They have some good guys, for sure. Again, what I posted was one link from a number of extremely in depth links that essentially cited all the battles from their wars, and France does have a severe losing record. It was a synopsis of their major encounters with other countries, with humor sarcastically added.
Just heard earlier a very interesting take on the current situation in France concerning islam compared to the US:
Fifteen years ago, France and their muslim problem was like a stage 2 cancer that was left untreated, and it continued to be ignored by the government, and festered and blew up into what is now stage 4 - deadly.
Fifteen years ago, the US was at a stage 1 cancer concerning the problem. After 9/11, we progressed to stage 2, where it pretty much currently sits. However, our leaders and government are ignoring the problem just like France did, and continue to cater to the muslims, just like France did. At the same time, our leaders urge people and media outlets to not even speak out against or criticize Islam.
This is a freedom of speech issue when the government, while not yet completely banning certain topics, certainly wish they could, just so the relatively small, estimated 5% of Islam, between 75 - 100 million of islamic jihadists believers don't get their robes and scarves all scrunched up in a wad. Add to that the estimated 25% of Islam that supports and/or condones some form of violent jihad, well, that puts the estimated total of those that want the West dead could very well be at about 400 million.
Eh, what's 400 or so million peoples around the world wanting you dead? No big deal.