Opposing gay marriage 'isn't unfairness'


New Member
Maybe it's because your beliefs are not only anti-gay, they're anti-person. Your beliefs have the power to directly impact the way I can live my own personal life. Why is that fair? How is a gay person getting married directly impacting your personal life? Religion aside, (because it's not really fair to impose our religions on one another), it's very different. I don't agree with anyone being hateful, but when you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you were born gay (despite what others like you might have to say about it), for someone to tell you that they should have control over your life, it's insulting and it gets a little maddening. You having an opinion about gays imposes on my life way more than my opinion about anti-gays does.

I don't want you to think that myself or anyone else here is trying to belittle you as a person. I believe that God has a plan for peoples lives. You can't ask us to somehow remove our religious faith or history or Biblical influence to view the world or how we come to view moral issues. It's not possible.

Having said that, you stated that you were born gay. Well if I tell you that we are all born sinful and we are predisposed to sin does that change what we think is moral or not? In other words if you assume with me that we are born in to a sinful state then we sin in our conduct as we grow. Lying, cheating and the like. Does that make that behavior acceptable because I was born that way? You will probably say No.

There is hope!

1 Corinthians: 7 The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated? 8 Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers and sisters. 9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

That is what some of US WERE...past tense. God was able to change the lives of those who trusted in Him. I suggest reading the full context for yourself. This is one of the great truths of the Bible. It does not hide anything about the nature of mankind. It reveals it. :yahoo:


My real name.

Whats next xxxxxxx? you going to claim that Jesus Christ himself was a homo?

No, it does not work like that, as what Paul does has nothing to do with what Jesus does.

Plus the Bible tells us that Jesus had a girlfriend who was Martha.

"Now Jesus loved Martha ..." John 11:5 , and that also explains why Martha was upset with her sister Mary Magdalene in Luke 10:38-42

So Jesus was NOT a homo, but the Apostle Paul certainly appears to be.



In My Opinion
John 13:23
Now there was leaning on Jesus' bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved.

Wow, not only did he love him, he let him lean on his bosom.

proves it for me.


New Member
I don't want you to think that myself or anyone else here is trying to belittle you as a person. I believe that God has a plan for peoples lives. You can't ask us to somehow remove our religious faith or history or Biblical influence to view the world or how we come to view moral issues. It's not possible.

Having said that, you stated that you were born gay. Well if I tell you that we are all born sinful and we are predisposed to sin does that change what we think is moral or not? In other words if you assume with me that we are born in to a sinful state then we sin in our conduct as we grow. Lying, cheating and the like. Does that make that behavior acceptable because I was born that way? You will probably say No.

There is hope!

1 Corinthians: 7 The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated? 8 Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers and sisters. 9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

That is what some of US WERE...past tense. God was able to change the lives of those who trusted in Him. I suggest reading the full context for yourself. This is one of the great truths of the Bible. It does not hide anything about the nature of mankind. It reveals it. :yahoo:

I wouldn't ask anyone to abandon their beliefs. Only to stop using them in a way that squashes another person's right to life and happiness, even if it doesn't align with your standards of life and happiness. And for the trolls who read this, No, I don't mean we should get to kill people if we want...

A person being a perpetual liar or thief (or a murderer) is doing things to intentionally hurt others. Lying and cheating can be legal offenses. Morality should be based on love, care, and safety. You can not use religion as a means of uniting people under morality. It seems as though religion is where the morality cracks. Where would you draw the line? We are lucky to live in the US where we have the freedom to believe how we choose... unfortunately, religion is still being used to deny me my rights. What rights are you being denied? I now live in a state that allows gay marriage, but because of DOMA there are still more than a thousand things that gay couples are denied that straight couples take for granted. It's not right...


In My Opinion
I wouldn't ask anyone to abandon their beliefs. Only to stop using them in a way that squashes another person's right to life and happiness, even if it doesn't align with your standards of life and happiness. And for the trolls who read this, No, I don't mean we should get to kill people if we want...
How does anything I do when it comes to a total disagreement with homosexuality, in any way squash another persons right to life and happiness?

