Passive/Aggressive & Narcissistic Boyfriends or Girlfriends?

Are you involved with a passive/aggressive and/or narcissistic person?

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girlie said:
The few responses I received have led me to conclude that you are not a supportive, friendly group. In fact, most of you sound angry, most of the time - and not just at me, at life in general. Some of your screen names even sound angry.

None of you sound like people I'd choose as friends, or confidents. And now, after looking at several archived posts, it sounds like many of you are young marrieds (not me) and have a lot fewer life experiences than I.

Maybe that's the reason for what appears to be a lack of depth in responses. I wonder what you will be saying, or feeling in another 20 or 30 years?

F**k you all, very much! :wink:

Not all of us our mean, very few of us are really mean to the bone that you allegate. With all honesty, it sounds like you have a temper and maybe that is why your bf is exhibiting a passive agressive approach to you. In all kindness, try taking a look at your behavior. For all action there is a reaction. Try modifying your actions and maybe it will help in your human relations in the future so that folks don't feel the need to be passive aggressive around you. Just food for thought. I don't mean for that to come across as mean but as helpful from what little observation I've seen transpire on this thread. BTW, we are all not old 20somethings and newly married. :lol: Keep posting and sticking around. :flowers:


curiouser and curiouser
elaine said:
Am I missing something? :confused: I read this whole thread and didn't see anything angry or unfriendly. What a nut job...probably did the exbf a favor.
:yeahthat: Probably ate too much turkey. :shrug:


Im On 1.
girlie said:
The few responses I received have led me to conclude that you are not a supportive, friendly group. In fact, most of you sound angry, most of the time - and not just at me, at life in general. Some of your screen names even sound angry.

None of you sound like people I'd choose as friends, or confidents. And now, after looking at several archived posts, it sounds like many of you are young marrieds (not me) and have a lot fewer life experiences than I.

Maybe that's the reason for what appears to be a lack of depth in responses. I wonder what you will be saying, or feeling in another 20 or 30 years?

F**k you all, very much! :wink:

wow :lmao:


New Member
girlie said:
The few responses I received have led me to conclude that you are not a supportive, friendly group. Then why did you say this?? :confused: Omigoodness, Vixen. I fear I was misunderstood. I really wasn't looking for compassion or sympathy.

girlie said:
In fact, most of you sound angry, most of the time - and not just at me, at life in general. No, we're just angry at you. :smack:

girlie said:
None of you sound like people I'd choose as friends, or confidents. Awwww....don't hate. :huggy: :flowers: And now, after looking at several archived posts, it sounds like many of you are young marrieds (not me) and have a lot fewer life experiences than I. And many of us choose not to put our personal issues on the internet. :whistle:

girlie said:
Maybe that's the reason for what appears to be a lack of depth in responses. You came to a southern MD bulletin board looking for advice on neurological disorders?? :killingme

girlie said:
I wonder what you will be saying, or feeling in another 20 or 30 years? We'll be here laughing at this post. :popcorn:

girlie said:
F**k you all, very much! :wink:What do you look like? Now that you're single, maybe we could meet for coffee?? :killingme


#1 If you are looking for support----that's not the impression I got----It sounded like to me you didn't know how to deal with this personality type HMMMMM!!! much for your supposed "experience".
#2 Everyone who has responded to YOUR request for "experience" have had "experience" with someone and probably are angered to a point----just because of the way they have been treated. Sounds to me as if you are as well!
#3 Saying "F**K you all very much" and putting a smiley face after shows your own Passive/aggressive tendencies----Considering you said thank you to me earlier as I was truly concerned for YOUR safety-----truly confirms that suspicion! You should be ashamed of your actions here----I have a feeling your looking for your "source" to feed from in this thread, the more we all reply--the bigger the pedestal is for you to stand upon.
The only reason I reply to you now--is more of a warning for others.
Get Well SOON!!!


Working for the weekend
girlie said:
The few responses I received have led me to conclude that you are not a supportive, friendly group. In fact, most of you sound angry, most of the time - and not just at me, at life in general. Some of your screen names even sound angry.

None of you sound like people I'd choose as friends, or confidents. And now, after looking at several archived posts, it sounds like many of you are young marrieds (not me) and have a lot fewer life experiences than I.

Maybe that's the reason for what appears to be a lack of depth in responses. I wonder what you will be saying, or feeling in another 20 or 30 years?

F**k you all, very much! :wink:

My, what is up with all the anger? Maybe you need to look inside yourself to see what attracted you to someone with this type of behavorial issues. Here is a start: click on the first test. Best of luck in your dating endeavors.


Set Trippin
otter said:
:roflmao: :killingme :lmao:


New Member
cattitude said:
I'll do
it for her.
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