking! He needs to send all those weenies hunting with Dick Cheney.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Y'ah know...

...if women would simply cover themselves from head to toe like the book says, none of this would ever happen...

Where's my stick?


In My Opinion
Larry Gude said:
...if women would simply cover themselves from head to toe like the book says, none of this would ever happen...

Where's my stick?
then what am I supposed to look at?
a bunch of hairy butt guys????

aint working well for me at all...nope, not at all..

besides, I beleive that God put Adam and Eve on earth naked and intended for them to stay that way until till she mess up... and since it was her mess up, the way I see it the men should have been the ones to cover up, and the women should still be naked in public to this day.

I bet Willy would agree with me.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I dunno...

bcp said:
then what am I supposed to look at?
a bunch of hairy butt guys????

aint working well for me at all...nope, not at all..

besides, I beleive that God put Adam and Eve on earth naked and intended for them to stay that way until till she mess up... and since it was her mess up, the way I see it the men should have been the ones to cover up, and the women should still be naked in public to this day.

I bet Willy would agree with me.

...I think at this point Shaeffer might want to sit there nude except for his Grampers...ready for action, popping Viagra and swiggin' diet Full Throttle...

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
Wow! He pounded his hand on the table and said get back to work. That's not diddly, but I guess it's more than what he's done to rebuke the legislature.
What should he have done? Jumped up and smacked Schaeffer. :tap: Without going overboard he set the minds of those at the meeting back on the task at hand and off of Donny's mindless act.

As to the other comment, do the math and then tell me how any Governor can rebuke such a lopsided majority within the legislature.


vraiblonde said:
Oh pooh. An old man ogling a young girl - I can't believe it! :faint:

You disappoint me Vrai. You're focusing on the sexual aspect and completely missing the bigger picture. Seeing some old man oggling a pretty girl isn't any big deal... but having the number 1 Democrat in Maryland publically embarassing an aid to the governor, in front of the governor, is something all together different. Do you believe for a second that Schaefer would pull a stunt like that in front of a prominant Democrat? Schaefer may be old, but he's been a political hound longer than most of us have been around, and he knows exactly what he's doing: he's showing Ehrlich that while Ehrlich may be the current governor, the real power in Maryland still lies with himself. And Ehrlich, by not standing up for his aid and not confronting Schaefer, showed that Schaefer is right.

It's not about sexual harassment or dirty old men... it's about someone coming into your house and disrespecting you. If you don't stand up for yourself you look weak, and Ehrlich certainly made himself look weak. And don't think his lack of guts didn't make an impression throughout his staff.



It looks like the other shoe is starting to drop...

ANNAPOLIS, Md. - State Comptroller William Donald Schaefer sent a letter Friday to a woman he embarrassed by ogling at a meeting, telling her, "Sorry you were put thru an ordeal!"

Sen. Sharon Grosfeld, a Democrat, said the letter did not constitute an apology.

"He needs to do a very public apology to her and take responsibility for the inappropriate and outrageous behavior that he perpetuated toward her," Grosfeld said.

So... the number 1 Dem in MD sexually harasses an Ehrlich aid, and Ehrlich's too big a pussy to confront him, and now a female Democrat senator is stepping up to do what Ehrlich should be doing. No wonder Ehrlich is the legislature's whipping boy.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bru, even the article Jazz linked to says this is nothing new:

Odd remarks and antics by Schaefer at meetings of the Board of Public Works are commonplace.

The people of Maryland elected this guy, and they KEEP electing him. What do you want Bob Ehrlich to do about it? Because you know the second he says anything, he'll face the firestorm of all the Democrats in the legislature, screaming their fool heads off about how Ehrlich is mean to old men and Schaefer didn't mean anything by it. The Washington Post will do an editorial about how Bob Ehrlich needs to pull the stick out and that's why he can't get anything done for Maryland - because he's too busy focusing on imagined slights to aides.

Then ol' Nancy Pelosi will get involved and say that Bob Ehrlich is a sexist because he doesn't think women can stand up for themselves and he had to come riding in like the White Knight to protect them. Honestly, I'm stunned that Sharon Grosfeld said anything about the incident - her Montgomery County constituents will have her head for criticizing a fellow Democrat.
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Ken King said:
What should he have done? Jumped up and smacked Schaeffer. :tap: Without going overboard he set the minds of those at the meeting back on the task at hand and off of Donny's mindless act.

