Parents: Helmets!!!! FYI


New Member
I hate seat belts. Lets stop using them. Big brother has been trying to protect us too long. And hand guns, every child should learn to use one. Lets educate our children about sex as soon as possible. Who needs condoms? They are only 97% effective anyway. Why should we set age limits on drinking and driving? And how about legalizing drugs? Let's just use common sennse! "Why do we need big brother?":killingme

Sadie, I did not say that minors or anyone should not be protected in all the above and more. But everyone should understand that certain activites are RISKY! What BOTHERS me is that some people think that such a minor precaution can absolve them from any consequences and I think people should accept personal responsiblity for their chosen activities even when the said consequences can be horrific.


Podunk FL
I know that I do two dangerous sports that could involve me ending up getting fed by my family. I choose to wear a helmet to reduce the chances of a head injury. Will a helmet completely remove those chances. No, there is nothing that can take that chance away except avoidance of those sports.

At a horse show my horse threw his head up and hit me in the face. The helmet visor kept him from breaking my nose. If I didn't have a helmet on he would have most likely broke my nose. I did have a headache but I still had my nose in one piece.


Ahhhh Florida!
Sadie, I did not say that minors or anyone should not be protected in all the above and more. But everyone should understand that certain activites are RISKY! What BOTHERS me is that some people think that such a minor precaution can absolve them from any consequences and I think people should accept personal responsiblity for their chosen activities even when the said consequences can be horrific.

:whistle: Come on! Don't back down now!!! We need entertainment, not common sense.:buddies: Wait.... I think I hear my free speech rights being taken away by big brother. :cds:


New Member
:whistle: Come on! Don't back down now!!! We need entertainment, not common sense.:buddies: Wait.... I think I hear my free speech rights being taken away by big brother. :cds:

Sadie, I am not backing down nor have I changed my position . I will Not wear a helmet, less I THINK I need It. Could I be wrong and a horrific accident occur, certainly! But am I always going to drive the speed limit or worse yet wear my seat belt the mile to the barn, or even require my husband to wear a condom- married people have been known to get deadly sexual diseases as well as unplanned pregnancies! But I want to make that determination and I Will Be ultimately accountable. And I am not shy, I have given people a lot of events in my life to witness my errors in judgement-some of them were even HORRIFIC- but I blame no one but myself and I will defend my right to make those choices again!


New Member
appaholic - i think its great that you are taking responsibility for yourself doing the dangerous activities of your choice. i agree about accepting personal responsibility for yourself.

it scares me, teaching lessons, we put little kids near and on half-ton animals that are in essence unpredicable, whether the helmet cost $30 or $300, just that as protection is not enough. personal responsibility, accountability, and awareness of risk are all very important safety factors. even old trusty rusty might bolt and buck and squish your kid.

but, that said, for me, helmets are a must as they do lessen the risk of head injury. why not lessen it anyway you can?


New Member
appaholic - i think its great that you are taking responsibility for yourself doing the dangerous activities of your choice. i agree about accepting personal responsibility for yourself.

it scares me, teaching lessons, we put little kids near and on half-ton animals that are in essence unpredicable, whether the helmet cost $30 or $300, just that as protection is not enough. personal responsibility, accountability, and awareness of risk are all very important safety factors. even old trusty rusty might bolt and buck and squish your kid.

but, that said, for me, helmets are a must as they do lessen the risk of head injury. why not lessen it anyway you can?

A helmet can help, and in my mind a well trained horse should be preferred by all parents and instructors! But, IMO its still does NOT put the odds in our favor. And if you are truely wanting a safe hobby I think people should take up needlepoint! I wonder in the future will parents who live on farms with large animals or who teach their children to hunt or ride/rodeo all be considered negligent due to the safety police WHO do not understand that some of us would prefer to live life with risks/consequences rather than be wrapped in cotton-wool!
And my hat/helmet :killingme is off to you for I would be afraid to give lessons even with said helmet in place at ALL times and a well trained mount! People will sue especially those that lack knowledge of large animals or do not concede there are inherent dangers in this hobby and just a helmet will not absolve all vulnerability.
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Ahhhh Florida!
Sadie, I am not backing down nor have I changed my position . I will Not wear a helmet, less I THINK I need It. Could I be wrong and a horrific accident occur, certainly! But am I always going to drive the speed limit or worse yet wear my seat belt the mile to the barn, or even require my husband to wear a condom- married people have been known to get deadly sexual diseases as well as unplanned pregnancies! But I want to make that determination and I Will Be ultimately accountable. And I am not shy, I have given people a lot of events in my life to witness my errors in judgement-some of them were even HORRIFIC- but I blame no one but myself and I will defend my right to make those choices again![/QUOTE]

Do tell....:popcorn:
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New Member
Sadie, I will have to get the cobwebs out of my senior brain and think of a funny one, no one wants sad on the forum!


