Our resident Pagans


Well-Known Member
Hatred. One thing religious extremists, muslim and christian, have in common is hatred. I feel sorry for you that you live your life with so much utter hatred for so many people.

Denial. One thing Liberal post-modernists (socialist & new age) have in common is denial. I feel sorry for you that you live your life with so much incomprehensible blindness toward common sense.
Nothing ridiculous about equalizing jihadist islam to cancer, don't you think?

No there is not. Jihadist islam is a cancer, but you're taking a do over on your original post comparing the muslim religion to a cancer. That was ridiculous. Good to see that you corrected your original Islamophobic post.


Soul Probe
No, but you sure like throwing in qualifiers that attempt to change the equation. If you can't keep on point, don't try and change the point.

Think about it, but you probably won't in your hurry to come up another retort. The Muslims that perform these atrocities, is the cancer, and the rest of Islam that does nothing to stop it contribute to the growth and spread of it. If the rest of the body does nothing to keep it from spreading, outside of the occasional "maybe I'll think about saying something about it to somebody that won't say who I am so I won't probably get my head cut off" kind of thingy.......

I think you understand what I am saying and have said. You're just playing ignorant for whatever reason to prolong the topic. You're statement of cancer free is just stupid.

I already agreed with the premise about not enough being done or fear of speaking out; however, your attempt to explain your analogy (which was fucking stupid in and of itself) was to spout population numbers. I just took your words to their logical conclusion. :shrug:
Denial. One thing Liberal post-modernists (socialist & new age) have in common is denial. I feel sorry for you that you live your life with so much incomprehensible blindness toward common sense.

Absolutely! I outright deny that your "common sense" "SOLUTION PART 1" for addressing muslim extremism is anything less than the christian version of religious extremism, but it doesn't surprise me because it's a fairly common solution in the minds of other christian extremists. Both muslim and christian extremists tend to maintain warped interpretations of the bible and koran that fuel their extremist agendas of hate. To the extremist, there is no compromise for coexistence; the only choice they see is the destruction of the other. Most christians and muslims take great comfort and joy in their faiths, and don't have a hateful bone in their bodies. They respect all life, and forgive the unforgivable. For the extremists like yourself, religion fuels their hatred. They hate not only those who follow different religions, but those of their own religion who they don't feel are pious enough, as you pointed out in your original post about the Obamas. Holier-than-thou-ism. The majority of muslim extremist violence is against other muslims for this reason.

I am an atheist, and therefore deny most of what religions are based on, however I fully respect and defend the 1st amendment, and the religious freedom of choice it guarantees. It's a shame extremist christians like yourself reject such freedom.


New Member
Seems to me that many people would like to see an inflexible government based upon religious principles in this country, they just don't want one based on Islam.
To which I say if we're gonna have an inflexible gummint, let it be ours. USA! USA! USA!

So Larry, sarcasm right? From your other posts would not expect you to be the type that has a "Proud to be an American" bumper sticker on the back of his pickup truck. Please say it ain't true. :eyebrow:


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
From your other posts would not expect you to be the type that has a "Proud to be an American" bumper sticker on the back of his pickup truck. Please say it ain't true. :eyebrow:

Larry? Oh heck no. Here's the back of Larry's truck. Does have a flag though,,,,,:howdy:


  • Larrys truck.jpg
    Larrys truck.jpg
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
So Larry, sarcasm right? From your other posts would not expect you to be the type that has a "Proud to be an American" bumper sticker on the back of his pickup truck. Please say it ain't true. :eyebrow:

When it comes down to it, je sui American. That is how I identify. I don't care if someone is black or white or Muslim or Jew or whatever IF they hold the US Constitution as THE organizing principle. So, between now and whenever it comes down to it, I think I am arguing for a more perfect union based ON the Constitution. That is my kinship with most everybody on here. Trying to find the part of their point or argument that comports with the Constitution. That is where my arguments arise from. Or, at least that is what I try to do. And, if/when there is a time of choosing, I am an American. I am now. I am always. :buddies:
Islam must stop being considered a religion....

It is a neo fascist movement, oppressive to women, dividing races, and rests on physical & emotional abuse.
If civil laws were fairly applied, mullahs & muslim bullies would be arrested, charged, fined, separated from their followers.

All "student" visas slashed and all illegal aliens expelled.

Financial support for muslim countries that our INTEL communities have revealed as hosting jihadist cells....Zero the balance. Not another dime.

States must pass laws saying that Sharia law will NOT be considered in court rulings, and that police will not accommodate shariah dictates...ever.

Muslim mullahs & teachers are not permitted as chaplains in prisons.
just a start...

CNN has a story on a group of like-minded folks in Germany that appear to agree with your solution, and they apparently have an opening for chairman.
