We waited 12 weeks before we told anyone my DW was pregnant, I won't give the reason why.
AAMC and Women's OB/GYN (Annapolis) are outstanding, private rooms with a sofa for dad and your baby can room in if you choose. If you breast feed this will be important. Our son was born via C-section, and it was not that big a deal for my wife, she just had me to wait on her hand and foot for the following week to 10 days.![]()
12 weeks feels like forever but I really wanted to wait 12 weeks before we told our family & friends. Hubby wanted to tell the world the second we found out and did tell most of his coworkers right away. We had a miscarriage about a year ago (luckily, we hadn't told anyone about the pregnancy yet) so I was afraid to get anyone's hopes up in case it happened again. Once we got the first ultrasound done, we told our parents, our brothers and my best friend up in NY (who will keep her mouth shut). Once we get out of the first trimester, we'll tell everyone. I really want to tell my Gram - she just lost her hubby in April and needs some good news.
A few of hubby's coworkers said the same thing about Annapolis. They loved the rooms and the fact that both parents & baby could stay in the suite. I also like my privacy so that place sounds great to me. I guess our best bet is to check out both places and go from there. Thanks!