As to the other comment, do the math and then tell me how any Governor can rebuke such a lopsided majority within the legislature.

C'mon Ken... you can't honestly believe for a single second that Ehrlich's actions got the minds of the folks who witnessed the event "back on task". It's pretty obvious by all of the talking going on by people who were there that their minds were anything but on task. When something like this happens people are going to be thinking about it, and I will guarantee you that what they remember was not the act itself, but the brazeness of Schaefer in doing it where and when he did.

What should Ehrlich have done? If I were Ehrlich, as soon as I heard about the event, I would have walked right up to Schaefer, gotten smack in his face, and dressed him down right in front of God, the press, and everybody. You don't need to smack him upside the head (although I doubt that would hurt) but it's important for Ehrlich to show that he's in charge and that he's not going to tolerate that sort of behavior. Sexual politics aside, that action shows everybody that a: The Governor has some balls; b: The governor looks out for his people; and c: No matter how self-important you think you are, you're not the boss... the Governor is. Like I said... there's no way Schaefer would pull a stunt like this to one of Martin O'Malley's aids, at least not in such a obvious and public way. Schaefer wanted to show who has the real power in the state, and he did.

As for the legislature, his job is not to rebuke them. I voted for him because he pledged to correct a lot of the wrongs of the Glendenning administrations, gun control in particular, and he hasn't done $hit. He also hasn't done $hit in regards to just about anything else that I've heard about. He started turning into a pansie in my eyes when he bought into the myth that black voters/Democrats helped him win the election, which they didn't. He's shown nothing but timidity and reluctance to challenge the legislature. It's one thing to fight the good fight and lose, but it takes a real loser to not even try.


vraiblonde said:
What do you want Bob Ehrlich to do about it? Because you know the second he says anything, he'll face the firestorm of all the Democrats in the legislature, screaming their fool heads off about how Ehrlich is mean to old men and Schaefer didn't mean anything by it. The Washington Post will do an editorial about how Bob Ehrlich needs to pull the stick out and that's why he can't get anything done for Maryland - because he's too busy focusing on imagined slights to aides.

Then ol' Nancy Pelosi will get involved and say that Bob Ehrlich is a sexist because he doesn't think women can stand up for themselves and he had to come riding in like the White Knight to protect them. Honestly, I'm stunned that Sharon Grosfeld said anything about the incident - her Montgomery County constituents will have her head for criticizing a fellow Democrat.

Hmmm... being mean to an old man... as compared to being afraid to confront a former Governor? Or how about not caring about if his female aids are mistreated? Or how about that he doesn't have the balls to take on senior Democrats, or that he's afraid of upsetting the Legislature? How is your outlook a winner? Had he verbally, loudly, and publically blasted Schaefer immediately after the incident, the libs and the media could have blasted the hell out of him, but a lot of people would have been looking at Ehrlich with some new-found respect.

Why do you find it surprising that Grosfeld is being so vocal? Schaefer may be a big wig, but he isn't going to be around much longer. The fact that Ehrlich completely pussied out left the door open for a smarter pol to walk in and speak out against Schaefer's behavior. Who's going to be remembered favorably for their actions in this a few years down the road? The woman Senator who came out against a leader of her own party, and in support of an opposition party's aid, when she was sexually harassed, or the pussy Governor who smacked his hand on a table and said let's get back to business? I know which reaction I would prefer to campaign on if I were running for office.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...I have had enough of your myopic, all or nothing tunnel vision attitude in regards to Ehrlich.

He's governor; not dictator. You pretend you have absolutely no clue how huge a deal it is for anyone but a Democrat to win a statewide race in Maryland. He barely beat KKT who is, by any measure, the worst candidate for office in the history of the galaxy. Barely beat her.

He is the executive of a state with a legislature that matches the states demographics; well over 60% Democrat. He is constantly vetoing everything from laws making doctors even more vulnerable to law suits to giving felons their voting rights back. He won, in part, because of a campaign promise to legalize gambling instead of raising taxes. That got beat though something may yet happen.

