Ooh baby! Who looked at their IRA/401K performance for 2020?


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Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Another record high baby! 🍦

Meanwhile people can't afford groceries, gas, or housing......

But you keep being you.


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PREMO Member
There are two economys in the country. The political economy that the politicians report on and the economy the majority of us live on. The dems claim that the economy is booming is true but that is not the economy most of us see. We see the economy based on our checkbook and disposable income. Our economy is in shambles and Joe and The Ho are mostly to blame.
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Well-Known Member
Meanwhile people can't afford groceries, gas, or housing......

But you keep being you.
My entire life, all of it, there have been people who cannot budget. I don’t see that there has been any increase in the number of folks who can’t afford food or gas.

Housing has been spiraling out of control for decades, there is a class of people who hold onto their old houses and become landlords, locking up housing stock and screwing up the market by forcing folks to rent what normally would have been a house that could be bought.

Texas is doing a good job of approving new housing, tens of thousands of new houses are being built there. Around here any time a development is proposed people have complete panic attacks. “The roads! The schools! There are too many people here already!!”

Build baby, build!


Well-Known Member
Meanwhile people can't afford groceries, gas, or housing......

But you keep being you.
Get off your soapbox blondie, there are always folks who cannot afford those items.
The bottom line is this, people who could afford to invest in appreciable assets, houses, land, gold, stocks are seeing a windfall due to Bidens runaway inflation, runaway spending and assault on the fossil fuel industry. You cannot have inflation at approximately 20% and not have appreciable assets appreciate in value unless we go into a recession. This is a goldilocks scenario for the folks who have invested in these items.


Well-Known Member
The point is that there seems to be more NOW than there has been in quite a long time. Like... a LOT more.
Of course there is, 20% inflation saw to that! The economy ebbs and flows all of the time, in 29 millions of folks were plunged in poverty, but the people with money to invest made out big time. Biden started this cluster **** his 1st day in office, who didn't see that? The smart investors either loaded up the truck or stood pat, either way they have made out or stayed even. Some folks are more even than others and that is the way it's always been.

Basically everything the liberals have done since Bidens 1st day in office is inflationary, the crops are just getting ripe. I don't think inflation is anywhere near tamed!


Well-Known Member
My entire life, all of it, there have been people who cannot budget. I'm guessing you're referring to your life growing up, watching your own parents fail at life and sucking as much as they could off of the system. I don’t see that there has been any increase in the number of folks who can’t afford food or gas. Well, when everyone you know is on Gov't assistance, ya'll are first in line for monetary increases to your SNAP & Food Stamp benefits... I doubt you & your people would feel the pain...you're welcome...

Housing has been spiraling out of control for decades, there is a class of people who hold onto their old houses and become landlords, locking up housing stock and screwing up the market by forcing folks to rent what normally would have been a house that could be bought. So many ways to dissect this one. I'm gonna go with, you're a phuckin Marxist retard, aren't you? I bet you rent out your garden shed to a family of illegals, don't you?

Texas is doing a good job of approving new housing, tens of thousands of new houses are being built there. Around here any time a development is proposed people have complete panic attacks. “The roads! The schools! There are too many people here already!!” To house the hundreds of thousands of illegals pouring across the border...and yet, you think this is a good thing...

Build baby, build! I prefer drill baby, drill...


Well-Known Member
Of course there is, 20% inflation saw to that! The economy ebbs and flows all of the time, in 29 millions of folks were plunged in poverty, but the people with money to invest made out big time. Biden started this cluster **** his 1st day in office, who didn't see that? The smart investors either loaded up the truck or stood pat, either way they have made out or stayed even. Some folks are more even than others and that is the way it's always been.

Basically everything the liberals have done since Bidens 1st day in office is inflationary, the crops are just getting ripe. I don't think inflation is anywhere near tamed!
You can at least be honest.

Trump added nearly 2 Trillion in federal spending in 2020, the figures are here:

Since then Federal spending has fallen year after year, nearly falling almost a trillion dollars by 2023.

If you want to blame the government for inflation at least get your timeline right, Trump started this.


