Our Education System...


New Member
itsbob said:
Actually the NEA teaches quite a bit.. like how NOT to touch a kid that needs comforting.. how to stand to be less approachable or Touchable if a preschooler feels the need for a hug.. yep they teach a lot..

How to picket at School Board members house that make 1/2 of what you make while you are on strike for better wages..

How to hold kids hostage for a better living, part time job, wage..

1.this lesson was taught by parents suing the schools, possibly for appropriate reasons, possibly not, but it is more protection for the teachers and the schools. It is a sad world now that you cannot hug or comfort, but it is a real one.
2.Have you seen teacher wages? avg salary in md is 57K ( teachers do not reach that until they have taught about 20 years). that would put school board members at roughly 29k. Please tell me who on any school board makes that kind of money, seriously, I dont want to do the research.
3.explain this one to me as well, about the hostage thing
bobbyflatliner said:
that would put school board members at roughly 29k. Please tell me who on any school board makes that kind of money, seriously, I dont want to do the research.

Prince George's County Board Members:

Under the Senate bill, Prince George's board members would get a $5,000 raise, to $24,000 a year for the chairman and $23,000 for other members, not counting the student. In Montgomery County, which has the highest board salaries, the board chairman is paid $22,500 and the other members, $18,500. Montgomery also has the state's largest school system, with more than 139,000 students.



New Member
that is just to be on the school board, which is not by any means their full time job. they have a 20k a year part time job. If you think that all they do is sit on the school board you are crazy. newly elected member over in charles is a professor at csm. I am sure he makes more than 28k a year doing so....
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bobbyflatliner said:
that is just to be on the school board, which is not by any means their full time job. they have a 20k a year part time job. If you think that all they do is sit on the school board you are crazy.

I didn't say that is all they make/do. :dork:


New Member
than what is your point. It was stated above that teachers picket school board members homes whom make half of what teachers make. If you were helping, than i am sorry.
bobbyflatliner said:
than what is your point. It was stated above that teachers picket school board members homes whom make half of what teachers make. If you were helping, than i am sorry.

Dude, you said "that would put school board members at roughly 29k". I was just showing you how much they make in P.G. I didn't mean to confuse you. :jameo:


New Member
Uh oh newbie posting

Let's see if I can get this right. Hi everyone!! I've been reading the forums for awhile and this subject sparked an interest.

Calvert County Schools are pretty good. My kids are doing well, they aren't the best but I've always taught them to do their best. Just because you don't have the top grades doesn't mean you're less of a person than the person at the top of your class.

My oldest child is a very fine young man. He has been in the Calvert County Public School System since he was 5 years old. He even works a part-time job and volunteers. Sometimes I feel we expect too much from our kids, school, jobs, sports, volunteering, etc. etc. etc. Just the other day I looked at my child and thought to myself when does he have any fun? He really doesn't with his schedule. I guess my point is there are kids that go to public schools and have manners and are very responsible. And I believe it's not just the parents responsibilty, it's all the adults that have been involved with our kids in one way or another.

Sometimes I walk into the schools and I can't tell which is the teacher hmmm which is the student. They make such a fuss about the way our kids dress but yet they dress like kids themselves. I wish they would dress a little more professionl than they do, but we can't have everything we wish for.

I really wish they didn't change the attendance this year!! That has been a nightmare, it's impossible to take your child to an appointment and be back within an hour. Missing one hour out of the school day is a half a day, they add up quickly. Overall I believe Calvert County Public Schools is a very good school system.

Have a lovely evening!


They call me ... Sarcasmo
starlight2 said:
Just because you don't have the top grades doesn't mean you're less of a person than the person at the top of your class.

-->Try putting this on a resume. "I can't speak coherent sentences but I am a really nice person." This is the touchy feely stuff that is eroding America.

My oldest child is a very fine young man. He has been in the Calvert County Public School System since he was 5 years old. He even works a part-time job and volunteers. Sometimes I feel we expect too much from our kids, school, jobs, sports, volunteering, etc. etc. etc. Just the other day I looked at my child and thought to myself when does he have any fun? He really doesn't with his schedule. I guess my point is there are kids that go to public schools and have manners and are very responsible. And I believe it's not just the parents responsibilty, it's all the adults that have been involved with our kids in one way or another.

-->Why don't you let your child drop an activity or two so he can have some down time. Unstructured play is beneficial for everyone from 1 to 101. I bet the PARENTS have more of an impact on the child as far as manners etc. then other adults do. It is just the parents responsibility to raise their children, it does not "Take a whole village".

Sometimes I walk into the schools and I can't tell which is the teacher hmmm which is the student. They make such a fuss about the way our kids dress but yet they dress like kids themselves. I wish they would dress a little more professionl than they do, but we can't have everything we wish for.

-->Get involved with the PTA (or whatever they call it now) and let the Principal of the school know your feelings it is up to them to enforce a dress code for the staff. Teachers are supposed to be professionals they should dress it.

I really wish they didn't change the attendance this year!! That has been a nightmare, it's impossible to take your child to an appointment and be back within an hour. Missing one hour out of the school day is a half a day, they add up quickly. Overall I believe Calvert County Public Schools is a very good school system.

Have a lovely evening!
*JMHO* :yay:
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