We "pulled" them out because Iraq was not letting them do their JOB. (Sorry about your dinner...just kidding)
Again, I say it is exactly blaming the authorities for the bahvior of the convict.
It's not an opinion; economic stability IS a national interest of the US. Iraq threatened it in 1990 and intends to do it again by dominating the region, thus the oil flow.
Limiting the weapons abilities of a nation hostile to us IS in our national interest. They are NOT Canada. They aren't even France. Damn, man, they tried to assassinate Bush the Elder. Doubt that concerns you either. An "opinion" right?
You're all for handgun control, right? Controls against citizens who've done NOTHING illegal, right? So, we know you can at least understand the principle even if you choose to keep your eyes closed.
You can compare Saudi to Iraq if you want and thus illustrate that you CAN, if you try, see evil. I'd think you'd make the case that Saudi poses a larger, more present threat. They may, but then you'd have to stand for defending us against them, right? Can't have that.
Do you know that if the citizens of the US would unite, for 5 minutes, Iraq would do as they agreed and no bombs would fly? People like you are his refuge, the hope providers for getting away with defying the UN. You're wrong about the terror aspect anyway. With Hussein gone, we are safer.
The UN has decided what to do for 11 years: Nothing unless the US insists to act in it's own national interest. You're high. The UN has allowed Iraq to defy them since the end of the '91 war. You KNOW that.
Why does the US unilaterally acting in our own interest upset you so? Iraq is in material breach since 1991. The UN has done nothing about it but pass 16 more resolutions. At some point, a relationship may fail and you can either protect yourself or be a victim. The UN may still do the right thing (Tuesday vote, I think?) and insist Iraq comply.
What national interest could they possibly have that would outweigh p*ssing us off? We can do more damage to those countries than Iraq EVER will. And by the way,we have plenty of weapons sales and oil deals with Iraq too. You probably put Iraqi oil in your car every time you fill up.
Pissing us off??? Most of the people who still don't understand our own elction rules just LOVE France because they are screwing their real enemy: W.
Check an editorial page. France is LOVED by many in this nation.
As far as oil, you again prove you can string some thoughts together rationally. No, we don't get much oil direct from Iraq but it is all of the same market and DOES directly affect what happens at my car, supply and demand. Have you been to a damn gas station in the last 3 months???? Why you suppose that is? $$$
Also, when Iraq was a friend we did sell them arms. They became hositle to us. No more weapons. Notice all the Soviet military harware that went up in smoke??? No, wait! I know! Rummy sold it to 'em right?