Well-Known Member
You can at least be honest.

Trump added nearly 2 Trillion in federal spending in 2020, the figures are here:

Since then Federal spending has fallen year after year, nearly falling almost a trillion dollars by 2023.

If you want to blame the government for inflation at least get your timeline right, Trump started this.
Honesty is my only policy, if you would pull your head out of your ass on occasion you would have already recognized that!


PREMO Member
Since then Federal spending has fallen year after year, nearly falling almost a trillion dollars by 2023.

As usual Sapidus, you are disingenuous hack ... Biden has done NOTHING to reduce deficits

you do not get to claim a reduction in spending when extra ordinary Covid Relief Spending has expired

nor do you get to blame Trump for this additional spending EVERYONE was clamoring for relief

However, in an April 8 blog post titled “No, President Biden Has Not Implemented Historic Deficit Reduction,” CRFB wrote (with this emphasis) that “the main source of falling deficits is the expiration of most COVID relief such as enhanced unemployment benefits and recovery rebates. The remaining decrease is largely the result of strong income growth and high inflation.” CRFB also noted that even after this post-pandemic drop, deficits will remain historically high.

“The President’s actions to date have not reduced deficits but instead increased them,” CRFB wrote. “Between the American Rescue Plan, the bipartisan infrastructure law, and various executive orders, we estimate at least $2.5 trillion has been added to deficits through 2031 over the President’s term so far.”

Jon Huntley, senior economist at the Penn Wharton Budget Model, agreed that the deficit reduction is mostly due to expiring pandemic spending by the federal government.

“The decline in the deficit between fiscal years 2021 and 2022 was largely expected,” Huntley told us via email. “As the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget notes, deficits were forecast to decline by about $1.4 trillion dollars from 2021 to 2022. The 2021 Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Long-Term Budget Outlook highlights the reason for this decline: Under current law, a huge amount of mandatory spending was scheduled to expire in 2022. Therefore, the federal deficit was going to decline under currently law. Congress would have needed to explicitly pass an extension of these mandatory spending programs to maintain 2021-levels of federal spending. As no such extension passed, spending declined in excess of a trillion dollars in fiscal year 2022.”

The Biden Administration Has Approved $4.8 Trillion of New Borrowing​

SEP 13, 2022


Prior to the pandemic, the U.S. national debt was on an unsustainable path. In 2020, policymakers appropriately enacted $3.4 trillion of additional borrowing to help fight the pandemic and stabilize the economy. Once the economy was strong enough, Congress and the White House should have stopped engaging in new borrowing and pivoted to focusing on implementing reforms to slow the growth of the national debt.

Instead, policymakers have added to the deficit, and borrowing has continued and at a very high level. We estimate the Biden Administration has enacted policies through legislation and executive actions that will add more than $4.8 trillion to deficits between 2021 and 2031, or nearly $2.5 trillion when excluding the effects of the American Rescue Plan. This is on top of the trillions of dollars we were projected to borrow before President Biden took office.


Well-Known Member
I was think a Progressive ' blaming ' old white people for holding on to their assets
60 years ago folks didn’t hold onto their old houses like they do today and create a permanent class of renters.

You can call it whatever you want, but it’s a “I got mine” mentalty that is pulling up the ladder and keeping homes off the market.

Not sure how this makes me a communist, I think houses should be on the open market and available for familes to purchase. Not to force them to rent and sending a check to someone who owns multiple of these “assets”.

Money is made by creating businesses, not hording buildings.
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Well-Known Member
nor do you get to blame Trump for this additional spending EVERYONE was clamoring for relief
I don’t think the economy cares why the money was injected into it, the reality is under Trump the annual budget spiked by 2 trillion (so from ~5t to over 7t). Anytime you add 40% to federal spending in a single year you’ll get runaway inflation. You can blame Biden all you want, but the reality is that increase happened under Trump.

Slashing the federal spending by 2t would have caused chaos in 2021 so Biden maintained and reduced spending levels year after year, annual spending is now closer to 6t, the lowest it’s been since before the 2020 spike.