Our resident Pagans

This is a good synopsis of the history of France and war, with some funny sarcasm tossed in:


Good synopsis? Please. Pick websites that fit your biases much? You and every other joe six-pack. You are incapable of using your brain. Your brain and it's biases are using you. You, and others like you who frequent the SOMD forums (not exactly the bastion of independent intelligence I realize), add as much value to any serious intellectual conversation (again I realize is not the norm in these forums) as a warm bucket of spit.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Good synopsis? Please. Pick websites that fit your biases much? You and every other joe six-pack. You are incapable of using your brain. Your brain and it's biases are using you. You, and others like you who frequent the SOMD forums (not exactly the bastion of independent intelligence I realize), add as much value to any serious intellectual conversation (again I realize is not the norm in these forums) as a warm bucket of spit.

Some powerful irony there ^, Gomer. :yay:


Well-Known Member
Good synopsis? Please. Pick websites that fit your biases much? You and every other joe six-pack. You are incapable of using your brain. Your brain and it's biases are using you. You, and others like you who frequent the SOMD forums (not exactly the bastion of independent intelligence I realize), add as much value to any serious intellectual conversation (again I realize is not the norm in these forums) as a warm bucket of spit.

If you are humorless, which you appear to be, so be your answer. It is a synopsis of the results of the wars France has fought in, with nice anecdotes on the results. I am so glad you have no biases yourself, pc, and every post you make is dead center of the topic, with no leanings either way on your posts.


Soul Probe
That website didn't make mention of the Battle of Tours which is considered by many historians to be one of the most important turning points in Western History. Charles Martel, Hammer of Muslims, Champion of Christians is one of my favorite historical figures. France is in desperate need of another Charlie!



Well-Known Member
That website didn't make mention of the Battle of Tours which is considered by many historians to be one of the most important turning points in Western History. Charles Martel, Hammer of Muslims, Champion of Christians is one of my favorite historical figures. France is in desperate need of another Charlie!


They have some good guys, for sure. Again, what I posted was one link from a number of extremely in depth links that essentially cited all the battles from their wars, and France does have a severe losing record. It was a synopsis of their major encounters with other countries, with humor sarcastically added.

Just heard earlier a very interesting take on the current situation in France concerning islam compared to the US:

Fifteen years ago, France and their muslim problem was like a stage 2 cancer that was left untreated, and it continued to be ignored by the government, and festered and blew up into what is now stage 4 - deadly.

Fifteen years ago, the US was at a stage 1 cancer concerning the problem. After 9/11, we progressed to stage 2, where it pretty much currently sits. However, our leaders and government are ignoring the problem just like France did, and continue to cater to the muslims, just like France did. At the same time, our leaders urge people and media outlets to not even speak out against or criticize Islam.

This is a freedom of speech issue when the government, while not yet completely banning certain topics, certainly wish they could, just so the relatively small, estimated 5% of Islam, between 75 - 100 million of islamic jihadists believers don't get their robes and scarves all scrunched up in a wad. Add to that the estimated 25% of Islam that supports and/or condones some form of violent jihad, well, that puts the estimated total of those that want the West dead could very well be at about 400 million.

Eh, what's 400 or so million peoples around the world wanting you dead? No big deal.
If you are humorless, which you appear to be, so be your answer. It is a synopsis of the results of the wars France has fought in, with nice anecdotes on the results. I am so glad you have no biases yourself, pc, and every post you make is dead center of the topic, with no leanings either way on your posts.

b23bqb, right you are, everyone has their biases. It's only a matter of degree. People form their own ideas of reality. How close those ideas are to objective reality is also a matter of degree. Do the Muslims who murdered the French journalists have a hideously warped view of reality? Yes. On that matter, we are in violent agreement. But I would also argue that you, and Christians like you, are only a hairs breadth away from this station of unreality and ultimate insanity. Reason and ignorance are opposites. There has never been, and never will be, any greater ignorance of human beings, than to believe in imaginary Gods and gleefully kill for them.


Soul Probe
They have some good guys, for sure. Again, what I posted was one link from a number of extremely in depth links that essentially cited all the battles from their wars, and France does have a severe losing record. It was a synopsis of their major encounters with other countries, with humor sarcastically added.

Just heard earlier a very interesting take on the current situation in France concerning islam compared to the US:

Fifteen years ago, France and their muslim problem was like a stage 2 cancer that was left untreated, and it continued to be ignored by the government, and festered and blew up into what is now stage 4 - deadly.

Fifteen years ago, the US was at a stage 1 cancer concerning the problem. After 9/11, we progressed to stage 2, where it pretty much currently sits. However, our leaders and government are ignoring the problem just like France did, and continue to cater to the muslims, just like France did. At the same time, our leaders urge people and media outlets to not even speak out against or criticize Islam.

This is a freedom of speech issue when the government, while not yet completely banning certain topics, certainly wish they could, just so the relatively small, estimated 5% of Islam, between 75 - 100 million of islamic jihadists believers don't get their robes and scarves all scrunched up in a wad. Add to that the estimated 25% of Islam that supports and/or condones some form of violent jihad, well, that puts the estimated total of those that want the West dead could very well be at about 400 million.

