"ooooo I'm Tellin"


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vraiblonde said:
I agree with this. :yay:

I wouldn't take that guy's word for NOTHING...who is to say he won't just say he has broken it off and then be a little better at hiding it out in public.


Im On 1.
jenbengen said:
I'd tell her somehow. Maybe anonymously if that is all you can handle. I've been on the sucky end of a cheater and the longer it goes on behind your back, the more you feel like an idiot later. He WILL be found out eventually...I wish somebody had told ME instead of finding out on my own. Man, this brings up tough memories! :bawl:

sorry...how did u find out?


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Qurious said:
sorry...how did u find out?

Short answer- He was c@cky enough to be emailing her while I was in the room. I glanced over, saw "xoxoxo" and the rest is history. People knew and said nothing. That hurts just as much...trust me.


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Oh, and there is a GOOD chance she has a gut feeling something isn't right anyways. Women tend not to want to suspect that stuff in people they love so they brush it aside. It may hurt her in the end, but she'll learn to trust herself more.

OK, I'm rambling now. lol


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Airgasm said:
How the hell, do you always get in the middle of such :drama: ?

what do u mean? I'm not involved in it yet...I didn't say anything to the hubby or the wife...

im not sure if I'm going to. The baby is 8 months old...what I look like breaking up a home?

we dont know if he's cheating...just that he kissed a girl.


Im On 1.
jenbengen said:
Short answer- He was c@cky enough to be emailing her while I was in the room. I glanced over, saw "xoxoxo" and the rest is history. People knew and said nothing. That hurts just as much...trust me.

the people who knew where they friends or associates?


Qurious said:
what do u mean? I'm not involved in it yet...I didn't say anything to the hubby or the wife...

im not sure if I'm going to. The baby is 8 months old...what I look like breaking up a home?

we dont know if he's cheating...just that he kissed a girl.

That IS cheating.............


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Qurious said:
what do u mean? I'm not involved in it yet...I didn't say anything to the hubby or the wife...

im not sure if I'm going to. The baby is 8 months old...what I look like breaking up a home?

we dont know if he's cheating...just that he kissed a girl.

That is sooooo cheating. No guy just hangs around a girl kissing her without wanting to get in her pants. Correction: YOU are not breaking up a home, his sorry azz is.


Im On 1.
Roberta said:
That IS cheating.............

I can't see them ending their relationship and breaking up the family over a "kiss"

i dont consider it cheating. If she found proof that he is sleeping with her or they had any sexual contact...then thats cheating.


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Qurious said:
I can't see them ending their relationship and breaking up the family over a "kiss"

i dont consider it cheating. If she found proof that he is sleeping with her or they had any sexual contact...then thats cheating.

I think you are being too generous. He's cheating on her.


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If kissing is not such a big deal, then you should have no problem saying (in front of both of them) "hey, I saw you the other day. Who was that girl you were kissing?" Right?? :)


J.F. A sus ordenes!
Really don't think its anyones business to report on such issues. I guess your BF can mention tot he guy what he saw and then its totally up to him to deal with it. No matter how well you know somebody you never know whats going on in their home. JMO


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kwillia said:
Not necessarily true. There is kissing :kiss: and then there is kissing :smoochy:

Funny- the first thing out of my cheater's mouth was "that is just how we said goodbye in our group" (they were overseas). He buckled under the pressure of my questions eventually and admitted to screwing her for 4 months. So the "just kissing" excuse is lame. If we lived in France or Spain, maybe that would fly better.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
jenbengen said:
I wouldn't take that guy's word for NOTHING...who is to say he won't just say he has broken it off and then be a little better at hiding it out in public.
Then I would say, "No no - regardless of whether it's over or not, either you tell her or I'm going to."

Even a broken off cheat is still a cheat.
jenbengen said:
A real friend doesn't let a friend do stupid things and not hold them accountable.
She said she say "a kiss" so I'm trying to figure out if it was a :kiss: kiss or a :smoochy: kiss because I think there is a big difference.


Qurious said:
my boyfriend saw him "kiss" another woman, not sleep with her....

is kissing really cheating? what if he isn't flucking her?

I want to tell her but then I don't.....they just had a baby....

I told my man don't get involved just yet....we are both torn....

What kind of kiss, a full on mouth kiss, a peck, a kiss on the cheek....