His vetoes get over ridden. It's tough to push through popular initiatives if they are seen as his. This is nothing more than political reality. He did a hell of a job in winning over moderates and NOT becoming a polarizing lightning rod in order to just get the damn job. This included making an ally with Shaeffer and numerous House Democrats seen as possible allies on some issues, typically more conservative and religious blacks.

Your response? Go to war. You sound like some rabid DU type who, if they can't get the whole loaf they'd rather starve and if nothing else never, EVER reach out or compromise.

You've called the man a coward and worse any number of times in this thread. Why? He's slowed down, considerably, Joe Currans jihad against gun ownership. The constant stream of loony anti gun ideas from Big Joe under Glendennig has stopped. You're take? Unless we can have nukes, forget it, he's a puss.

What do you suppose would have happened under a Democrat as the AWB sunsetted? Yeah, we're stuck with parts of it as state law now and it may get worse, MAY.

So, let's all take the Bruzilla approach, call names hold our breath, riot in the street and turn our backs on the man. That way, 'may' will be replaced with 'will' as the next Dem ascends the thrown.

Let's just give it all up and forget about using the same winning strategy that Ehrlich used to get Steele into Sarbanes seat.

I got a better idea; you keep your all or nothing attitude in Florida and show us all how it's done. We'll worry about Maryland, a state where, like it or not, the governor has to work for all Marylanders, not just those who voted for him.

1994 signaled the end of 40 years, 20 election cycles, of Democratic control of the US Congress. The following few cycles were nervous times as they were the proof if this was simply an interlude or real change. Now, 10 years later, things look pretty good.

What if everyone had just thrown their arms up, Bruz style, and started calling everyone a puss because the NEA didn't disappear overnight?

This shrieking and disdain your are exhibiting, this Dean-esque 'we're not shouting loud enough' behavior, is exactly why we keep winning elections big elections from Annapolis to Capital Hill to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. It's what THEY do, not us.

Grow up and cut it out.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
C'mon Ken... you can't honestly believe for a single second that Ehrlich's actions got the minds of the folks who witnessed the event "back on task". It's pretty obvious by all of the talking going on by people who were there that their minds were anything but on task. When something like this happens people are going to be thinking about it, and I will guarantee you that what they remember was not the act itself, but the brazeness of Schaefer in doing it where and when he did.
Sure they will remember it, it is what got the news cycle for the past several days and they all were a part of it. But it could have been still going on if Ehrlich hadn’t interrupted the shenanigans.

What should Ehrlich have done? If I were Ehrlich, as soon as I heard about the event, I would have walked right up to Schaefer, gotten smack in his face, and dressed him down right in front of God, the press, and everybody.
You haven't seen the clip of how it went down have you? If you had you would know that Ehrlich was sitting just to the left of Schaeffer. When Schaeffer sends the young lady on her second walk you see Ehrlich's expression of "Do you believe this sh!t just happened" while many of the other DOM (dirty old men) did exactly what their idol, Schaeffer, did.

As for the legislature, his job is not to rebuke them. I voted for him because he pledged to correct a lot of the wrongs of the Glendenning administrations, gun control in particular, and he hasn't done $hit. He also hasn't done $hit in regards to just about anything else that I've heard about. He started turning into a pansie in my eyes when he bought into the myth that black voters/Democrats helped him win the election, which they didn't. He's shown nothing but timidity and reluctance to challenge the legislature. It's one thing to fight the good fight and lose, but it takes a real loser to not even try.
Besides the notion that it was you that said Ehrlich had done little to rebuke the legislature, I ask you to explain to me how the governor can circumvent the legislation of the state? Show me anywhere that you can find where the number one executive can, by other than veto, change anything the legislature has enacted. Does he have the power to look at laws passed previously and just overturn them?

And again as to Ehrlich getting anything that isn’t a watered down compromise from getting through I’ll say look at the numbers of the bodies within the state legislature and what you have are; in the Senate 33 Democrats and 14 Republicans,; in the House 98 Democrats and 43 Republicans. You do know that the legislature operates under majority rule for getting the laws passed and that if needed it only requires 3/5 of each house to override a veto.

