"ooooo I'm Tellin"


Im On 1.
"ooooo" *UPDATE*

So you and your wife are good friends with this couple right....and you're out one day and see the husband kissing another woman that isn't his wife....

do you tell the wife?

I'm kinda torn right now......she's mentioned he's been distant and then damn...my boyfriend seen him smoochin some other chick in the parking lot at Legends.
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Baby blues
This one is REALLY hard to call.

How close are you with the wife? Is she your primary friend - in other words, did you know her and have a friendship with her before meeting her hubby?

I'll have to think on this. TOUGH one.


Im On 1.
Tinkerbell said:
This one is REALLY hard to call.

How close are you with the wife? Is she your primary friend - in other words, did you know her and have a friendship with her before meeting her hubby?

I'll have to think on this. TOUGH one.

Me and my man go out with her and her husband from time to time. We have dinner, they come over to our house for game nite we go over to their house....she has confided in me about little stuff and just recently it got deeper about her husband because she said she really didnt have anyone else to talk to.

the men have been cool for about 5 years...they work together and I was introduced to the wife around the same time.....


Baby blues
Maybe your BF should talk to the hubby and tell him what he knows. Tell him that he needs to come clean with his wife or stop the affair immediately, or, as a friend, you'll be forced to go to his wife with the info? :shrug:

I'm not sure this is best either....You're risking losing friendships on this one.


Tinkerbell said:
Maybe your BF should talk to the hubby and tell him what he knows. Tell him that he needs to come clean with his wife or stop the affair immediately, or, as a friend, you'll be forced to go to his wife with the info? :shrug:

I'm not sure this is best either....You're risking losing friendships on this one.

Sometimes it isn't worth having those kinda friendships. :shrug:



Well-Known Member
Qurious said:
So you and your wife are good friends with this couple right....and you're out one day and see the husband kissing another woman that isn't his wife....

do you tell the wife?

I'm kinda torn right now......she's mentioned he's been distant and then damn...my boyfriend seen him smoochin some other chick in the parking lot at Legends.

did you see that or did your boyfriend see it? :confused:

honestly if it were me next time i was out together with the two of them i would try to steal a moment alone with him and tell him i saw him and he has two choices 1) he can tell her 2) or i will.

if i couldn't steal a moment i would be sure to bring up the fact that i had just been to legends and thought i saw him, then watch him squirm. :evil:


New Member
Oh I think you should tell her. If you don't and she finds out that you knew all along you'll end up losing her friendship. I wouldn't give the guy an ultimatum, if he's slimy enough to cheat he's slimy enough to lie to you and say he told her and it's all worked out. Just put yourself in that position, if you b/f was cheating on you wouldn't you want to know?

Nanny Pam

lovinmaryland said:
did you see that or did your boyfriend see it? :confused:

honestly if it were me next time i was out together with the two of them i would try to steal a moment alone with him and tell him i saw him and he has two choices 1) he can tell her 2) or i will.

if i couldn't steal a moment i would be sure to bring up the fact that i had just been to legends and thought i saw him, then watch him squirm. :evil:
Oh...that is evil!! I love it! :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tinkerbell said:
Maybe your BF should talk to the hubby and tell him what he knows. Tell him that he needs to come clean with his wife or stop the affair immediately, or, as a friend, you'll be forced to go to his wife with the info?
I agree with this. :yay:


Baby blues
Many valid points are being brought up.

There is the STD thing...
There is the fact that giving him an ultimatium probably won't work...
If it were ME, I'd want and expect a friend to tell me...

It's not fair to the wife and she needs to know.

It's hard to tell a person something you know is going to hurt them, just try and be there to help catch the pieces of her broken heart. She said she doesn't really have anyone else to talk to, be ready to be there for her.


Im On 1.
sccrmommy said:
Oh I think you should tell her. If you don't and she finds out that you knew all along you'll end up losing her friendship. I wouldn't give the guy an ultimatum, if he's slimy enough to cheat he's slimy enough to lie to you and say he told her and it's all worked out. Just put yourself in that position, if you b/f was cheating on you wouldn't you want to know?

my boyfriend saw him "kiss" another woman, not sleep with her....

is kissing really cheating? what if he isn't flucking her?

I want to tell her but then I don't.....they just had a baby....

I told my man don't get involved just yet....we are both torn....


Watch it
Qurious said:
So you and your wife are good friends with this couple right....and you're out one day and see the husband kissing another woman that isn't his wife....

do you tell the wife?

I'm kinda torn right now......she's mentioned he's been distant and then damn...my boyfriend seen him smoochin some other chick in the parking lot at Legends.

I'd tell her somehow. Maybe anonymously if that is all you can handle. I've been on the sucky end of a cheater and the longer it goes on behind your back, the more you feel like an idiot later. He WILL be found out eventually...I wish somebody had told ME instead of finding out on my own. Man, this brings up tough memories! :bawl:


Watch it
Qurious said:
my boyfriend saw him "kiss" another woman, not sleep with her....

is kissing really cheating? what if he isn't flucking her?

I want to tell her but then I don't.....they just had a baby....

I told my man don't get involved just yet....we are both torn....

Cheating is anything that equals gettting emotional/physical satisfaction from anybody but your spouse/significant other.

Nanny Pam

My ex-husbands sister told me my ex was cheating. That slimy bastage!:lol:
She even took me to where it was happening so I could see for myself. I appreciated it, too.