Equestrian :)
Like Appaholic I don't wear my helmet either unless I feel the need. I personally think it's a choice to riders. I just became an adult and have been riding without for 3 years. My parents normally do not say much because they know that I can read a horse better then them and know when its safe or not. Yes, there are those unexpected times but you take that risk. I'll wear my helmet jumping and if my horse has had a good long break but otherwise I do not. Like App said if you pay good money for a properly trained horse you shouldn't need to worry about the unexpected because those horses know their job and know not to mess it up and not focus on it. A horse who is focused on work normally will not have the unexpected moments.


Podunk FL
Like App said if you pay good money for a properly trained horse you shouldn't need to worry about the unexpected because those horses know their job and know not to mess it up and not focus on it. A horse who is focused on work normally will not have the unexpected moments.

My one horse I had growing up was very well trained. He got stung by a bee and had a fit. I got thrown into a gaurdrail. Helmet was on but it got cracked. Was it a case of bad was a natural horse reaction of the horse getting stung.


Ahhhh Florida!
Like Appaholic I don't wear my helmet either unless I feel the need. I personally think it's a choice to riders. I just became an adult and have been riding without for 3 years. My parents normally do not say much because they know that I can read a horse better then them and know when its safe or not. Yes, there are those unexpected times but you take that risk. I'll wear my helmet jumping and if my horse has had a good long break but otherwise I do not. Like App said if you pay good money for a properly trained horse you shouldn't need to worry about the unexpected because those horses know their job and know not to mess it up and not focus on it. A horse who is focused on work normally will not have the unexpected moments.

Oh Bliss, if only I had your wisdom.:whistle: I better hurry up and ride and thunderstorm is coming!:killingme


New Member
i'd have to disaree bliss about the well-trained horse. i don't think there is a horse well-trained enough to fit your description. i think if we take for granted that a horse is "well-trained", that is when we take the most risk


Animal Poor!
i'd have to disaree bliss about the well-trained horse. i don't think there is a horse well-trained enough to fit your description. i think if we take for granted that a horse is "well-trained", that is when we take the most risk

Ummm I had a deer run into my horses arse last year, out of the blue, on the trail... :whistle: I don't think anyone trains their horses for that! Point being is that unexpected things happen while riding our horses.


Equestrian :)
Oh Bliss, if only I had your wisdom.:whistle: I better hurry up and ride and thunderstorm is coming!:killingme

I should have corrected that statement to say MY horses. Not all. But like I said I take the risk not wearing my helmet and it's my fault if I get injured.

But I am one of those typical QH people who believes in working a horse hard and tieing it to it's stall if it's not behaving, and spurs with rowls on them, and keeping my horses head dead to the ground. Different types of riding have different views. Almost any AQHA person would say just about the same thing I did.


New Member
i'd have to disaree bliss about the well-trained horse. i don't think there is a horse well-trained enough to fit your description. i think if we take for granted that a horse is "well-trained", that is when we take the most risk

Those types of horses do exist - they are dead and stuffed!


New Member
Ummm I had a deer run into my horses arse last year, out of the blue, on the trail... :whistle: I don't think anyone trains their horses for that! Point being is that unexpected things happen while riding our horses.

That happened to me within 3 days of owning Turbo, I almost wet my pants! Then I had to engage my own brain, but I was a little nervous I admit! I hope your incident turned out well.
Oh wait! Before anyone says what the heck were you doing out of a ring 3 days after having this young horse delivered... you need to know that he was delivered to my parents place! And my Nebraska COWboy father thinks I should be happy he and my uncle allow me one acre for a private paddock -grass with no cows is a sin! But my English aunt has a dressage ring, one just has to get to it! Path 1, cut through pasture of Angus and the harem of lady cows, or my pick path 2 and go around the hay field, however we were attacked by the deer! My aunt said I scared the deer worse, ( because I hardly knew this animal or his exposure outside of a showring) I was wearing a HELMET and I was in the heaviest western saddle that my old cowboy dad owns! Plus I used my skills to get Turbo to engage his thinking side of his brain and not the reaction side, so with only a very slight reaction he was back focused on his job -listening to me! And now I think this is how all men should be trained at least in my family!:killingme
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New Member
Sadie, I will have to get the cobwebs out of my senior brain and think of a funny one, no one wants sad on the forum!

I thought of one, don't understand why it was so hard to remember, it happened recently! I am getting old!:cds:
And right up front I am talking dumb things to do - so please don't think I would suggest this or even tell my children some of the things I do. Parenthood comes with selected truth telling, I even think I received and official document with the birth certificate!:killingme
Neighbors horse got out so I loaned them my halter and lead, later I wanted to put my own in but my halter and lead was not back yet so went to get spare only to find out that my sweet children had rearranged said items and I could not find it.:burning: Lovely, I could go home and get spare #2 = smart choice, but...I decide lets grab Turbo by his beautiful long tail pull it into two long lines an drive him to the barn! Well, he turns around and looks at me like what I endure for food! But he walked to the barn like a gentleman, he could have kicked my face in! Most of the time he is a great horse, I just want us to get it together when it really counts!