Now once again I ask what Ehrlich can get done playing within these constraints.


Well-Known Member
Bruzilla said:
Hmmm... being mean to an old man... as compared to being afraid to confront a former Governor? Or how about not caring about if his female aids are mistreated? Or how about that he doesn't have the balls to take on senior Democrats, or that he's afraid of upsetting the Legislature? How is your outlook a winner? Had he verbally, loudly, and publically blasted Schaefer immediately after the incident, the libs and the media could have blasted the hell out of him, but a lot of people would have been looking at Ehrlich with some new-found respect.

Why do you find it surprising that Grosfeld is being so vocal? Schaefer may be a big wig, but he isn't going to be around much longer. The fact that Ehrlich completely pussied out left the door open for a smarter pol to walk in and speak out against Schaefer's behavior. Who's going to be remembered favorably for their actions in this a few years down the road? The woman Senator who came out against a leader of her own party, and in support of an opposition party's aid, when she was sexually harassed, or the pussy Governor who smacked his hand on a table and said let's get back to business? I know which reaction I would prefer to campaign on if I were running for office.
Either you did not see the clip or your hatred for Ehrlich forces a Pelosi type response. With the exception of Ehrlich, everyone, including the woman at the table, laughed at Schaeffer's antics. Ehrlich tapped the table to get the children back to business and that is what they did. You people amaze me. You cry if a Repub confronts the bad guy and you cry if the Repub handles the situation peacefully. I bet you don't even think you're partisan.


Larry Gude said:
...I have had enough of your myopic, all or nothing tunnel vision attitude in regards to Ehrlich.

He's governor; not dictator. You pretend you have absolutely no clue how huge a deal it is for anyone but a Democrat to win a statewide race in Maryland. He barely beat KKT who is, by any measure, the worst candidate for office in the history of the galaxy. Barely beat her.

He is the executive of a state with a legislature that matches the states demographics; well over 60% Democrat. He is constantly vetoing everything from laws making doctors even more vulnerable to law suits to giving felons their voting rights back. He won, in part, because of a campaign promise to legalize gambling instead of raising taxes. That got beat though something may yet happen.

His vetoes get over ridden. It's tough to push through popular initiatives if they are seen as his. This is nothing more than political reality. He did a hell of a job in winning over moderates and NOT becoming a polarizing lightning rod in order to just get the damn job. This included making an ally with Shaeffer and numerous House Democrats seen as possible allies on some issues, typically more conservative and religious blacks.

Your response? Go to war. You sound like some rabid DU type who, if they can't get the whole loaf they'd rather starve and if nothing else never, EVER reach out or compromise.

You've called the man a coward and worse any number of times in this thread. Why? He's slowed down, considerably, Joe Currans jihad against gun ownership. The constant stream of loony anti gun ideas from Big Joe under Glendennig has stopped. You're take? Unless we can have nukes, forget it, he's a puss.

What do you suppose would have happened under a Democrat as the AWB sunsetted? Yeah, we're stuck with parts of it as state law now and it may get worse, MAY.

So, let's all take the Bruzilla approach, call names hold our breath, riot in the street and turn our backs on the man. That way, 'may' will be replaced with 'will' as the next Dem ascends the thrown.

Let's just give it all up and forget about using the same winning strategy that Ehrlich used to get Steele into Sarbanes seat.

I got a better idea; you keep your all or nothing attitude in Florida and show us all how it's done. We'll worry about Maryland, a state where, like it or not, the governor has to work for all Marylanders, not just those who voted for him.

1994 signaled the end of 40 years, 20 election cycles, of Democratic control of the US Congress. The following few cycles were nervous times as they were the proof if this was simply an interlude or real change. Now, 10 years later, things look pretty good.

What if everyone had just thrown their arms up, Bruz style, and started calling everyone a puss because the NEA didn't disappear overnight?

This shrieking and disdain your are exhibiting, this Dean-esque 'we're not shouting loud enough' behavior, is exactly why we keep winning elections big elections from Annapolis to Capital Hill to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. It's what THEY do, not us.

Grow up and cut it out.

Oh Larry... you're such a friggin drama queen sometimes!!! But you do make me laugh.