Pat Robertson warned Bush! (Apparently Bush didn't listen to God afterall)


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
But if you don't believe in God, or you don't believe in the Bible then what you just said is Hogwash.... :killingme
Bible has that covered too.
1 Corinthians 2:13-15
13This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words.[1] 14The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned. 15The spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself is not subject to any man's judgment:


Pete said:

Turbanassflake is goiading you into a frenzy on purpose. He/she is mentally challenged and making these outragious. exaggerated posts just to make you nuts out of frustration. I contend that regardless of how lucid or clear your points are he is not even reading them. Ignore him and he will leave. As it is we are simply his entertainment. His points are too stupid to be valid or sincere.

There is a point to what I say. I value religion just as much as anyone else. But to each individual person religion means something different. Everyone has there own personal relationship with God (or whatever they believe in). What Bush does is scary. And when he claims God wanted him President, and when Pat tells him that God told him that this war is going to be a disaster, that tells me that these Guys are nuts, or that Bush cloaks himself in religious convictions to sway gullible voters. That bothers me. If our President really thinks God speaks through him then he better check himself into St. Elizabeth's, and have those voices corrected.


2ndAmendment said:
He also said:

He is also against abortion and homosexual behavior. Want those verses too?

Did you see my post on the minimum wage and its economic impact? Number don't lie. Raising the minimum wage does nothing for the recipient and hurts the rest of wage earners. It is a ploy by politicians to legally buy votes on those not smart enough to understand the economics.
He doesn't care he knows it makes you frustrated.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Pete said:

Turbanassflake is goading you into a frenzy on purpose. He/she is mentally challenged and making these outragious. exaggerated posts just to make you nuts out of frustration. I contend that regardless of how lucid or clear your points are he is not even reading them. Ignore him and he will leave. As it is we are simply his entertainment. His points are too stupid to be valid or sincere.
I suspect you are right about UP. His logic and perception are quite flawed, but you can understand that they would be based on the links he posted. On the other hand, I think Tonio is sincere even if we do not agree.


UrbanPancake said:
There is a point to what I say. I value religion just as much as anyone else. But to each individual person religion means something different. Everyone has there own personal relationship with God (or whatever they believe in). What Bush does is scary. And when he claims God wanted him President, and when Pat tells him that God told him that this war is going to be a disaster, that tells me that these Guys are nuts, or that Bush cloaks himself in religious convictions to sway gollible voters. That bothers me. If our President really thinks God speaks through him then he better check himself into St. Elizabeth's, and have those voices corrected.
Perhaps you had better move and find a new place to live them because that religious man who believed God guides him is leading your alterboy by 3-9 points depending on what poll you look at. If I were you I would be so disgusted and scared I would move to Canada where you can be secure AND have free medical and cheap drugs


As time has gone on the Bible has changed. The bible has been translated so many different times into many different languages, that what you are reading today may not be what it really said in ancient times. The catholic church also had the Bible edited to better fit the Pope's Administration. That's why I say the Bible is a good book of fiction. How could God's book have been edited? Why would God have a Bible written just to have had it with incorrect information that needed edited????


Super Genius
Tonio said:
I read more into Bush's statement because of his other statement about being chosen by God to be President. It seems to me to be much more than a strong faith. I see an arrogance and a lack of humility and a lack of accountability, as if he believes he is The Chosen One.
See, I think that if Kerry wins this election, Bush would also consider that to be the will of God. I think it is just a fundamental belief that God manipulates the world to suit God's purpose. It has nothing to do with arrogance or lack of humility. It's a belief that God chose the right person, at the right time, in the right place, for the right purpose. That person happened to be GWB. Would that be arrogance, or a belief in a devine plan that he (and all others) are a part of?


ylexot said:
See, I think that if Kerry wins this election, Bush would also consider that to be the will of God. I think it is just a fundamental belief that God manipulates the world to suit God's purpose. It has nothing to do with arrogance or lack of humility. It's a belief that God chose the right person, at the right time, in the right place, for the right purpose. That person happened to be GWB. Would that be arrogance, or a belief in a devine plan that he (and all others) are a part of?

