Overeaters Anonymous



We had a great meeting Wednesday Night!


“These are weighty secrets and we must whisper them.”
Sarah Chauncey Woolsey (Susan Coolidge)

When I came to the Recovery Group, I was wearing the pain of a lifetime of well-kept secrets - secrets about a childhood of poverty and secrets about a difficult marriage. No one ever saw my secret pain; I never shared it with anyone. But all could see the effects of the food I used as a coping mechanism.

Because of my willingness "to do whatever it takes," I shared these secrets with the person who took my 5th step. I later shared it with my sponsor and some of them later with a sponsee during her 5th step. Sharing this pain the first two times was like the bursting of a painful abscess, with poison being released. The poison that kept me living in resentful, negative thinking has been gradually replaced with gratitude for what I had and now have, and with the ability to experience joy in my many, many blessings.

One day at a time...
I will experience gratitude for the gifts I was given in my 4th and 5th steps and for the gifts of this program.

~ Karen A.


The second meeting of Overeaters Anonyomous is scheduled for tonight at 7PM
Please come to the Lower Level
of the
CRE Management Bldg
395 Clubhouse Road
Lusby, MD 20657

No Tornados or graduations are scheduled for tonight!

Overeaters Annonymous is a 12 step program
There are no dues
Please come... check it out... oh and you can bring the kids...


Bookseller Lady

No Tornados or graduations are scheduled for tonight!

Overeaters Annonymous is a 12 step program
There are no dues
Please come... check it out... oh and you can bring the kids...

My daughter's 5th grade graduation is. Shame- we can walk to the admin building from where we live.


The plan is to be meeting every Wednesday and Friday night... same time same place.....​


The second meeting of Overeaters Anonyomous is scheduled for tonight at 7PM
Please come to the Lower Level
of the
CRE Management Bldg
395 Clubhouse Road
Lusby, MD 20657

No Tornados or graduations are scheduled for tonight!
For those going to 5th grade graduation... we're scheduled to be meeting again next Wednesday!

Overeaters Annonymous is a 12 step program
There are no dues
Please come... check it out... oh and you can bring the kids...



Overeaters Anonyomous is scheduled for tonight at 7PM
Please come to the Lower Level
of the
CRE Management Bldg
395 Clubhouse Road
Lusby, MD 20657


In My Opinion
I just ate a ham and cheese sandwich, drank an 8oz glass of milk, now Im looking at the hostess ho-hos, except, I cant get over the racist overtones of what I am looking at.
white milk... ho hos... what does all this mean? is this some sort of mixed race john/hooker feeling that Im compensating for?


You're invited to come to the CorkBoard....

On the Corkboard I update these ODAT readings pretty regularly- I try to do them daily....


"I never found a companion
that was so companionable as solitude."
Henry David Thoreau

When I am physically, emotionally or spiritually unfit, I find myself isolating. On the other hand, I also find there are differences between solitude and isolation. Granted, sometimes those differences are subtle; nevertheless, they are different. It only takes abstinence to clearly see the difference and unless one has experienced that state, I doubt if this can really be understood.

Isolation shuts us off, not only from other people, but from God Himself. We tuck in our tails and busy ourselves with whatever comes to mind and our sole purpose is to avoid human contact. Isolation is not good. When I am isolating, I feel shame and I risk overeating. While I may not do this consciously, I run a risk of depression. I also feel guilty and the negative thoughts run amok.

Solitude is not hiding from others as isolation can be. On the contrary, I can nourish myself by being in solitude. Because I have a creative nature, solitude allows me the freedom to explore and be as creative as God intends for me to be. If I don't allow myself solitude on occasion, I am in essence damming up the gifts God has given me. These gifts need the freedom of solitude to make them materialize and be all they can be. Because I have experienced the disease of compulsive eating and all the manifestations of this disease, I can clearly see the differences between solitude and isolation. I learned that I can be in a crowd of people and still be isolating. I can also be in a crowd of people and be in solitude. If I have spiritually and emotionally shut down, I would be going through the motions but deep down in my soul I would know that I'm isolating. When my spirit is free and I am working the program, one might glance at me and see me drifting off to a room where there is a piano and recapturing a moment of music ... or staring out a window at a view so beautiful that it takes my breath away ... or sipping a cup of coffee and observing those around me but not actively participating in their small talk but wondering who they really are.

One day at a time... let me remove myself from the pain of the seclusion of isolation and substitute the wonderful state of solitude that brings me such great joy and peace of mind.

~ Mari



"Come, whoever you are! Wanderer, worshipper,
Lover of Leaving. Come, this is not a caravan of despair.
It doesn't matter if you've broken your vow a thousand times.
Still, and yet again, come, come."

Perhaps the best thing my recovery plan has given me is finding the gift of inspiration almost anywhere. The above quote is such an example. Mevlana Jelalu'ddin Rumi was a Persian poet and theologian who lived from 1207 to 1273. Rumi also seemed to understand recovery quite well, judging from this quote.

I have fallen so many times on my recovery path. Once down, the disease really starts talking to me. "You're already down; you may as well stay down," it will say. Or, "You screwed up your food plan, so you might as well eat this, too." On and on, it never fails.

That's why this quote from Rumi means so much to me. My Higher Power sent it as an invitation to begin again, however many times I need. Even if I slip over and over and over, I can always begin again. My Higher Power and this program of recovery are very forgiving, and I can pick up and move on. I needn't fear failure, because I only fail if I don't get up and forge ahead.

One Day at a Time . . .
I will remember that I may fall, but I can get up again. I can begin anew, and know that I will overcome relapse when I make a fresh start.

~ Jeff