UrbanPancake said:
Are you sure your not the one who needs to move? Kerry is going to carry Maryland regardless of who wins.
Nope because it doesn't bother me as much as it evidently does you. See I don't diddle myself to a picture of W. Like you do to Kerry. My inner being is not consumed with making up, exagerrating, and bolivating about how bad Kerry is. I am secure in my ideals and morals and I support a more conservative lifestyle. I also respect others, I will try to discuss issues with them provided they are able, unlike you, but in the end respect their choices, which is why I don't frequent liberal boards and pester them with falsehoods, propaganda and pure gibberish and double speak. I will pester people like you who are just pot stirring for the fun of it. YOU on the other hand are sub-human scum who does not respect anyone else. You are not here for any other reason other than to be disrespectful and disruptive to conservatives and the President. You get your jollies off by doing it here because it is annonimous because I bet you are never taken seriously IRL, or you get your butt kicked and are easily intimidated.
With that I am just going to put you on ignore because you are truly too stupid to listen to and you are not sincere. If the rest of the guys here want to waste energy arguing with you that is their perogative. I find arguing with you akin to trying to eat jello with one chopstick, you can chase it around the plate all day and not get anywhere, then it eventually melts and runs off anyway.
P.S. I don't live in the Peoples Republic of Baltimore either.