Better than YOU.
UrbanPancake said:It may be old news, but it's only a matter of time before a terrorist uses these explosives against our boy's and girl's in Iraq.![]()
Your late...

UrbanPancake said:It may be old news, but it's only a matter of time before a terrorist uses these explosives against our boy's and girl's in Iraq.![]()
He'd raise two additional divisions.. an additional 100,000 men and women in a time when recruiting can't meet it's stabilization numbers.. without a draft, even though a Democrat forwarded a bill FOR the draft earlier this year...SamSpade said:Yeah, that's what *KERRY* would do. Get more guys over there. But he'd have to *draft* them. Oh. Wait. No, he'd have a "plan" to get us OUT in six months. No, actually, four years (convenient). No, actually until the job is done. He'd add more divisions, but - he wouldn't raise taxes. Yeah - that's it. No, wait. He's not for the war at all. He'd get our allies - the ones who DIDN'T show up, you see - to go and waste THEIR lives in this "grand diversion" - and insult the allies who DID show up.
He would have taken Baghdad RIGHT AWAY. Uhh, actually no. Uhhh. Now that I think about it, he wouldn't have sent a troop of p*ssed-off Boy Scouts. Well, actually he WOULD have, because he said words to the effect whoever was in favor of leaving him in power shouldn't be President.
Let's face it - Kerry wouldn't have done squat. He does a lot of Monday morning quarter-backing, and he does it BADLY. With Kerry as President, we'd still be sending inspectors to Saddam, we'd never have gone into the "quagmire" that Afghanistan was supposed to be. I have ZERO confidence in his ability to wage a war on terror. If anything, he's just stupid enough to think he can second guess his own military leadership; something Bush actually did right.
itsbob said:He'd raise two additional divisions.. an additional 100,000 men and women in a time when recruiting can't meet it's stabilization numbers.. without a draft, even though a Democrat forwarded a bill FOR the draft earlier this year...
He'd tell the world we were sorry for our soldiers committing war crimes and the atrocities they'd committed, and we WILL see American SOldiers sitting in international war crimes courts, administered by foreign countries or the UN AND getting convicted in the same courts, by evidence provided by his administration. ALL this to prove to the world, and ESPECIALLY France, and the middle East that we are truly sorry, and how many more of our young men and women would you like us to sacrifice before you believe us??
LISTEN to what he said about our soldiers in Vietnam, (he'll be saying the same thing about our soldiers in Iraq, just in International courts not the Senate) he must have INCREDIBLE vision to see that far out into the jungle from his little Bayliner in the River.. He called YOUR relatives, YOUR friends WAR CRIMINALS, and yet he's the only that ever admitted to performing a war crime. Yes, coldheartedly murdering a wounded combatant IS a war crime!!
And tell me.. PLEASE tell me.. what is wrong with our economy? What NEEDS to be fixed? We have single digit unemployment, to the point of where statiticians say if you don't have a job you REALLY don't want a job. Single digit inflation... and the interest rates?? THOSE are terrible.. you can't buy a house for MORE then 10% interest, and if you try hard, maybe the bank can screw you over and get you less then 4 or even 3%.. beats what my parents paid when Carter was in office..
You are NEVER going to see 0% inflation, or unemployment.. so let the Demoncrats cry how terrible WE have it while they live in their multimillion dollar mansions.. they have NO concept what it's like to pay interest rates.. so they wouldn't care if you are paying 4% on that 250,000 house or 14%.
itsbob said:He'd raise two additional divisions.. an additional 100,000 men and women in a time when recruiting can't meet it's stabilization numbers.. without a draft, even though a Democrat forwarded a bill FOR the draft earlier this year...
He'd tell the world we were sorry for our soldiers committing war crimes and the atrocities they'd committed, and we WILL see American SOldiers sitting in international war crimes courts, administered by foreign countries or the UN AND getting convicted in the same courts, by evidence provided by his administration. ALL this to prove to the world, and ESPECIALLY France, and the middle East that we are truly sorry, and how many more of our young men and women would you like us to sacrifice before you believe us??
LISTEN to what he said about our soldiers in Vietnam, (he'll be saying the same thing about our soldiers in Iraq, just in International courts not the Senate) he must have INCREDIBLE vision to see that far out into the jungle from his little Bayliner in the River.. He called YOUR relatives, YOUR friends WAR CRIMINALS, and yet he's the only that ever admitted to performing a war crime. Yes, coldheartedly murdering a wounded combatant IS a war crime!!
