Pat Robertson warned Bush! (Apparently Bush didn't listen to God afterall)


Pat Robertson says he warned Bush before U.S. troops invaded Iraq that the U.S. would sustain casualties but Bush responded, "Oh, no, we're not going to have any casualties." Robertson said in an interview with CNN on Tuesday night that God had told him the war would be messy and a disaster. When he met with Bush in Tenn. before the war Bush did not listen to his advice, Robertson said, and believed Saddam was an evil tyrannt who needed to be removed. "Bush was just sitting there, like, I'm on top of the world; and I warned him about this war Robertson said. Robertson told Bush to warn and prepare the American people for casualties in Iraq. Bush responded back "Oh, no, we're not going to have any casualties."

-Boy, Bush was wrong. If God spoke through Pat why didn't Bush listen? I thought Bush said that God speaks through him? Was God playing games with Bush? :killingme Is God contradicting himself?????


UrbanPancake said:
Pat Robertson says he warned Bush before U.S. troops invaded Iraq that the U.S. would sustain casualties but Bush responded, "Oh, no, we're not going to have any casualties." Robertson said in an interview with CNN on Tuesday night that God had told him the war would be messy and a disaster. When he met with Bush in Tenn. before the war Bush did not listen to his advice, Robertson said, and believed Saddam was an evil tyrannt who needed to be removed. "Bush was just sitting there, like, I'm on top of the world; and I warned him about this war Robertson said. Robertson told Bush to warn and prepare the American people for casualties in Iraq. Bush responded back "Oh, no, we're not going to have any casualties."

-Boy, Bush was wrong. If God spoke through Pat why didn't Bush listen? I thought Bush said that God speaks through him? Was God playing games with Bush? :killingme Is God contradicting himself?????

Dear Sir/Madam,

I think it is great that you continue to prove my point as to your motives for posting here in a predominatly conservative forum. I have a few questions I would invite you to answer if you promise to stay on point.

1. Do you honestly believe a sane adult who graduated from college, was governor of a state, and elected President of the United States would believe that there would be no casualties when invading a country the size of California with over 150,000 troops that boasted the 3rd largest military force in the world?

2. Would you lend credence to a person who claimed "God spoke to him and told him what you are supposed to do"?

If you answer #2 in the affermative, I would like to tell you that God spoke to me last night and told me to tell you to vote straight ticket GOP.


Pete said:
1. Do you honestly believe a sane adult who graduated from college, was governor of a state, and elected President of the United States would believe that there would be no casualties when invading a country the size of California with over 150,000 troops that boasted the 3rd largest military force in the world?

2. Would you lend credence to a person who claimed "God spoke to him and told him what you are supposed to do"?
1. When Bush graduated from Harvard he had a C average, and I believe I also heard he was a drunk who tried coke...... so his judgment may be impaired. For the rest of the answer see #2.

2. I believe it was in this forum that I read that Bush believes that God speaks through him! So the answer to your question would be no!!! I don't think Bush is sane. :lmao:
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Just because you think this forum is mostly pro GOP doesn't meant there isn't any Democrats who frequent this site. I have received many emails from pro Kerry Southern Marylanders who support my effort's in bringing you GOP'ers a run for your money. So there. :duel:


UrbanPancake said:
Pete said:
1. Do you honestly believe a sane adult who graduated from college, was governor of a state, and elected President of the United States would believe that there would be no casualties when invading a country the size of California with over 150,000 troops that boasted the 3rd largest military force in the world?

2. Would you lend credence to a person who claimed "God spoke to him and told him what you are supposed to do"?
1. When Bush graduated from Harvard he had a C average, and I believe I also heard he was a drunk who tried coke...... so his judgment may be impaired. For the rest of the answer see #2.

2. I believe it was in this forum that I read that Bush believes that God speaks through him! So the answer to your question would be no!!! I don't think Bush is sane. :lmao:
Dear Sir/Madam,

After analyzing your posts up to and including the answers you attempted to offer for the questions I posed I believe I have drawn a reasonable and logical opinion about you. Since you put so much faith in college grades as you stated in your answer to question #1 I will inform you that I graduated from a 4 year accredited University with high honors and a 3.82 GPA so you should have full faith in my judgment.

Sir/madam I believe you to be too stupid to be even a democrat.

I know many democrats and I like them and even respect them. They are reasonable people who are able to see logic and support their points. You shame them with what you put forth in the name of the Democratic Party. You and people like you are what has destroyed your party. Please keep up the good work ! :yay:

Please do not harbor ill will towards me for simply pointing out the obvious fact you are suffering from a serious mental defect. You made a compelling case for it all on your own. You would not hold ill will against the physician who diagnosed you with mental retardation and not the retardation itself now would you?
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UrbanPancake said:
Just because you think this forum is mostly pro GOP doesn't meant there isn't any Democrats who frequent this site. I have received many emails from pro Kerry Southern Marylanders who support my effort's in bringing you GOP'ers a run for your money. So there. :duel:
Just a reminder that standing atop a box on a sunny day and crying that it is raining does not make you a meteorologist, it makes you crazy.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pat Robertson can say anything he wants - doesn't make it true. I think Colin Powell knows a little bit more about foreign affairs than Pat Robertson.



vraiblonde said:
Pat Robertson can say anything he wants - doesn't make it true. I think Colin Powell knows a little bit more about foreign affairs than Pat Robertson.