A person being a perpetual liar or thief (or a murderer) is doing things to intentionally hurt others. Lying and cheating can be legal offenses. Morality should be based on love, care, and safety. You can not use religion as a means of uniting people under morality. It seems as though religion is where the morality cracks. Where would you draw the line? We are lucky to live in the US where we have the freedom to believe how we choose... unfortunately, religion is still being used to deny me my rights. What rights are you being denied? I now live in a state that allows gay marriage, but because of DOMA there are still more than a thousand things that gay couples are denied that straight couples take for granted. It's not right...
What you mean is that Morality should be based on what you believe, and that it is perfectly acceptable to deny or modify the rights to religion in favor of your desire for privileges, privileges not based on the constitution.


New Member
Up until the 16th century marriage was considered a civil contract, not a religous one though most marriages were blessed by a priest. In response to the rising Protestant movement, the Catholic church demanded all marriges take place in front of a priest and two witnesses. After all, the church needed to keep it's power and influence.

Therefore, I would state that the institution of marriage has been changing due to political purposes for years and will continue to do so. The church has been involved with these changes and will also continue to do so. Not everyone is going to be happy with the changes and never have been.

This is history.


New Member
How does anything I do when it comes to a total disagreement with homosexuality, in any way squash another persons right to life and happiness?

What you mean is that Morality should be based on what you believe, and that it is perfectly acceptable to deny or modify the rights to religion in favor of your desire for privileges, privileges not based on the constitution.

I'm pretty sure you'll answer your first question in November when you will be given the opportunity to vote for or against gay marriage.

What I mean, is that basing morality solely on religion is fruity, just as basing government on religion is. I don't worship the constitution either. What SHOULD we base morality on? The Bible? The Ten Commandments? The Koran? The law? The constitution? Morality is a pretty personal experience, just as faith, beliefs, etc. If no one is getting hurt, why are we picking and choosing which things are dictated by law, by the Bible or by the constitution? I'm not sure why I'm defending my views on morality to you though since I really have no clue if you even have any morals. You fight homosexuality like it's your personal God-given conviction, but at the same time you insult people who don't have your same view. Not very God-like, numbnuts.


New Member
Up until the 16th century marriage was considered a civil contract, not a religous one though most marriages were blessed by a priest. In response to the rising Protestant movement, the Catholic church demanded all marriges take place in front of a priest and two witnesses. After all, the church needed to keep it's power and influence.

Therefore, I would state that the institution of marriage has been changing due to political purposes for years and will continue to do so. The church has been involved with these changes and will also continue to do so. Not everyone is going to be happy with the changes and never have been.

This is history.

This is your argument defending gay marriage??


Federalist Live Forever
there are still more than a thousand things that gay couples are denied that straight couples take for granted. It's not right...

No, just traditionally married opposite sex couples. "Straight couples" do not. As for thousands things denied, nice try.


In My Opinion
I'm pretty sure you'll answer your first question in November when you will be given the opportunity to vote for or against gay marriage.
Yes, I will vote against it. So what, is that no longer my right?

What I mean, is that basing morality solely on religion is fruity, just as basing government on religion is. I don't worship the constitution either. What SHOULD we base morality on? The Bible? The Ten Commandments? The Koran? The law? The constitution? Morality is a pretty personal experience, just as faith, beliefs, etc. If no one is getting hurt, why are we picking and choosing which things are dictated by law, by the Bible or by the constitution? I'm not sure why I'm defending my views on morality to you though since I really have no clue if you even have any morals. You fight homosexuality like it's your personal God-given conviction, but at the same time you insult people who don't have your same view. Not very God-like, numbnuts.

You do understand how stupid you sound right? In the same sentence you want to point out my lack of morality becuase I call people names, then you end the thought with calling me a name?

and you dont feel like defending your views on morality because clearly from the paragraph above, not only do you not have any, you profess that there is no such thing as public morality.

and, once again you attack my right to practice my religion. If you are not concerned with my rights, why the hell should I have any concern with your privilages.


New Member
Maybe it's because your beliefs are not only anti-gay, they're anti-person. Your beliefs have the power to directly impact the way I can live my own personal life. Why is that fair? How is a gay person getting married directly impacting your personal life? Religion aside, (because it's not really fair to impose our religions on one another), it's very different. I don't agree with anyone being hateful, but when you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you were born gay (despite what others like you might have to say about it), for someone to tell you that they should have control over your life, it's insulting and it gets a little maddening. You having an opinion about gays imposes on my life way more than my opinion about anti-gays does.

