One thing I like about Dallas...


New Member
Re: My team

Originally posted by Dals_daddy
They're my team, I love em, and will be with right into the playoffs this year. And my god I can't wait till Sunday!!! Whoo hooo, kick Washington's A$$ AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From what part of Texas do you hail?

Larry Gude

Strung Out


Prepare to meet your betters!

That tuna magic stuff has 'bout run out. Dallas is an empty shell! No running game! No QB! Why they stink almost as OK, I said it.

Still, prepare for misery!!!


Football addict
Larry Gude said:



I hated Tom Landry.

I hated Drew Pearson.


I hated Tony Dorsett. Sorry...HATED.

I hated Harvey Martin.

I hated Too Tall.

I HATE the stadium.

I hate that stupid star.

I hate those STUPID colors.

There's more plastic in the cheerleaders than Silcon Vally.

I hate Irvin.

I hate it when the stupid crowd went "Mooooooooossseee" to Johnson. Why not be yourselves and just and leave it at "Moo"? Idiots.

I DESPISE Clint "Turkey" Longley.

I hate the airport.

I can't stand Larry Hagmen.

"Tex" Schramm is probably a FAKE nickname.

I hated that the only good player they ever had came from Maryland.

And the greatest day in the history of pro football was when Harold McLinton KNOCKED ROGER STAUBACH OUT COLD at the goal line.

Other than that...nice town.

DIE, you gravy sucking pigs.
I love a good bump.