And tell me.. PLEASE tell me.. what is wrong with our economy? What NEEDS to be fixed? We have single digit unemployment, to the point of where statiticians say if you don't have a job you REALLY don't want a job. Single digit inflation... and the interest rates?? THOSE are terrible.. you can't buy a house for MORE then 10% interest, and if you try hard, maybe the bank can screw you over and get you less then 4 or even 3%.. beats what my parents paid when Carter was in office..
You are NEVER going to see 0% inflation, or unemployment.. so let the Demoncrats cry how terrible WE have it while they live in their multimillion dollar mansions.. they have NO concept what it's like to pay interest rates.. so they wouldn't care if you are paying 4% on that 250,000 house or 14%.
flowerchild said:Well done!
Will somebody PLEASE explain to me why we even bother to read what this incompetent, extreme leftist, Kerry ass-kisser, gnat brained moron has to offer?Gooseneck said:Hey Pancake, it's Commander in Chief.
Penn said:Will somebody PLEASE explain to me why we even bother to read what this incompetent, extreme leftist, Kerry ass-kisser, gnat brained moron has to offer?
It's been pointed out in this thread and in another, that these weapons were very well gone before our troops arrived at the scene where these explosives were taken from.
And yet this fool cannot and will not back off even one iota!
It's BLAME BUSH FOR EVERYTHING!! How stupid and ignorant can you get?
As for me, I can't put any validity in anything the cityflipflopper tells us about.
You are one sad dude![]()
HORUS said:Maybe he's like the rest of the "KerrySupporters" who seem to be easily baffled by
I don't fault the dude for wanting to make a point even if it is ignorant. I'm just not going to buy into it.![]()
Penn said:![]()
You know, there just might be a way to enter adisclaimer in all of his upcoming posts!
Something to the effect: "The information presented in this thread is not to be taken as fact, in any way, shape or form, due to the past history of this user."![]()
Guess who...(video)SamSpade said:Doesn't anyone wanna talk down the President over this, now that the whole thing has been shown to be a load of crap?
http://kmclive.com/SEEMS INCREDIBLE THAT NEARLY 24 HOURS AFTER NYTIMES STORY IS BLOWN AWAY - JOHN KERRY CONTINUES TO USE IT ON THE TRAIL: The Daily Recycler has done everyone in the blogosphere a tremendous service by editing together Kerry's specific statements and the actual truth from NBC News.
Sharon said:Guess who...(video)
Good Gosh, that woman has a strange bent for entertainment! I visited that site a few times and got a really sick feeling that there are people in this country, so filled with hate and just plain old vicious, it made my skin crawl.vraiblonde said:
Poor John Kerry - he reeks of desperation.
Sorry, must trot over to the DU to watch them drink their Kool-Aid. BRB.
I'm always up for a good laugh...vraiblonde said:Sorry, must trot over to the DU to watch them drink their Kool-Aid. BRB.
Sharon said:
Prisoner_Number_Six says:
ANYONE who mocks someone in handcuffs just because they can, deserves the utmost in contempt. I don't give a flying :bleep: if it was before, after, or in the middle. It's a slap in the face of humanity and civility, and it pisses me off.
SmallTown said:Fox news was on at the gym (as usual. Whats up with all these conservatives in fairfax??!!)
Anyways. The talk was about not knowing for sure when the weapons disappeared. With Bush's camp saying it happened right before we got there. I have no problem with that.
My question is this. We knew the explosives were missing. Did we do anything to track them down? The bush camp is giving the impression "out of sight, out of mind". All I hear from Bush's people is "They were already gone" but nothing about trying to track them.
If Democrats want to whine and pule about George Bush, THIS should be the topic. Rather than the "rush to war" that these vapid morons keep blathering about, it was Bush's pissing around with threats that was the problem. Gave old Saddam plenty of time to get that crap out of the country.itsbob said:I think Saddam saw the writing on the wall and got out as many weapons as he could to neighboring countries.
SmallTown said:Fox news was on at the gym (as usual. Whats up with all these conservatives in fairfax??!!)
Anyways. The talk was about not knowing for sure when the weapons disappeared. With Bush's camp saying it happened right before we got there. I have no problem with that.
My question is this. We knew the explosives were missing. Did we do anything to track them down? The bush camp is giving the impression "out of sight, out of mind". All I hear from Bush's people is "They were already gone" but nothing about trying to track them.