Passive/Aggressive & Narcissistic Boyfriends or Girlfriends?

Are you involved with a passive/aggressive and/or narcissistic person?

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otter said:
:bawl: I fear by our behavior we've lost another wackadoodle..:doh:

:yikes: I said something that wounded her and sent her into an attacking/revenge mission to dayum us all to hell. :razz:

The first time I dealt with anyone in my job with this disorder, I thought for sure that he was going to reach across my desk and punch me in my face.

Me: So what you are saying is that your son-in-law use to let you see your grandchildren, but just because he is mean and vicious, he no longer allows you to? And felt the need to get a Peace Order (aka/restraining order) against you?

Him: Yes, he is just that way.

Me: But after I told you not to bother with him or the children you went to one of the children’s schools and pulled him out of class? After you signed the Peace Order Decree?

Him: :mad: How did you find out about that?

He then stood up and acted like a total ass in the office screaming about having the right to do this and it was everyone else’s fault but his.

^ not always is it this easy.

Girlie, you are the one of the many reasons I believe nothing anyone tells me anymore... :eyebrow:

BTW, my screen name is the name of my favorite 80's girl rock band.
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Staff member
PREMO Member
girlie said:
Just wondering if any of you are currently involved with, or have ever been involved with people who have one or both of these "disorders" and what your experiences are or were with these people.
I can attest to meeting a few of these wackadoodles at forum gatherings, they seem normal at first...

and then all of the sudden they turn into :jerry: material.


Sharon said:
I can attest to meeting a few of these wackadoodles at forum gatherings, they seem normal at first...

and then all of the sudden they turn into :jerry: material.

:yeahthat: And I've only met about 10 forumites!!! :roflmao:


100% Goapele Head!
aps45819 said:
Live the life you want and if you find somebody along the way that's great. If not, you're still living the life you want. If you feel you need somebody to "complete" you, you might want to work on becoming a whole person,

We can learn a lot from this cat :yay:


LexiGirl75 said:
We can learn a lot from this cat :yay:
Did you say cat?

<img src="" alt="Image hosted by">


I think you should address the fact that he feels slighted by you. Leaving was a decision only you could make, there is no right answer.
If the man is treating you in a manner that you do not like, then leave.
I firmly believe in burning no bridges. So if you could cushion his feelings and be the biggr person, then do it.
Maybe your friendship is all he needs for a while.