
Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by rraley
I am 17 years old. I attend Leonardtown High School. I have enjoyed politics since a young age. I watched CSPAN during the summer when I was six when I was not at the pool. There's the background - believe it or not.

I understand that the wording of the rule states 15 minutes, but the fact remains that extending it out, as the Republicans have done lately (which I am sure the Democrats did as well, they were wrong to do it too), is something that is clearly for the purpose of using the "LBJ treatment" to sway some votes towards their side and it something that should not be allowed. Debate on the topic was for an hour or more - the added time to get votes is wrong - the votes to remove this provision (which were bipartisan) were there. It was not until serious arm-twisting that it happened (and I very much so doubt that it was on the substance of the bill). Here's an analogy: let us say that the 15 minute "minimum" is Election Day. Let us pretend it was the 2000 Election with the Republican leadership being Al Gore and the Democrats being George Bush. Bush had enough votes (219 in this case) to win the "election" or the vote on this provision. Well, Gore (Denny Hastert) cried foul because he only had 201 votes. So they decided to do a recount for an extra 23 minutes (or however long it was). Only this time, the votes came out the way that the loser wanted. This is not a democratic practice; it opens this nation even more to the backrooms and we shouldn't stand for that.
The analogy is flawed because on election day once you cast your ballot and once accepted then that is it, you can’t change it. It is different in the function of Congress where until the measure is closed the vote of any given member can change. It is obviously how they wanted it to work where a new bit of information can change the perspective of those doing the deciding. The rules indicates that these votes will be open a minimum of 15 minutes, not that it will be open for only 15 minutes. This seems specifically designed to allow for wheeling and dealing amongst the members. Besides with the tally being 210 for and 210 against the proposal it seems logical to allow extra time should one of the 15 members that had not yet voted showed up.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
No way. SMC was our resident Socialist, remember? Plus he goes to Ryken and the last name is different.
Okay, my bad. Now that I think about it doesn't smcdem have the same last name as a commissioner candidate that started with the letter R.


New Member
I am sorry, huntr1...I read the article that I posted; I went too far with saying that they broke the rules. Perhaps I should have said that they went against the norm or the tradition. 9 out of 10 they may go over, but most of the time it is for the purpose of allowing congressmen the opportunity to vote, not for the purpose of swinging nine votes.

Furthermore, I guess that my reading comprehension skills failed me again. I guess that saying that I lacked those skills, coupled with being called an idiot, and the statement that if someone's brain was a level below mine, they would be a vegetable, doesn't necessarily mean that you think that I am stupid and a dumbass. God, if I only had more reading comprehension skills. And you know yours skills in that area are so wonderful. To see how a pro-death penalty, pro-Iraq War, anti-gun control, supportive of business tax cuts, and the Balanced Budget Amedment is a flaming liberal just shows that your reading comprehension abilities are incredible and all of ours pale in comparison to yours.


New Member
Originally posted by Ken King
The analogy is flawed because on election day once you cast your ballot and once accepted then that is it, you can’t change it. It is different in the function of Congress where until the measure is closed the vote of any given member can change. It is obviously how they wanted it to work where a new bit of information can change the perspective of those doing the deciding. The rules indicates that these votes will be open a minimum of 15 minutes, not that it will be open for only 15 minutes. This seems specifically designed to allow for wheeling and dealing amongst the members. Besides with the tally being 210 for and 210 against the proposal it seems logical to allow extra time should one of the 15 members that had not yet voted showed up.

Thank you, Mr. King, for offering a solid, civil response to my points.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by rraley
Thank you, Mr. King, for offering a solid, civil response to my points.
My apologies, I’ll try not to let that happen again. :biggrin:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by rraley
BTW, whose this Ryken kid that you all are talking about?
Online userid is "smcdem" a youth with a very radical Democratic outlook, search out his posts and see for yourself.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by willie
Where did dems4somd (or whatever) go? He was a lawyer.
Actually he was an insurance agent posing as a lawyer. Then he was a black guy, then he was a woman. It got too hard to keep up.


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Actually he was an insurance agent posing as a lawyer. Then he was a black guy, then he was a woman. It got too hard to keep up.
:biggrin: Good gosh, how I remember that. I think Vrai, you were the first to "pick up" on the inconsistancies he was claiming in his(?) postings, and we traded a few PMs where I was scratching my head, trying to understand what he had said.

Nah, Ken, rraley isn't of the same ilk as demsformd, who seemed to ignore arguments that proved his rantings incorrect; or he merely
went on to the next rant and regurgitated his same arguement later on.

This one seems to take in opposing positions and offers intelligent views, admitting that he could be wrong from time to time.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by penncam
Vrai, you were the first to "pick up" on the inconsistancies he was claiming
T'weren't me. It was the ever vigilant Sharon (or maybe the eagle-eyed Jazz) that caught him first.


New Member
Originally posted by penncam
This one seems to take in opposing positions and offers intelligent views, admitting that he could be wrong from time to time.

I am trained in the debate thought that neither side is right or wrong...debate is merely a discussion among two opposing thought processes and both can be substaniated. I am glad to see that most of you here on the forums have developed a tolerant vision of my views even though they often clash with yours. The first step towards a more civil debate in this nation is an open dialogue between the two ideologies and hopefully this forum can be a step towards that on a local, grassroots level.


New Member
uhhh....im back and im not rraley, hes actually an old friend of mine, and if you guys are concerned of my "working brain", I atually have a job now working on senator Mikulski's campaign HQ making $15 an hr. Not bad for a 17 year old.


Originally posted by smcdem
uhhh....im back and im not rraley, hes actually an old friend of mine, and if you guys are concerned of my "working brain", I atually have a job now working on senator Mikulski's campaign HQ making $15 an hr. Not bad for a 17 year old.
You must be the new hire they got to be her ball-washer.


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by sifl
You must be the new hire they got to be her ball-washer.
:lmao: :roflmao: :killingme
You got the idea for that line from a comedy skit on the Comedy Channel, didn't you?
It was during a skit where the comedian was comparing the kind of money some of these folks from Enron and etc., were spending from their shareholders' accounts, on parties and extravagances.

To set himself apart from the rest, the guy said if he had that kind of money to throw around, he'd hire himself his own personal ballwasher. That would surely make the rest of the staff take notice wouldn't it?!!??

Barbara Mikulski, though?


New Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
She makes Janet Reno look like a prom queen
Naturally I was prom queen my freshman, sophmore, junior and senior year<a href='http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb008' target='_blank'><img src='http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/211.gif' alt='Flirty' border=0></a>


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by smcdem
uhhh....im back and im not rraley, hes actually an old friend of mine, and if you guys are concerned of my "working brain", I atually have a job now working on senator Mikulski's campaign HQ making $15 an hr. Not bad for a 17 year old.
Oh bullshit. :rolleyes: What a coincidence that you haven't been on here in months, then the minute someone mentions you, you show up. Do you really think we're all a bunch of idiots?

rraley = smcdem = demsformd

And we've been successfully had. :rolleyes: