Overeaters Anonymous



I just figured how to set up an online meeting for those of us who are on SOMD online....

If you are interested please join Becky"s Corkboard... it's a private forum here on SOMD online.... this will allow us to use a chat room on line protected by a password... I will only give the password on the that forum....

To sign on to Becky's Corkboard... go to User CP... then click on Group Membership at the bottom of the left hand side of your screen... you'll need to scroll down to find it... then select Becky's Corkboard... I check this several times a day... so it should be fairly quick...

The password will change from time to time... but if we all use this tool we should be able to start a really cool community....

See ya there...



I'll open up a chat room tonight.... that way we can discuss the forming of the OA chapter here in Southern Maryland... and maybe begin the 1st step and 1st tradition....

Hope to see you soon.... go to Becky's Corkboard for a password....


What does F2F mean?

I'm sorry... It means "Face to Face"

I will try again tonight to have an online meeting.

Based on what happened last night it may not be possible to have the meeting in chat... we may need to do it in forum [Becky's Corkboard]

I'm going to check with the computer guys to see if what happened was due to the number of people asking to hear the meeting or if it was my computer....

Please get signed up for Becky's Corkboard [you don't have to be a premo member to use a private forum] just in case we need to do it there....



This is really a good thought.... I thank OA for allowing me to copy it... for you... for more of these... join Becky's Corkboard...

Cease Striving

"Cease Striving – Let Go, Relax – And Know that I Am God”
. . . . Psalms 46:10

I can count on one hand the times in my life in which I’ve been able to feel truly relaxed. Our disease is often driven by our efforts to control our lives: we labor to control our emotions, our relationships, our image, and our “masks” which we wear in a valiant effort to control how other people see and respond to us.

This effort to control ourselves and our lives is a ruthless taskmaster and a double-edged sword. It cuts like a knife through our very souls and requires that we forsake who we are in a misguided – and fruitless – attempt to be who we believe we “should be.” I have worked so hard at trying to mold myself into an Acceptable Person that I have lost who I truly Am. All of my ceaseless efforts to mold myself into who I thought I Should Be have cost me my very sense of Self, and has been a painful eroding of my own Identity – it is a tragic self-imposed suicide of my Soul.

Like many of us, in order to enter recovery I had to come to the End of Myself and lose any sense of Control I had over my life. This was terrifying for me – I believed that even without a false sense of control, my life would implode and leave only ruined remnants in its place.

But I have not imploded. I have not been destroyed. With the crumbling of my masks and my frantic efforts to control everything, I have found a surprising sense of peace and safety – even in the midst of the chaos in my life. I am convinced that had God not brought me to the end of my own efforts, I would not be in a place in which I can hear His Voice. My ears would have remained deaf to His promise to never forsake me. Had He not firmly – yet gently – gotten my attention, my unsettled Mind would have continued to shout warnings and commands into my withered soul. Hitting Bottom is the best thing that could have happened to me, for I landed not in destruction, but in His eternal loving arms.

One Day at a Time . . .
I will choose to cease my own striving and efforts to control my life. I will practice being still and knowing that my Higher Power is with me at all times, in every circumstance of my life

~ Lisa


I know some of you have heard of being "equally yoked" and some of you have heard of being "stiffed necked" or "stubborn"

When I read the words Cease Striving... it reminds me of a Sunday School lesson that I taught some time ago....

Back in the time of Christ [yes God is my Higher Power but all are welcome to discuss theirs equally in OA] the Ox was the creature of burden. The Oxen were carefully chosen to be of the same strength and size so they would fit and act equally when the yoke was put on them.

Some Oxen tho would pull their necks to the side so the Yoke wouldn't go on them easily. They would struggle against the yoke so that it work was either put off altogether or they were chaffed raw by it.

When I read this thought fo the day... it reminded me of that.... Stop Struggling... Allow your Higher Power to put the Yoke on you so that you won't have to be tired before you get to work .... Allow your Higher Power to guide you so you don't hurt yourself....

I had a hard time with that Sunday school lesson... I guess I was just fighting the message... like a child squirming when you're trying to change a diaper or put on a t-shirt...

Thanks for letting me share all this OA stuff... it's actually doing me some real good...:coffee:


Bookseller Lady
Do you have iTunes?

I discovered OA speakers podcasts on there for free. Lots of other "self help" podcasts available from them.

My sucky dial-up connection is going to take a while to download them all (how about the CRE board :poke: Verizon to get DSL in here?).

Yes- I am veg, trained for a marathon, and still struggle with my weight (potato chips are vegan lol). I actually gained while training :faint:. Not registering for any long distance races this year and focusing on getting out there and just burning blubber :jameo:.


Vegmom... I'm going to check and see what I can find...

Meanwhile here's the copy & paste for the day...


"Setting an example is not the main means of
influencing another, it is the only means."

Albert Einstein​

Program's philosophy dictates that we gain new members by attraction rather than promotion. We should be striving to become living embodiments of Program principles in order that we might attract and inspire those in need whom we may encounter in our daily lives - just as we were fortunate enough to find our way here because of the amazing effort, inspiration and example of the Program founders. Because of their blood, sweat and tears, Program has grown in leaps and bounds over the years . Now - its future growth rests with us. Are you prepared for this responsibility?

One Day at a Time . . .
I will dilgently work the tools of my program and be a shining example of recovery to others.
~ Rob R.​


Let me remind you that the majority of the posting I do is in Becky's Corkboard....


New Member
I have been on nosdiet.com for a little over a year. Slow but sure I've been dealing with my issues of snacking, seconds and sweets. I dropped 20lbs in a year, yes, slow but I also have been changing my whole way of eating.

A few thoughts on overeating- the constant snacking causes our pancreas to continue to secrete insulin, which makes us "feel" hungry even though technically we don't actually require additional calories/energy. Your pancrease comes to expect perma-snacking so it's secreting insulin constantly. ONce you decide to stop the snacking, your pancreas needs to reset it self.

Now I do have the occasional slip up and I just move on. My body has sort of reset itself, after about a week of headaches from stopping the constant grazing and I feel good.

There is a bulletin board with lots of great support. And it's SANE and fairly easy- there's no logging or counting calories or points.

Basically the diet works like this: NO Snacks, No Seconds and No Sweets, except SOMETIMES on days that start with S (saturday, sunday and special days- like b'days).

Today's America is used to food being available 24/7. It's now ok to have a snack whenever, whereever. We can even get in our cars and drive around with any type of snack we could want.

America 50 years ago, you ate only at the meals, rarely was there seconds and of course there were no prepackaged snacks so quickly available. Sweets were for special occasions and sometimes on the weekend when the family got together for a big family meal sunday.

This way of eating has brought me back to feeling free again. Free from food. And even though I restrict myself from the sweets (chooooocolate!!) during the week, I know I can have a piece of cake or bake cookies- something really delicious and way tastier than the average oreo or hoho.

This is not to say you have an issue with sweets. Maybe it's snacking. Maybe your portions are too big. Maybe you get too much sodium in your diet, etc.

Anyway, I'm going on and on here but take a look at the noSdiet. It's totally changed my life after years of overeating, struggling with my weight, self esteem, etc.
I've come to a truce with my body and the food I eat.

I wish you success and peace on your journey :)



I have been on nosdiet.com for a little over a year. Slow but sure I've been dealing with my issues of snacking, seconds and sweets. I dropped 20lbs in a year, yes, slow but I also have been changing my whole way of eating.

A few thoughts on overeating- the constant snacking causes our pancreas to continue to secrete insulin, which makes us "feel" hungry even though technically we don't actually require additional calories/energy. Your pancrease comes to expect perma-snacking so it's secreting insulin constantly. ONce you decide to stop the snacking, your pancreas needs to reset it self.

Now I do have the occasional slip up and I just move on. My body has sort of reset itself, after about a week of headaches from stopping the constant grazing and I feel good.

There is a bulletin board with lots of great support. And it's SANE and fairly easy- there's no logging or counting calories or points.

Basically the diet works like this: NO Snacks, No Seconds and No Sweets, except SOMETIMES on days that start with S (saturday, sunday and special days- like b'days).

Today's America is used to food being available 24/7. It's now ok to have a snack whenever, whereever. We can even get in our cars and drive around with any type of snack we could want.

America 50 years ago, you ate only at the meals, rarely was there seconds and of course there were no prepackaged snacks so quickly available. Sweets were for special occasions and sometimes on the weekend when the family got together for a big family meal sunday.

This way of eating has brought me back to feeling free again. Free from food. And even though I restrict myself from the sweets (chooooocolate!!) during the week, I know I can have a piece of cake or bake cookies- something really delicious and way tastier than the average oreo or hoho.

This is not to say you have an issue with sweets. Maybe it's snacking. Maybe your portions are too big. Maybe you get too much sodium in your diet, etc.

Anyway, I'm going on and on here but take a look at the noSdiet. It's totally changed my life after years of overeating, struggling with my weight, self esteem, etc.
I've come to a truce with my body and the food I eat.

I wish you success and peace on your journey :)


Thanks Tiffani... I didn't know about the pancreas... that makes sense....

I'm finding out more and more that I am not the only reason for my being fat... I am the solution .... Thanks to you I have another reason to hang in there...

Portion size is a problem with me... You know those big spoons they sell for stirring the pots... I was raised that these are what you use to serve... 2 of those is one serving... [each spoon holds about 3/4 cup Mashed Potatoes... that's at least 1 1/2 cups...] and if mom really loved you she'd reward you with "a little extra".... afterall... mom was a good cook

20 perm pounds a year... is awesome in my book... It doesn't mean a thing if I loose 40 and then gain 60... You are awesome...

Thanks Tiffani...


Thank you for telling me what F2F means. Yes, I go to meetings and have for many years. It's changed a lot over the years where I live so I drive to a meeting just outside my intergroup area. It's the meeting that falls at the best time for me and has a lot of strength, plus the drive is pretty. But I could use more connections when I'm at home. There is nothing like this kind of online meeting up in my area.

What is Becky's Corkboard?
Thank you.


Thank you for telling me what F2F means. Yes, I go to meetings and have for many years. It's changed a lot over the years where I live so I drive to a meeting just outside my intergroup area. It's the meeting that falls at the best time for me and has a lot of strength, plus the drive is pretty. But I could use more connections when I'm at home. There is nothing like this kind of online meeting up in my area.

What is Becky's Corkboard?
Thank you.

Becky's Corkboard is a private forum. You can enter these private forums and you don't have to be a premo member....

Since they are private... you have to ask... there's a long list of them...

Go to UserCP then scoll down to the bottom on the left side there is a menu and one of the things on the list is Group Memberships... you click on that ... it'll open up a long list of them.... click on Becky's Corkboard...

I check it several times a day to make sure no one waits to long... once I verify that it's ok... then you will find Becky's CorkBoard on the list of the forums..

When you are scrolling down to click on Health & Nutrition... keep scrolling until you see it... It's above Test....


Please join us in Becky's CorkBoard where I post these copy & paste recovery notes daily


"Patience is the companion of wisdom."

Saint Augustine
(354 – 430) The Bishop of Hippo, was a philosopher and theologian
and one of the most important figures in the development of Western Christianity.​

Patience is an area that I have had some REAL problems with in the past. I had a tendency to want - what I want - NOW! That included recovery. Gaining recovery, as I would eventually realize, is not the same as earning a university credit. It is a process not an end result. You have to be willing to learn to do things in HP's time and manner rather than your own. What began to happen was - the more impatient I became - the more life tended to resist my efforts. It took a long time for me to realize this. Instead of calming down, I would get even more impatient and struggle even harder. Eventually, I would have a big meltdown and feel like a fool afterwards.

The end result was absolutely no different for having done this. It took time for me to muster the willingness to do things in HP's time and manner. But when I did - life became much more peaceful and things had a tendency to work themselves out - without all the dramatics.

One Day at a Time . . .
I will learn to patiently and willingly do things in HP's time and manner.


Well yesterday I weighed in again... a temporary [water?] gain has subsided and I have lost another 2 pounds.... thats 267.5 now.... thanks to you [this blogging], OA and TOPS....


I'm posting to Becky's Corkboard Daily... if you would like more information... let me know....

Here's an ODAT

~ The Future ~

When I look into the future, it's so bright it burns my eyes.

Oprah Winfrey

I receive the gift of abstinence one day at a time. I am relieved from the obsession to eat one day at a time. With the help of my Higher Power, I can live life on life's terms... one day at a time.

As my recovery builds and builds, I start to imagine all the possibilities for my life. Things I never had the confidence or emotional stability to pursue are options for me. Now that I am free from the despair and self-destruction of overeating, there is space to actualize new adventures. But before I become overwhelmed or grandiose in my thinking, the Program gently reminds me that it is STILL just one day a time.

One Day at a Time . . .
I will work my program so that I have a future.

~ Christine S. ~​