online dating


New Member
Sites like match and stuff i can kinda see being pretty close to meeting someone at a bar, but what i liked about meeting my hubby here on the forums is the fact that i really got to know "him" before we started dating. Neither of us were looking for someone to date off here (infact he thought i was a guy for a little while since my AV was a car). But i got to know his real personality and nothing was hidden, u know how people osmetimes hide things when u first start dating or tell some white lies. I knew all his faults and he knew all mine before we even started dating :yay:


New Member
haha but it's true - people in the forums rock... especially this one :smoochy:
Anyways - thought I'd share a good online dating story, not mine so won't just copy and paste but read some of the stories on - absolutely hilarious!


Adopt me please !
I actually looked through some ads men had online and I was shocked to see how many men listed their age as being OLDER than the range they will accept a woman to be as a date.

I saw ads like the man being 55 and his range of age wanted in a woman said 23-46 - WTF? Is it REALLY THAT bad that men are not willing to date a women their own age? The last thing I want is to be walking around with an old guy on my arm that is so narrow minded that youth is his main criteria for an acceptable potential date ???

Anyone want to share experience? I'm thinking speed dating might be something to try. It's a waste of time meeting a bunch of nots. I've met a few good people, but few I'm attracted to.


New Member
I actually looked through some ads men had online and I was shocked to see how many men listed their age as being OLDER than the range they will accept a woman to be as a date.

I saw ads like the man being 55 and his range of age wanted in a woman said 23-46 - WTF? Is it REALLY THAT bad that men are not willing to date a women their own age? The last thing I want is to be walking around with an old guy on my arm that is so narrow minded that youth is his main criteria for an acceptable potential date ???

So get a hobby and meet people in person and get to know them and be friends first. :shrug:


Adopt me please !
oh I wouldn't even consider using a dating service ... no not me. I just looked after seeing this thread.... yeah that was your ad looking for the 23 y o ? huh? LOL

So get a hobby and meet people in person and get to know them and be friends first. :shrug:


Adopt me please !

Sites like match and stuff i can kinda see being pretty close to meeting someone at a bar, but what i liked about meeting my hubby here on the forums is the fact that i really got to know "him" before we started dating. Neither of us were looking for someone to date off here (infact he thought i was a guy for a little while since my AV was a car). But i got to know his real personality and nothing was hidden, u know how people osmetimes hide things when u first start dating or tell some white lies. I knew all his faults and he knew all mine before we even started dating :yay:


Methodically disorganized
The last thing I want is to be walking around with an old guy on my arm that is so narrow minded that youth is his main criteria for an acceptable potential date ???
Do you know it was a "main" criterion? Most people seem to be flexible on the age thing, if they meet the 'right one'; most will not turn someone away because that match is 36 when 35 was the cutoff. :shrug:

oh I wouldn't even consider using a dating service ... no not me.
If it works... :shrug: I know a few people who have gone through Match, et al. and have ended up in good relationships. You get out what you put in, like any other method.

Do you realize you gave a thumbs-up to a couple that fell under the complaint you made in Post 45? He was in his 40s and she was in her early(?) 20s. :lol:


Harley Rider
I actually looked through some ads men had online and I was shocked to see how many men listed their age as being OLDER than the range they will accept a woman to be as a date.
I saw ads like the man being 55 and his range of age wanted in a woman said 23-46 - WTF? Is it REALLY THAT bad that men are not willing to date a women their own age?
You ladies need to realize how men are "wired". Men are more "physically" oriented. (Women are too, but not as much as men). Therefore many men like younger women because they're (usually) shaped nicer and their skin is more youthful. Also, in my experience, they're more lively, more fun, more playful and they make older men feel like they've "still got it".

Now, I'm not into the extremes: Hugh Heffner extreme; Anna Nicole Smith extreme. Personally, I'm most comfortable with gals aged 35-50 (I'm 56). I'm on a dating website and I get emails from gals 50-65 and (with very few exceptions) they look older than they are. This is a turn off to me; I'm sorry but that's how I am. I do my best to fight the years and am always mistaken for a MUCH younger man than I am. A gal who is overweight, has bad teeth, sun damaged skin and the like....not for me.

Last year I had a 6 month "email relationship" with a gal out in California (from the dating site) but neither one of us wanted to leave our "coast" so, after getting to know each other very well, it ended. She is my age but really took care of herself so she was thin and attractive to me. So I say: to each his own as long as it isn't creepy extreme...


New Member
I always wanted to try online dating with my husband just to see if we are "compatible." He highly doubts that we would be matched up.


You ladies need to realize how men are "wired". Men are more "physically" oriented. (Women are too, but not as much as men). Therefore many men like younger women because they're (usually) shaped nicer and their skin is more youthful. Also, in my experience, they're more lively, more fun, more playful and they make older men feel like they've "still got it".

Women our age are a pain in the ass.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
You ladies need to realize how men are "wired". Men are more "physically" oriented. (Women are too, but not as much as men). Therefore many men like younger women because they're (usually) shaped nicer and their skin is more youthful. Also, in my experience, they're more lively, more fun, more playful and they make older men feel like they've "still got it".

Now, I'm not into the extremes: Hugh Heffner extreme; Anna Nicole Smith extreme. Personally, I'm most comfortable with gals aged 35-50 (I'm 56). I'm on a dating website and I get emails from gals 50-65 and (with very few exceptions) they look older than they are. This is a turn off to me; I'm sorry but that's how I am. I do my best to fight the years and am always mistaken for a MUCH younger man than I am. A gal who is overweight, has bad teeth, sun damaged skin and the like....not for me.

Last year I had a 6 month "email relationship" with a gal out in California (from the dating site) but neither one of us wanted to leave our "coast" so, after getting to know each other very well, it ended. She is my age but really took care of herself so she was thin and attractive to me. So I say: to each his own as long as it isn't creepy extreme...

Maybe you do not realize this but you come off as creepy. Ick.


Adopt me please !
I still think that there are a LARGE number of men who want a woman who is 10+ years younger than themselves. However when women want younger men they are called Cougars.

Age gaps are not in themselves a problem. I guess picking an age range is just anther option like hair color, or other physical traits one wants?


Harley Rider
I still think that there are a LARGE number of men who want a woman who is 10+ years younger than themselves. However when women want younger men they are called Cougars.
Age gaps are not in themselves a problem. I guess picking an age range is just anther option like hair color, or other physical traits one wants?
Men are called "Manthers" (Man panthers).

Actually, on the site I use, there are a lot of women who want younger guys. Typically the age range they give is 10 years younger than them but only 5 years older.

If I'm going to start a relationship with a woman, she has to be well aware of what each of our emotional requirements are. Most 20-35 year olds cannot satisfy mine. At my age I am not looking to marry a 30 year old woman either. This is ridiculous. I go out with a younger gal for fun. A Harley ride or not, lunch or dinner and some getting to know each other. I highly doubt (no matter how hot she is) that I'd be able to have a real emotionally close relationship with a gal under 40. Ok Dye? So no need for the name calling.


b*tch rocket
And I do too. In your opinion, how young is "creepy"? I think (for serious, lead to marriage dating) more than 10 years is creepy.

It depends, the older you get I think the gap can be larger, say like a 60 year old man dating a 50-55 year old woman isn't too terribly creepy. A 40-50 year old man dating a girl in her 20's and early 30's is creepy.