Orphaned Bunny

Homer J

Power Chord
So, I ran over a nest with four baby bunnies in it when I was mowing my lawn yesterday afternoon. One jumped out of the nest, and the rest stayed huddled up. Thankfully, I didn't hit any of the bunnies and I gave them a wide berth while I finished mowing. When I went to check on them later in the evening, the three from the nest were gone, and the one was tucked up in the corner of the flower bed. I checked again before I went to bed and he was still tucked up in the same spot.

To make a long story short, the little guy is still huddled in the corner of my front steps, and mom has not come back for him. Does anyone know who I should call to come take care of him? I'm afraid one of the neighborhood dogs may try to make a snack of him.


Well-Known Member
I would try some local pet rescues and see if they'll take him/her.

Meanwhile, you could try to see if it will eat. Something like Peas and Carrots baby food, maybe?


Well-Known Member
Awww...poor little bunny. How about animal control? Not sure if they can help, but, maybe refer you to someone who can. Good Luck

Homer J

Power Chord
Update to the story. I went out to check on the little guy when I got home from work. Still in the same place. I reached down to see if he was still alive and he bolted. He ran completely around the house and into the neighbor’s yard. The neighbors haven‘t cut their grass in about four weeks, so there is no finding him in there. Maybe he’ll find the rest of the family in there somewhere.

Homer J

Power Chord
Update #2. I got home from work yesterday and bunny had found his way back to the same spot next to my porch. And, he actually brought one of his siblings back with him. They both seem to be doing fine so, I guess I'll keep an eye on them but otherwise, leave them alone.