How about a better solution, freedom from the bondage of sin? I know that a life long lie seems like reality, tell a life oten enough and people believe it including our selves.

But what if what Christ says is true that when you become born again he will give you a new heart and new desires. The thing you once loved you will now hate and the things you once hated (like Him) you will now love. I am not saying come to Him for the bennies, but if he deafted sin and death, which he did and he can break the bondage that sin has you in wouldnt that be better and wouldnt you want that a chance to discover who you are in Christ?


New Member
Up until the 16th century marriage was considered a civil contract, not a religous one though most marriages were blessed by a priest. In response to the rising Protestant movement, the Catholic church demanded all marriges take place in front of a priest and two witnesses. After all, the church needed to keep it's power and influence.

Therefore, I would state that the institution of marriage has been changing due to political purposes for years and will continue to do so. The church has been involved with these changes and will also continue to do so. Not everyone is going to be happy with the changes and never have been.

This is history.

Wow, I dont know where you got your info, but it is incorect God implemented marriage with Adam and Eve and it has carried down through history.


New Member
I'm pretty sure you'll answer your first question in November when you will be given the opportunity to vote for or against gay marriage.

What I mean, is that basing morality solely on religion is fruity, just as basing government on religion is. I don't worship the constitution either. What SHOULD we base morality on? The Bible? The Ten Commandments? The Koran? The law? The constitution? Morality is a pretty personal experience, just as faith, beliefs, etc. If no one is getting hurt, why are we picking and choosing which things are dictated by law, by the Bible or by the constitution? I'm not sure why I'm defending my views on morality to you though since I really have no clue if you even have any morals. You fight homosexuality like it's your personal God-given conviction, but at the same time you insult people who don't have your same view. Not very God-like, numbnuts.

Good question, and you answered it correctly! Gods Moral Law (Ten Commandments), that is the standard that agrees with the conscious
(Romans 2:15
They demonstrate that God's law is written in their hearts, for their own conscience and thoughts either accuse them or tell them they are doing right.) as well as the standard that all, will be judged by. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. All being the key word. We all have a sin debt and there is only one payment that is acceptable to God through Jesus Christ I am the way and the TRUTH and the LIFE and no man commeth unto the father but by me.
The soul that sins must die
This life is fleeting, and the wages of sin are death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The choice is yours, today is the day of salvation!


New Member
No, just traditionally married opposite sex couples. "Straight couples" do not. As for thousands things denied, nice try.

Yeah, I misspoke. That should have said married couples. And I didn't say thousandS, I said over a thousand.

"There are over one thousand federal laws in which marriage status is a factor. These laws confer rights, protections, and benefits to married couples. Partners in same-sex couples cannot receive these important benefits -- from Social Security survivor benefits to federal tax benefits to federal employee health and retirement benefits."

Federal Marriage Benefits Denied to Same-Sex Couples | Nolo.com


New Member
Good question, and you answered it correctly! Gods Moral Law (Ten Commandments), that is the standard that agrees with the conscious
(Romans 2:15
They demonstrate that God's law is written in their hearts, for their own conscience and thoughts either accuse them or tell them they are doing right.) as well as the standard that all, will be judged by. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. All being the key word. We all have a sin debt and there is only one payment that is acceptable to God through Jesus Christ I am the way and the TRUTH and the LIFE and no man commeth unto the father but by me.
The soul that sins must die
This life is fleeting, and the wages of sin are death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The choice is yours, today is the day of salvation!

Is homosexuality in one of the 10 commandments now?


New Member
Yes, I will vote against it. So what, is that no longer my right?

You do understand how stupid you sound right? In the same sentence you want to point out my lack of morality becuase I call people names, then you end the thought with calling me a name?

and you dont feel like defending your views on morality because clearly from the paragraph above, not only do you not have any, you profess that there is no such thing as public morality.

and, once again you attack my right to practice my religion. If you are not concerned with my rights, why the hell should I have any concern with your privilages.

