Who is by the way, the sweetest guy on Earth!
Who is by the way, the sweetest guy on Earth!
Originally posted by Katie
Actually I do have plans tonight need to go shopping for more Xmas presents for the family up north. I have to buy stuff for two more people that I forgot abut.
Now I don't talk bad about you!Originally posted by Kain99
Who is by the way, the sweetest guy on Earth!
Originally posted by Katie
When are you guys getting together again? I will be more then happy to come out...I don't mind driving up to Waldorf becasue I can also hit the mall (I love to shop)
Sounds promising... If she's blind and has a chemical addiction... I'm set!Originally posted by Kain99
Whispering in Kyle's ear... Katie sounds like a real possibility! Sweet, Innocent, Blonde, VUNERABLE! Make your move man!
Originally posted by Katie
No chemical addiction and not blind..well wear glasses to work on the computer and drive.
I can cook and I have a good job..heheh
Just when things were going so well for me too!Originally posted by Katie
No chemical addiction and not blind..well wear glasses to work on the computer and drive.
I can cook and I have a good job..heheh
Originally posted by justhangn
Got a boat??
Originally posted by Kyle
Forgot that all important question! Thanks!
Originally posted by Katie
Nope...I wish...I am a diver and would be in all the time.
Originally posted by Katie
I won't I am wearing a black lace dress that is low cut. I need to buy a special bra to wear with it so the cleavage will show.
Did you get those from Tater or Pixie?Originally posted by justhangn
Not related, but funny!!
Maybe someone will wear these to Christy's.
So what yer sayin is...Originally posted by Katie
Yes I can shoot a gun...pick one..I used to sell handguns when I was in mass. Only female in the department.
I also can shoot archery. In the state of Mass. I was one of the top ranked female archers.