Eh, what's 400 or so million peoples around the world wanting you dead? No big deal.

I don't particularly disagree with you about the Islamic problem and the current inability or unwillingness to do anything about it, but a thought came to mind when reading your post. If today's incident makes France a stage 4 deadly cancer, then surely the US was already there with 9/11. The person whom you are repeating isn't thinking straight, nor are they being particularly fair to France. Your freedom of speech comment seems moot because 1) even if the gov't wanted to ban certain topics it hasn't and 2) the incident in France today was because of their published cartoon, in other words, their expression of that very freedom.

Stop wasting time dissing France. They hold to the same values we do, and they are our ally. Imo, France's ability or lack thereof to win wars in the past shouldn't be anyone's focus right now.
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... the incident in France today was because of their published cartoon, in other words, their expression of that very freedom.

No it wasn't. It was because of a very selfish, intolerant, hateful ideology. Would you get so angry as to kill over someone publishing a cartoon that caricatures you or Jesus in a negative light? I know you wouldn’t. When I say something that could be construed as offensive, the person that gets offended only chooses to get offended. My comment does not, in any way, force them to get offended.


Soul Probe
No it wasn't. It was because of a very selfish, intolerant, hateful ideology. Would you get so angry as to kill over someone publishing a cartoon that caricatures you or Jesus in a negative light? I know you wouldn’t. When I say something that could be construed as offensive, the person that gets offended only chooses to get offended. My comment does not, in any way, force them to get offended.

I think you took my statement out of context, but that's ok because yours is still an excellent point.


Well-Known Member
I don't particularly disagree with you about the Islamic problem and the current inability or unwillingness to do anything about it, but a thought came to mind when reading your post. If today's incident makes France a stage 4 deadly cancer, then surely the US was already there with 9/11. The person whom you are repeating isn't thinking straight, nor are they being particularly fair to France. Your freedom of speech comment seems moot because 1) even if the gov't wanted to ban certain topics it hasn't and 2) the incident in France today was because of their published cartoon, in other words, their expression of that very freedom.

Stop wasting time dissing France. They hold to the same values we do, and they are our ally. Imo, France's ability or lack thereof to win wars in the past shouldn't be anyone's focus right now.

History has ways of strangely repeating itself. You did not understand the analogy of cancer. France has been at a stage 4 for about 10 years now. This current rampage by islam is a result of France being in that state, mainly caused by France's inability or not wanting to, both for sure, to confront the Islamic issue eating at their society and culture. Muslims make up right at 8% of the population.

The US is still at stage 2 since 9/11, simply because we don't have the Islamic cancer that France has had since then. the muslim population only makes up about 1% of our entire population. But we have a media that goes out of it's way to placate Islam at all costs, a president and his mouthpieces that refuse to call Islamic terrorism what it is, instead of "work place violence, senseless crimes" etc., absolute PC in regards to Islam. France did the same thing.

We're heading down that same road to stage 4, where our burgeoning immoral culture, PC, and absolute cowing to Islam, eats away at us as well. It is inevitable, unless our leaders and the media get a spine, call it and face it for what it is.


Soul Probe
History has ways of strangely repeating itself. You did not understand the analogy of cancer. France has been at a stage 4 for about 10 years now. This current rampage by islam is a result of France being in that state, mainly caused by France's inability or not wanting to, both for sure, to confront the Islamic issue eating at their society and culture. Muslims make up right at 8% of the population.

The US is still at stage 2 since 9/11, simply because we don't have the Islamic cancer that France has had since then. the muslim population only makes up about 1% of our entire population. But we have a media that goes out of it's way to placate Islam at all costs, a president and his mouthpieces that refuse to call Islamic terrorism what it is, instead of "work place violence, senseless crimes" etc., absolute PC in regards to Islam. France did the same thing.

We're heading down that same road to stage 4, where our burgeoning immoral culture, PC, and absolute cowing to Islam, eats away at us as well. It is inevitable, unless our leaders and the media get a spine, call it and face it for what it is.

So what you're calling an "Islamic cancer" is simply Muslim population numbers. France being at stage 4 because of it's 8% Muslim population and the US being only at stage 2 because of it's 1% population. So to be cancer free is to have as 0% Muslim population?


Well-Known Member
What I want a think-tank to produce is a simple chart:
Column 1=Dated horrific (Islamic) Terrorist event
Column 2=obama's labeling of the event (sans any reference to his beloved islam)

The evidence is stark: he incapable of linking the words 'Islamic terrorism'
What can be done with a man incapable of recognizing the nose on his face? (institutionalize?)
Is he cowardly? Naive? In denial? an Apologist?....no matter,...he is wrong as always.


mama to two
What I want a think-tank to produce is a simple chart:
Column 1=Dated horrific (Islamic) Terrorist event
Column 2=obama's labeling of the event (sans any reference to his beloved islam)

The evidence is stark: he incapable of linking the words 'Islamic terrorism'
What can be done with a man incapable of recognizing the nose on his face? (institutionalize?)
Is he cowardly? Naive? In denial? an Apologist?....no matter,...he is wrong as always.