I was pointing out your own name-calling. I'm sorry that irony is lost on you. You bash my posts all the time in your condescending, nonsensical ways. I'm seriously curious as to how you identify. I find it truly hard to believe that you're a Christian. You're one of the meanest people I've met on here. Anonymity doesn't protect you from reaping what you sow.

Actually, scratch that... most Christians I know are pretty horrible people behind closed doors and put on their best "holy" face for those who don't know any better. So, I guess I could believe that you're a Christian.


In My Opinion
Actually, scratch that... most Christians I know are pretty horrible people behind closed doors and put on their best "holy" face for those who don't know any better. So, I guess I could believe that you're a Christian.

and most queers I know are child molesting AIDs infested perverts behind doors. They only pretend not to be when in public,.

See how easy that is?

and 10 bucks says if I was pro immoral behaviour, and changed nothing else, you would be my best buddy. So, your opinion of me does not matter.

I think I will do like a democrat and vote twice against homo marriage this time around, I will do it in your name.


New Member
and most queers I know are child molesting AIDs infested perverts behind doors. They only pretend not to be when in public,.

See how easy that is?

and 10 bucks says if I was pro immoral behaviour, and changed nothing else, you would be my best buddy. So, your opinion of me does not matter.

I think I will do like a democrat and vote twice against homo marriage this time around, I will do it in your name.

Wow, why do you know so many AIDS infested child molesters? I mean, I know why I know a lot of 2-faced Christians. That's pretty much my entire family.

You don't really know anything about me other than the fact that I'm gay. And I guess for many, that's all they need to know to judge me. Not that you care, but I'm an elementary teacher and take my job very seriously. I'm anti-abortion, anti-war, and anti-hypocrisy. I have no clue who I'm voting for this November considering my only options are a Muslim sympathizer and a Mormon. I pay taxes. I don't cheat or steal and try not to lie. I think child molesters should have their dicks cut off. I believe in heaven and hell and God and Jesus and praying and healing and all that other good stuff. I do not believe in religion as it is man's way of telling others how to believe. Let's see... I'm healthy, clean, and fit... I support small businesses... I'm in a committed relationship that possesses much of what many couples lack... communication, complete trust, love, and a desire to grow together and be better people. And even though you really piss me off on here and sometimes I lose my cool, I do try to follow netiquette on online forums.

So like I said, not that you care, but just trying to bring the human element in. Because that's what we all are. You can vote twice against gay marriage in MD. Go for it. I live in a state now where I can marry. In fact I'm getting married this fall. I'd invite you but you might enjoy the wedding kiss too much. (Since girl on girl action is still okay to most homophobic guys, right? Can I make that assumption?)


In My Opinion
Wow, why do you know so many AIDS infested child molesters? I mean, I know why I know a lot of 2-faced Christians. That's pretty much my entire family.

You don't really know anything about me other than the fact that I'm gay. And I guess for many, that's all they need to know to judge me. Not that you care, but I'm an elementary teacher and take my job very seriously. I'm anti-abortion, anti-war, and anti-hypocrisy. I have no clue who I'm voting for this November considering my only options are a Muslim sympathizer and a Mormon. I pay taxes. I don't cheat or steal and try not to lie. I think child molesters should have their dicks cut off. I believe in heaven and hell and God and Jesus and praying and healing and all that other good stuff. I do not believe in religion as it is man's way of telling others how to believe. Let's see... I'm healthy, clean, and fit... I support small businesses... I'm in a committed relationship that possesses much of what many couples lack... communication, complete trust, love, and a desire to grow together and be better people. And even though you really piss me off on here and sometimes I lose my cool, I do try to follow netiquette on online forums.

So like I said, not that you care, but just trying to bring the human element in. Because that's what we all are. You can vote twice against gay marriage in MD. Go for it. I live in a state now where I can marry. In fact I'm getting married this fall. I'd invite you but you might enjoy the wedding kiss too much. (Since girl on girl action is still okay to most homophobic guys, right? Can I make that assumption?)

and you know just as much as me, yet you make your assumptions.
and if you have been following along for any length of time you would know that the girl/girl kiss/makeout is equally wrong in my eyes, I dont find the enjoyment in watching that either. Sorry to burst the bubble.
the only thing you know for sure about me is that I disapprove of gay marriage and or relationships. and for you, that is enough.