But George claims God speaks through him, and wanted him to be President. If this is true why would God tell Pat that this war is a disaster? If you ask me Bush and Pat are listening to voices in their heads. They both believe God speaks through them, but God is telling them different things????? So my question to all you Bible Thumpers, How can God say one thing to Pat (Who is a firm Christian Believer), and Bush (who claims to be religious)? If they both believe that God speaks through them, then which one is wrong????? I could go kill someone and claim that God told me too. W :killingme ould you believe me??? Some of you GOP'ers might. But a sane person wouldn't. They would tell me I was hearing voices and I was crazy. It's the same thing when Bush says it, and sends our troops over to Iraq to die.


Asperger's Poster Child
UrbanPancake said:
Pat Robertson says he warned Bush before U.S. troops invaded Iraq that the U.S. would sustain casualties but Bush responded, "Oh, no, we're not going to have any casualties."
Where did you read this? I can't imagine any commander-in-chief saying something so stupid. In my view, that hatemonger Robertson wouldn't be a credible source if he said grass is green.


UrbanPancake said:
But George claims God speaks through him, and wanted him to be President. If this is true why would God tell Pat that this war is a disaster? If you ask me Bush and Pat are listening to voices in their heads. They both believe God speaks through them, but God is telling them different things????? So my question to all you Bible Thumpers, How can God say one thing to Pat (Who is a firm Christian Believer), and Bush (who claims to be religious)? If they both believe that God speaks through them, then which one is wrong????? I could go kill someone and claim that God told me too. W :killingme ould you believe me??? Some of you GOP'ers might. But a sane person wouldn't. They would tell me I was hearing voices and I was crazy. It's the same thing when Bush says it, and sends our troops over to Iraq to die.
Dear Sir/madam,

Please provide a credible source for the above highlighted text. Just because you continue to make an unsubstantiated, unqualified, claim of pure fiction like this does not make it true.


George Bush is a person who doesn't let God speak through him. He speaks for his ownself and no one else. He lets his ideology influence what he does, and then disguises it as Gods Work. For someone who believes in God you would think he would be more tolerant of human life. :angel:


Super Genius
I think it is important to compare the quotes about God from Bush and Robertson.

Bush - "I trust God speaks through me."
Robertson - "I mean, the Lord told me it was going to be A, a disaster, and B, messy."

IMO, there is a big difference in those quotes. Bush believes he is guided by God, Robertson is hearing voices. So, Bush is a faithful Christian, Robertson is a nutjob akin to Miss Cleo.


UrbanPancake said:
George Bush is a person who doesn't let God speak through him. He speaks for his ownself and no one else. He lets his ideology influence what he does, and then disguises it as Gods Work. For someone who believes in God you would think he would be more tolerant of human life. :angel:
Dear Sir/Madam,

Could you take pause for a moment and pick a position and stay with it please? Nevermind


Asperger's Poster Child
Pete said:
Dear Sir/madam,

Please provide a credible source for the above highlighted text. Just because you continue to make an unsubstantiated, unqualified, claim of pure fiction like this does not make it true.
She was quoting something I posted in another thread. The first part of the phrase in red was taken from a July article in a Lancaster, Pa., paper. The second part has been quoted widely, including in the book "God and George W. Bush : A Spiritual Life."


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
But George claims God speaks through him, and wanted him to be President. If this is true why would God tell Pat that this war is a disaster? If you ask me Bush and Pat are listening to voices in their heads. They both believe God speaks through them, but God is telling them different things????? So my question to all you Bible Thumpers, How can God say one thing to Pat (Who is a firm Christian Believer), and Bush (who claims to be religious)? If they both believe that God speaks through them, then which one is wrong????? I could go kill someone and claim that God told me too. W :killingme ould you believe me??? Some of you GOP'ers might. But a sane person wouldn't. They would tell me I was hearing voices and I was crazy. It's the same thing when Bush says it, and sends our troops over to Iraq to die.
You, of no faith, are illogical and present worthless arguments. First I would like to read the transcript of the actual Bush/Robertson meeting. You are presenting hearsay which is meaningless. Second, God does not like war; God does use war for His purposes. Third, Pat Roberson would have been stoned to death as a false prophet in earlier times since some of his earlier "prophesies" did not come true.


Asperger's Poster Child
ylexot said:
Bush believes he is guided by God, Robertson is hearing voices. So, Bush is a faithful Christian, Robertson is a nutjob akin to Miss Cleo.
You're right about Robertson. I read more into Bush's statement because of his other statement about being chosen by God to be President. It seems to me to be much more than a strong faith. I see an arrogance and a lack of humility and a lack of accountability, as if he believes he is The Chosen One.


Asperger's Poster Child
Tonio said:
if he said grass is green.
I read that back and said, "Oh crap, someone might think I was referring to marijuana." I meant the kind of grass that has to be mowed.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
You're right about Robertson. I read more into Bush's statement because of his other statement about being chosen by God to be President. It seems to me to be much more than a strong faith. I see an arrogance and a lack of humility and a lack of accountability, as if he believes he is The Chosen One.
You keep coming back to this "The Chosen One" stuff. Have you not understood anything that has been written to you about Christian belief? Is replying to you a total waste of time? I hope not. I have put a lot of effort to try to answer your questions only to have the same proposition or question come up in a different post.
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I don't know why anybody would question my beliefs. I was raised catholic. I have to agree with tonio that Catholics are more liberal and I find them to be more progressive then fundamentalists.