Patriots record is about to be......

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Eagle... mystifies me. McNabb and Westbrook have been doing this for years now with virtually no other skill people, are always competitive on both sides of the ball, make the playoffs regularly, made four straight title games, went to a Superbowl and you want your qb and coach gone?

I'm sorry folks, if you look at the Superbowl winners the last, what 5-8 years, you're just not that good, yet you're close. At the end of the season, the solid teams with the most talent usually win it all.


I know nothing mystifies me. McNabb and Westbrook have been doing this for years now with virtually no other skill people, are always competitive on both sides of the ball, make the playoffs regularly, made four straight title games, went to a Superbowl and you want your qb and coach gone?

I'm sorry folks, if you look at the Superbowl winners the last, what 5-8 years, you're just not that good, yet you're close. At the end of the season, the solid teams with the most talent usually win it all.

Maybe you need to look at Mcnabb a little more closely.

HE CANT THROW!!!! Yes he has an accurate long ball. But when was the last time his recievers been that open to use it.

His short passing sucks. Its either in the ground or over a persons head. Most of the time its in the ground.

A quarterbacks job is to throw the ball, accurately. He cant. McNabbs health and his thowing ability have been in question for the last couple years.

I dont want to get rid of Reid, but he needs to bench Mcnabb and put a better passer in the game.


I know nothing
You couldn't possibly be an Eagles fan and be that wishy washy (that is a Redskins fan's traits) :bonk:

Eagles fans live in denial that Andy Reid and Donovan McNabb need replaced!

I just know AJ can pull this off.....someone needs to finish the break on McNabb's ankle to ensure that :lol:

I sound more like an eagles fan then you do. A true eagles fan accepts the fact that they wont make the playoffs this year. Especially with McNabb in the game. Hell Look at last year. The eagles season was slipping away, McNabb gets hurt, and Garcia comes in and wins 5 straight, taking the team to the playoffs. They had no change last year With Mcnabb. And they have no chance this year.

Unlike Redskins fans, I know we have a bad team and dont over analyze ever game and every player and every moment they are on the field. Woulda-coulda-shoulda..... The Skins are inconsistant just like the eagles. You never know what team is going to show up to play.

Reid is fine. Mcnabb needs to be pulled every once in a while. Bad play after bad play and he is still on the field. If it wasnt for him getting hurt, they would have lost to Miami.

My team is NO,but Eagles are my second fav team! I can not stand the pats... I am hoping the eagles kick some butt!!!
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Larry Gude

Strung Out

that would last about one season. The hype would wear off and you would see the real Mcnabb.

Stats dont mean she-at when you dont win games!

...the Eagles have won a bunch of games with him!

Hey, what do I care? He's your qb, so, you would follow him closer than I. All I know is the playoff games, the Superbowl and his games against us. I've seen a dangerous qb who makes plays and has very little help.