First of all his nose identifies with Islam. Second, you forgot narcissist. There is no negotiating with a narcissist or changing their mind. My first husband was one. Also, narcissist is linked to sociopath. Obama has been in campaign mode ever since he came to office. He just cares about how he appears. I know all of our US prezs haven't been perfect, but why did we end up with an egotistical, wash rag, mambie pambie (and don't forget narcissist) leader of the free world in such a dire time? And, don't forget he is a communist. Does he think we are just going to walk into his agenda? Talk about bad luck and bad voting. I have said many times before that Obama is not a patriot. He is our worst enemy. God bless America.
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Well-Known Member
Test case,....

"A 41-year-old Ohio man armed with several knives tried to buy a plane ticket with a fake ID before being gunned down by police after lunging at an officer with a blade outside the Columbus airport, police said.

Hashim Hanif Ibn Abdul-Rasheed had parked illegally outside the ticketing terminal and was acting bizarrely as he tried to buy a ticket to an undisclosed location Wednesday afternoon. He showed off a woman’s ID to try and make the buy at one point before he was rebuffed, cops said."

How will our national embarrassment (Soetoro) describe this event?
Work Place Violence?
Police acting "stupidly?"
NTSB event?
NSA incident?
A case of mistaken identity?

C'mon Barry,...get creative!
Test case,....

"A 41-year-old Ohio man armed with several knives tried to buy a plane ticket with a fake ID before being gunned down by police after lunging at an officer with a blade outside the Columbus airport, police said.

Hashim Hanif Ibn Abdul-Rasheed had parked illegally outside the ticketing terminal and was acting bizarrely as he tried to buy a ticket to an undisclosed location Wednesday afternoon. He showed off a woman’s ID to try and make the buy at one point before he was rebuffed, cops said."

How will our national embarrassment (Soetoro) describe this event?
Work Place Violence?
Police acting "stupidly?"
NTSB event?
NSA incident?
A case of mistaken identity?

C'mon Barry,...get creative!

How do you think this incident should be described?

ABC news reports this guy as mentally ill (he had frozen urine in his car), suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. Your new source reports his religion as muslim, and suggests "Jihad in Ohio?" The world is full of religious nut jobs and wackos (present company excluded, of course), as well of nut jobs and wackos who subscribe to a religion. You appear to attribute all violent crime committed by muslims to be an indictment of the religion as a whole. The news is also full of reports of christian leaders committing child rape and molestation. Should these crimes demand an indictment of Christianity as a whole? Of course not.


Well-Known Member
So what you're calling an "Islamic cancer" is simply Muslim population numbers. France being at stage 4 because of it's 8% Muslim population and the US being only at stage 2 because of it's 1% population. So to be cancer free is to have as 0% Muslim population?

No, but you sure like throwing in qualifiers that attempt to change the equation. If you can't keep on point, don't try and change the point.

Think about it, but you probably won't in your hurry to come up another retort. The Muslims that perform these atrocities, is the cancer, and the rest of Islam that does nothing to stop it contribute to the growth and spread of it. If the rest of the body does nothing to keep it from spreading, outside of the occasional "maybe I'll think about saying something about it to somebody that won't say who I am so I won't probably get my head cut off" kind of thingy.......

I think you understand what I am saying and have said. You're just playing ignorant for whatever reason to prolong the topic. You're statement of cancer free is just stupid.
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What I want a think-tank to produce is a simple chart:
Column 1=Dated horrific (Islamic) Terrorist event
Column 2=obama's labeling of the event (sans any reference to his beloved islam)

The evidence is stark: he incapable of linking the words 'Islamic terrorism'
What can be done with a man incapable of recognizing the nose on his face? (institutionalize?)
Is he cowardly? Naive? In denial? an Apologist?....no matter,...he is wrong as always.

Hatred. One thing religious extremists, muslim and christian, have in common is hatred. I feel sorry for you that you live your life with so much utter hatred for so many people.
No, but you sure like throwing in qualifiers that attempt to change the equation. If you can't keep on point, don't try and change the point.

Think about it, but you probably won't in your hurry to come up another retort. The Muslims that perform these atrocities, is the cancer, and the rest of Islam that does nothing to stop it contribute to the growth and spread of it. If the rest of the body does nothing to keep it from spreading, outside of the occasional "maybe I'll think about saying something about it to somebody that won't say who I am so I won't probably get my head cut off" kind of thingy.......

I think you understand what I am saying and have said. You're just playing ignorant for whatever reason to prolong the topic. You're statement of cancer free is just stupid.

It was a ridiculous analogy to compare a religion to a horrible disease that kills so many people on a daily basis.


Well-Known Member
Hatred. One thing religious extremists, muslim and christian, have in common is hatred. I feel sorry for you that you live your life with so much utter hatred for so many people.

Hatred? How about reality today, which you seem to know nothing of? Do simple facts and current events really throw you and others off that much?

I guess so.

Nothing ridiculous about equalizing jihadist islam to cancer, don't you think?

Probably not in your mind.