Over Crabbed, Over Fished and Over Hunted


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
He sounds like a rep from CBF. Its "war" against farming was the reason I very publicly resigned from the group several years ago. They still send me their stuff although they don't ask for money any longer.
I'm old enough to remember when....

The MD Ag Extension folks heavily promoted "no till" ag crops, corn especially, over traditional plow/disk/drill methods. To reduce run-off and soil erosion from farms, they said. Grants were made available to help us purchase the huge machines..Terragators..that could spread the human waste sludge that was made available for free from WSSC and other sewage treatment facilities. And away we went.

No-till corn required massive application of high-nitrogen liquid fertilizer, heavily laced with Paraquat, to kill the "weed cover", as well as other chemicals that inhibited future weed germination, prior to drilling the seed corn. Hell, we and other farms went together and purchased our own tractor-trailer tanker just to haul the stuff, we used so much of it. I've had so much Paraquat CL and other nasty chemicals drench me while driving an open tractor pulling a spray tank on a hot summer day with no shirt on, I'm amazed I don't have a third foot growing out of the middle of my forehead.

Fast forward about 20 years...."oh crap!"..whaddya know......the runoff from that farming method was, along with SMC79s liberal DC friends yard maintenance spraying, what "killed the bay".

The trapping/sequestration of farm nutrient runoff today is so strictly regulated that its one of several reasons there are so few farms left in MD.


Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

It's those damn White people's fault!!!! It matters not if the bay was crystal clear once again with bay grasses growing everywhere with all the pollution removed. Without feed fish, such as menhaden, all fish stocks will continue to suffer. Feeding fish will target any remaining feed stocks, such as crabs and other smaller fish, depleting those as well. Virginia, for all intents and purposes, is waging an economic war against Maryland's fisheries by continuing to allow the gross harvesting of the menhaden population. Now, why the "Save the Bay" activists, and others such as the Maryland Attorney General, haven't filed a lawsuit against Virginia, or gotten the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service involved to stop the raping of the Chesapeake Bay of its food stocks, is beyond me.

Are you dumb? Do you really not understand the correlation between the grasses where their food grows and where they spawn and the nurseries for the fry and the eventual adult population?

You can't have a healthy population of adult menhaden without the underlying conditons for them to flourish.


Well-Known Member
So non English people keeping extra fish isn’t a problem? Limits are set for a reason and these people you speak of usually show up by the hundreds if not thousands to fish on any nice weekend in the state. So it’s not really just “ a few extra fish” as you say. It’s also a high probability that those people you defend probably don’t have a fishing license either. You sound like a journalist the way you down played the non English speaking fisherman’s actions.
and you sound like an idiot.

You haver no proof and assume they don't have licenses or follow fishing guidances but are sure that that is the cause.

Sounds about right, uninformed but sure you know the answer.

You do know that fishing regulalions are printed in English and Spanish right?


Honorary SMIB
You continue to prove you are a moron. The DNR encounter and citation records are jam packed with the "illegals with no licenses" fishing citations.
When the local rabbit cops want to pad their stats they just come up here and set up on Bay near the pier. They'll surveil for awhile and then go over and start writing tickets and confiscating gear.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
When the local rabbit cops want to pad their stats they just come up here and set up on Bay near the pier. They'll surveil for awhile and then go over and start writing tickets and confiscating gear.
The "honey holes" for the illegals here are the Piney Point park/boat ramp and, of course, Point Lookout State Park. Parks and Rec have been closing down some of the other public piers altogether to get rid of the scum SMC likes so much.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member

and you sound like an idiot.

You haver no proof and assume they don't have licenses or follow fishing guidances but are sure that that is the cause.

Sounds about right, uninformed but sure you know the answer.

You do know that fishing regulalions are printed in English and Spanish right?
I've seen it enough times to have an informed opinion, anything that can take a hook goes in the barrel. 4" flounder, 12" rockfish, perch that have to be netted because they can't get their mouth around a #10 hook.


Well-Known Member


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Are you dumb? Do you really not understand the correlation between the grasses where their food grows and where they spawn and the nurseries for the fry and the eventual adult population?

You can't have a healthy population of adult menhaden without the underlying conditons for them to flourish.

You're pretty stupid there they/them/ze/hir.

Menhaden spawn in coastal waters off the East Coast of the United States. Not in the Chesapeake Bay. And, during fall-early winter, menhaden of all sizes and ages migrate south around the North Carolina capes to spawn. Which is, of course, again, not in the Chesapeake Bay.

For the class .....
Below shows the catch activity of Omega.