God is so interested in American Politics. Last night God was speaking through me and telling me to vote for Kerry.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
As time has gone on the Bible has changed. The bible has been translated so many different times into many different languages, that what you are reading today may not be what it really said in ancient times. The catholic church also had the Bible edited to better fit the Pope's Administration. That's why I say the Bible is a good book of fiction. How could God's book have been edited? Why would God have a Bible written just to have had it with incorrect information that needed edited????
Further proof you are not a Christian and do not have faith in God. The 66 books of the canon in the original languages are divinely inspired; they are The Word of God. The apocryphal books are not. The New American Standard is a very accurate translation done from the earliest manuscripts available. Some other translations are good too, NIV, NKJ, some others. The King James is the "authorized" version, but it was authorized by King James not God.

God does not allow editing or changing His word.

Revelations 22:18,19
18I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. 19And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.

As you can see, any translation done with the intent of altering God's Word would be an undertaking with terrible consequences


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
See, I think that if Kerry wins this election, Bush would also consider that to be the will of God. I think it is just a fundamental belief that God manipulates the world to suit God's purpose. It has nothing to do with arrogance or lack of humility. It's a belief that God chose the right person, at the right time, in the right place, for the right purpose. That person happened to be GWB. Would that be arrogance, or a belief in a devine plan that he (and all others) are a part of?
Amen. I believe if Kerry wins we are getting what we deserve for the lack of faith the United States people have lived.


UrbanPancake said:
Are you sure your not the one who needs to move? Kerry is going to carry Maryland regardless of who wins.
Nope because it doesn't bother me as much as it evidently does you. See I don't diddle myself to a picture of W. Like you do to Kerry. My inner being is not consumed with making up, exagerrating, and bolivating about how bad Kerry is. I am secure in my ideals and morals and I support a more conservative lifestyle. I also respect others, I will try to discuss issues with them provided they are able, unlike you, but in the end respect their choices, which is why I don't frequent liberal boards and pester them with falsehoods, propaganda and pure gibberish and double speak. I will pester people like you who are just pot stirring for the fun of it. YOU on the other hand are sub-human scum who does not respect anyone else. You are not here for any other reason other than to be disrespectful and disruptive to conservatives and the President. You get your jollies off by doing it here because it is annonimous because I bet you are never taken seriously IRL, or you get your butt kicked and are easily intimidated.

With that I am just going to put you on ignore because you are truly too stupid to listen to and you are not sincere. If the rest of the guys here want to waste energy arguing with you that is their perogative. I find arguing with you akin to trying to eat jello with one chopstick, you can chase it around the plate all day and not get anywhere, then it eventually melts and runs off anyway.

P.S. I don't live in the Peoples Republic of Baltimore either.
Last edited:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
God is so interested in American Politics. Last night God was speaking through me and telling me to vote for Kerry.
If true that is great; if not it is blasphemy.


You are wrong. Many ancient Hebrew words have been mistranslated. A good example is the fact that everyone thinks Mary was a virgin when she had Jesus. The word that was translated in fact meant young woman. But the Catholic Church thought that making her a Virgin would be more powerful when converting people.


Super Genius
UrbanPancake said:
You are wrong. Many ancient Hebrew words have been mistranslated. A good example is the fact that everyone thinks Mary was a virgin when she had Jesus. The word that was translated in fact meant young woman. But the Catholic Church thought that making her a Virgin would be more powerful when converting people.
Would she be a young, unwed woman? In that place/time, that would also make her either a virgin or a whore.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
You are wrong. Many ancient Hebrew words have been mistranslated. A good example is the fact that everyone thinks Mary was a virgin when she had Jesus. The word that was translated in fact meant young woman. But the Catholic Church thought that making her a Virgin would be more powerful when converting people.
Duh. The New Testament was written in Greek. Greek is a modern language as is Hebrew. Linguists of those languages are part of the translation process.

You have made an assertion, erroneous as it is, but assuming you meant Greek, please show your Greek text as opposed to the English text. I do not have mine available at this location.


2ndAmendment said:
Duh. The New Testament was written in Greek. Greek is a modern language as is Hebrew. Linguists of those languages are part of the translation process.

You have made an assertion, erroneous as it is, but assuming you meant Greek, please show your Greek text as opposed to the English text. I do not have mine available at this location.

Stop thump'en that Bible.....Your giving God a headache. :killingme


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
Stop thump'en that Bible.....Your giving God a headache. :killingme
You were called on your error and you think it is funny. I need to find that ignore link. Looking. Bye.


New Member

So, if I am not a liberal democrat, or a bible thumping conservative republican.....How do aetheists fit into this separation of church and state?
I mean, the bible had me up to the point where Jesus becomes the father, son, and holy ghost. The Quaran had me until Muhammad claims to have ascended into heaven. The Torah makes me feel guilty. I just want to vote on issues. :patriot: