Pat Robertson warned Bush! (Apparently Bush didn't listen to God afterall)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
You keep coming back to this "The Chosen One" stuff.
I think it's great. If they keep harping on stupid inconsequential crap that they have to embellish to make it interesting or have to tell outright lies, that means Bush has no real flaws.

Keep it up, UP and Co. - you reaffirm my voting decision. :yay:


Tonio said:
You're right about Robertson. I read more into Bush's statement because of his other statement about being chosen by God to be President. It seems to me to be much more than a strong faith. I see an arrogance and a lack of humility and a lack of accountability, as if he believes he is The Chosen One.

I agree with you too. I think Bush believes he's not just one of God's children, I think he thinks he is God's second son. :killingme


Asperger's Poster Child
2ndAmendment said:
You keep coming back to this "The Chosen One" stuff. Have you not understood anything that has been written to you about Christina belief? Is replying to you a total waste of time? I hope not. I have put a lot of effort into try to answer your questions only to have the same proposition or question come up in a different post.
Look, I'm only stating my opinion and why I hold that opinion. Your answers have been very informative.

I just happen to see a difference between what Bush says and what other Christians say. When I listen to other Christians (including most of the ones on the Forum), I sense humbleness and awe when they talk about serving God. They don't claim or imply that they're more special than anyone else. They attribute their work to God's blessing. To me, it doesn't sound like they're trying to exalt themselves, but instead they're exalting God. They know that there is something greater than themselves. I don't sense any of that when I read and listen to Bush. He seems more like he's on a crusade. Again, that's just what I believe, and you can take my explanation for what it's worth.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
I don't know why anybody would question my beliefs. I was raised catholic. I have to agree with tonio that Catholics are more liberal and I find them to be more progressive then fundamentalists.
Exactly. Catholic does not equal Christian. There are Catholics that are Christians and there are Catholics that just go to mass or don't. Just because you were raised Catholic, Baptist, or Pentecostal does not make you a Christian. That you would present such an argument is a bogus as Kerry saying he was an alter boy. I was an alter boy too and I certainly was not a Christian at the time. I went to church every Sunday but I did not have a personal relationship with Christ.

A church being progressive is not a good thing. A Church should be founded in God's Word and doing God's work. Period. Nothing more and nothing less.

Matthew 23:12,13
12For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
13"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.


UrbanPancake said:
The funny thing is if God chose him to be President, then why didn't he win the popular vote????? :whip:
Because God can read and knows the Electoral college is how someone is elected? :shrug:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
The funny thing is if God chose him to be President, then why didn't he win the popular vote????? :whip:
And why do you think he did become President when so many heathens voted against him? Maybe the Electoral College is a form of divine intervention.


Super Genius
2ndAmendment said:
Exactly. Catholic does not equal Christian. There are Catholics that are Christians and there are Catholics that just go to mass or don't. Just because you were raised Catholic, Baptist, or Pentecostal does not make you a Christian. That you would present such an argument is a bogus as Kerry saying he was an alter boy. I was an alter boy too and I certainly was not a Christian at the time. I went to church every Sunday but I did not have a personal relationship with Christ.

A church being progressive is not a good thing. A Church should be founded in God's Word and doing God's work. Period. Nothing more and nothing less.
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to 2ndAmendment again."

Sorry, can't give you my piddly little 14 power points...


Pete said:
Because God can read and knows the Electoral college is how someone is elected? :shrug:

But why would God take away the choice that people have? You Bible Thumpers claim that God gives people the choices? So why would he take away our choice to elect our President? Why would he care? He's God, he doesn't like Americans over any other nationality. Why would he??????? God has other things to worry about. Like when the Last Days arrive...... :lol:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
Look, I'm only stating my opinion and why I hold that opinion. Your answers have been very informative.

I just happen to see a difference between what Bush says and what other Christians say. When I listen to other Christians (including most of the ones on the Forum), I sense humbleness and awe when they talk about serving God. They don't claim or imply that they're more special than anyone else. They attribute their work to God's blessing. To me, it doesn't sound like they're trying to exalt themselves, but instead they're exalting God. They know that there is something greater than themselves. I don't sense any of that when I read and listen to Bush. He seems more like he's on a crusade. Again, that's just what I believe, and you can take my explanation for what it's worth.

OK. I don't hear Bush the way you do; I have been trying to point out what I hear as a Christian and not as a political observer. If Kerry and Bush had reversed positions, I would be voting for Kerry. I try to "vote the rock". I look at the candidates positions as compared to God's positions on the same subjects in the Bible and vote for the candidate that most closely holds those positions not just in words but in deeds.


I believe if Jesus was alive today, he would be more liberal than conservative. He supported Human Rights...he preached to the poor and down trodden (in todays world they would be the people who don't have insurance, and someplace decent to live, and they make minimum wages). Jesus sided with the poor over the rich elitist. (The Romans, and Jewish Elite)


UrbanPancake said:
But why would God take away the choice that people have? You Bible Thumpers claim that God gives people the choices? So why would he take away our choice to elect our President? Why would he care? He's God, he doesn't like Americans over any other nationality. Why would he??????? God has other things to worry about. Like when the Last Days arrive...... :lol:
I am simply answering your question about the popular vote. I am not saying God did anything.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
But why would God take away the choice that people have? You Bible Thumpers claim that God gives people the choices? So why would he take away our choice to elect our President? Why would he care? He's God, he doesn't like Americans over any other nationality. Why would he??????? God has other things to worry about. Like when the Last Days arrive...... :lol:
What don't you understand about:
Romans 13:1,2
1Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.



Turbanassflake is goading you into a frenzy on purpose. He/she is mentally challenged and making these outragious. exaggerated posts just to make you nuts out of frustration. I contend that regardless of how lucid or clear your points are he is not even reading them. Ignore him and he will leave. As it is we are simply his entertainment. His points are too stupid to be valid or sincere.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
I believe if Jesus was alive today, he would be more liberal than conservative. He supported Human Rights...he preached to the poor and down trodden (in todays world they would be the people who don't have insurance, and someplace decent to live, and they make minimum wages). Jesus sided with the poor over the rich elitist. (The Romans, and Jewish Elite)

He also said:
Mark 14
7The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have me.
He is also against abortion and homosexual behavior. Want those verses too?

Did you see my post on the minimum wage and its economic impact? Number don't lie. Raising the minimum wage does nothing for the recipient and hurts the rest of wage earners. It is a ploy by politicians to legally buy votes on those not smart enough to understand the economics.


Asperger's Poster Child
UrbanPancake said:
I believe if Jesus was alive today, he would be more liberal than conservative. He supported Human Rights...he preached to the poor and down trodden (in todays world they would be the people who don't have insurance, and someplace decent to live, and they make minimum wages). Jesus sided with the poor over the rich elitist. (The Romans, and Jewish Elite)
I think it's a mistake to claim that Jesus would support this cause or that if he were alive today. It seems disrespectful. I think it's like an advertiser claiming that the Ford is God's favorite car or something.